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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 3 Oct 2004 07:12:12 -0500
text/plain (87 lines)
Well then Ben did the best he could in the situation. No matter what
happens, you are right, God will see you through, but I'd not concern
yourself with the what ifs.


Rhonda wrote:
>Ben did call in about twice a week, but got the message system, after
>leaving messages and numbers where he could be reached, we would wait for a
>return call which we never received, until  two weeks before he returned!
>this call was just to say that the lack of cunnication was not appreciated,
>mostly a gripe call! never mind, that as far as I now communication is a two
>I can understand how difficult it must be, hiring a new person thinking he
>will fill a needed spot in your office only to have him take ill after only
>a month! I guess I had hoped for a more positive response, after makingan
>attempt to explain the situation, which was not heard, Ben feels uncertain
>about his future there!
>this may only be a temporary thing, only time will tell! but it is
>impossible to "communicate" if others will not listen, or allow conversation
>to be a two way thing.
>Praying for God to show Ben what to do, how to best respond, I guess there
>are  hurt or maybe even angry feelings on both sides!
>It is my tendency to worry! to think "what if this job doesn't work and we
>have to move again? well even if that happens, we will be ok, I tell myself,
>and there is really no positive result that can come from worrying!so that
>is what is ahppening!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "BD" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2004 11:58 AM
>Subject: Re: bad response!
> > Rhonda,
> >
> > Sorry to hear of the  ill feelings between Ben's boss and him. You know,
> > sometimes people have a hard time putting themselves in other's shoes, in
> > this case literally with respect to the steel toed shoes. Regarding the
> > over all situation I'd assume the same. Justly so, and I'm not suggesting
> > he is but a thought provoker, is that Ben perhaps might consider not
> > returning the same mentality or perspective as his boss, that being of
> > looking at the situation only from his own shoes, but rather considering
> > those of his boss. Even if his bosses shoes were not correct, considering
> > where he is coming from, and the source of those responses Ben received
> > help a great deal in understanding and forgiving, and getting past the
> > event without letting it be a thorn to nag the future. I could imagine a
> > boss, having a new man on the team, having that man take ill after a short
> > time being at the company, being a bit apprehensive of where that person
> > sat as far as team player, work ethics and etc. Over the years of hiring
> > many employees, I've found it generally takes anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks
> > for true colors to show in an employee. A period of time before they feel
> > they do not have to put up the "good guy" front and settle in to their
> > personality. We all do this, even when we were dating, we wanted to
> > the other so we were on our best behavior and then settle down to a
> > comfortable position. Anyway, I wonder if this boss was wanting  to see
> > call in to keep tabs on how the company was doing, how things were, if
> > there was any input he could give from home which didn't require him to be
> > there. Whether or not Ben actually could for his consideration is not
> > pertinent and whether or not his boss should have instructed and not
> > assumed he'd call in, is also not pertinent to how each feel in
> > Perhaps a sit down and say, "Hey, I didn't know you wanted me to call in,
> > and I was a bit preoccupied with my health. Sorry about that, I really
> > enjoy working here and do have interest in the company.". And perhaps the
> > boss would return in kind saying "Well, I understand, I wished you'd have
> > called in and let us know how you were doing, and I should have let you
> > know that  is what I was expecting too." Perhaps that is fantasy drama,
> > wouldn't that be a nice outcome?
> >
> > Brad
> >


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