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Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 11 Aug 2005 13:46:40 -0500
text/plain (74 lines)
Thank you Karen, That was so beautiful.

Thank you to everyone of you who have been praying and who replied to my email.

You are all loving! <squeeze>

God Bless you all.

Love and Blessings,
Pat Ferguson

At 12:05 PM 8/11/05, you wrote:
>Father in Heaven thank you for loving Loving Pat.  We know you will gird
>her up and keep her strong against anything the devil may try to throw at
>her.  Also Lord touch those renters hearts  so that they are honorable and
>pay their rent on time or even early. If there is a financial problem for
>them thank you that you are going to fix it now.  Thank you Lord that you
>are the CEO of Vern and Pat's business and we know you will make it
>prosper for your glory.  Thank you for being in the fall plans for the
>company that will be visiting.  Thank you for loving each and every person
>that will be at the school reunion this weekend place your angels areound
>each and everyone of them.  Lord we know you love Vernon and died just for
>him.  Thank you for changing his heart and woowing him to salvation. And
>thank you that you love Pat and know the plans you have for her thank you
>for letting her know distinctly what you would have her to do. thank you
>for being the head of these situations and taking care of them all.  In
>Your Precious Name we pray Amen
>Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
>Karen Carter '74
> > Dear Loving EChurch Family,
> >
> > I have a few prayer requests, please.
> >
> > Satan is trying to put lies into my head about some things. I don't like
> > it. It really is the work of the devil trying to get me to give in to his
> > ways, and I'm not going to do that.
> >
> > Please pray that our renters pay their rent which is due today. They have
> > been late almost every month since they've been living in Dad's house.
> > Also, please pray for them as a couple. Sunday night, the fight that I
> > heard, was absolutely horrible. I pray that Vernon and I never fight like
> > that. We use to, though, and it was horrible.
> >
> > Please pray about some money issues with us, as they are not good. Business
> > is very slow.
> >
> > We are having company this fall, and please pray that everything goes as
> > God plans it to, and that we do everything according to God's will, and
> > that we follow the leading of The Holy Spirit.
> >
> > Please pray for those who are attending the OSB Reunion this weekend that
> > all goes well, and that The Lord works in wonderful ways. We've been
> > praying for a revival at the Reunion.
> >
> > I know that God has some plans for me, but I'm not sure what they are.
> >
> > Last, but not least, please pray for Vernon's salvation. This is very
> > important to me, and to The Lord.
> >
> > Thanks so much for always being here for me.
> >
> > I'm always praying for all of you, even when I don't write.
> >
> > God Bless you all.
> >
> > Love and Blessings,
> > Pat Ferguson