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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Vicki and The Rors <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 21 Dec 2004 18:10:05 -0700
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (269 lines)

No.  He is a young man they led to the Lord.  He is like their son, only not
biologically theirs.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathy Du Bois" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Spain and Billy

> Vicki,
> Thank you for this.  It is precious to me.  Is Javier their son?
> Kathy
> At 10:43 PM 12/20/2004, you wrote:
> >This is kind of long.  These folks were missionaries in Spain until they
> >returned for a sabitical when Billy had cancer.  They rested here for a
> >or so while he got back to health.  Then they planned to return were
> >prevented by visa messups, etc.  I share this so you will pray for them.
> >They really know what it is like to have a one on one relationship with
> >Lord that is full of life and vitality.
> >
> >Vicki
> >
> >
> >Subject:
> >  Spain and Billy
> >To our beloved Family of co-laborers:
> >It has been a few weeks, and so very much has happened in these weeks,
> >the greatest
> >thing of all is our Father's constant love and faithfulness!
> >It has been silent concerning the visas.  We should have had word about
> >three weeks
> >ago, HOWEVER we know that they are safe in the Lord's hands and that they
> >will be
> >released at the perfect time.
> >It seemed to be the perfect time just a few weeks ago.  We had an amazing
> >answer
> >to prayer concerning our needs for Spain.  It was a Tuesday morning, and
> >had received
> >notification to go to the post office because we had a registered letter
> >waiting
> >for us.
> >We had no real idea of what it could be, but it was a most incredible
> >for the
> >work in Spain, a $10,000.00 offering for our vehicle purchase in Spain!!
> >both
> >set in the car at the post office and wept.  I just kept thanking Jesus
> >I wouldn't
> >have to walk anymore, and Billy kept thanking Him for how much it would
> >increase
> >the ministry.
> >This is the first time in all of these years that everything was so in
> >before
> >departure.  Funds for airline tickets, apartment deposit, and now a
> >Such
> >an amazing, amazing blessing.  We still are in awe!
> >Two hours after we received the offering, we received a phone call that
> >MRI that
> >Billy had done for his hip looked like cancer...
> >So many emotions in just one day!  But GOD!!  Our Father who constantly
> >carries us
> >and is our strength once again and always showed His name as FAITHFUL.
> >very faithful!
> >The Dr. that was handling everything actually called us from Dallas.  He
> >there
> >because his Father had been in a very serious car accident.  He referred
> >everything
> >to Billy's former Oncologist for further testing and diagnosis.  Who it
> >turned out
> >was also out of town.  So this delayed testing/biopsies for another week.
> >They eventually
> >did a bone biopsy and lymph gland biopsy.
> >The Dr.'s report was finally given.  The diagnosis is Lymphoma that has
> >progressed
> >into the femur, resulting in a femur that is extremely fragile and in
> >of breaking.
> >We have yet to have a complete plan of treatment from the Dr.'s.
> >Their biggest concern is to address the femur first.  They want to do it
> >with Radiation.
> >We are suppose to meet with that Dr. this Wed. for consult.  We are in
> >prayer to
> >say the least!
> >Now that we have given you the Dr.'s report, let me give you the report
> >we BELIEVE!
> >The day that the Dr. called with the MRI result, I was talking with Billy
> >and the
> >Holy Spirit dropped these words in my spirit and I just spoke them and
> >realized it
> >was a declaration from the LORD.
> >"The first time the enemy was defeated, this time he will be broken,
> >to return
> >again!"
> >Immediately this was burned in my spirit and over the next few days, the
> >Lord clarified
> >this word and gave us another word as well in II Chronicles 20.
> >It is when Jehosaphat is seeking God before battle.  A battle in which he
> >knew the
> >enemy was mighty against them.  In this word Jehosaphat is directed of
> >Lord to
> >take his position and stand, that the battle is the Lords!!  When they
> >marched to
> >the battle field the enemy was found to be dead and totally destroyed.
> >would
> >never fight that enemy again!
> >The Lord showed us that our position to take was that of praise and
> >Then one night, Billy and I had gone to bed and had just finished praying
> >with each
> >other.  Billy being of the male gender fell instantly asleep.  But just
as I
> >closed
> >my eyes I saw a picture from the movie the Passion.  I saw where Jesus
> >stomped on
> >the serpents head.  It was so clear and so strong that I knew the Lord
> >wanted to
> >speak to me, so I got up and listened as I sought His heart.
> >He immediately led me to the scripture in Genesis where the Seed bruises
> >head
> >of the serpent.  The word bruise there in Hebrew means broken!  He then
> >me to
> >Romans 16:19-20;
> >For your obedience has become known to all.  Therefore I am glad on your
> >behalf;
> >but I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple (innocent)
> >evil.
> >And the God of peace will crush satan under your feet shortly.  The grace
> >our
> >Lord Jesus Christ be with you.  Amen
> >The word "crush" in the Greek means to completely shatter, to break into
> >pieces,
> >to splinter.
> >The word "amen" as you know means so be it, but it also means
> >referring
> >to God's faithfulness.
> >In all of this I asked of the Lord why were we even in this battle again,
> >for the
> >enemy had been defeated the first time and the healing was manifest.
> >This is the amazing revelation that he has given!  He told me that we
> >believers are
> >in a War and that in a war there are many battles.  Sometimes you can
> >the
> >enemy in a battle and he will never return to that specific battle again,
> >but just
> >move on to the next battle.
> >Then there are times when the enemy is defeated, he leaves and licks his
> >wounds and
> >gathers and even greater horde of demons to return and fight the previous
> >battle
> >that he had lost.
> >That it is necessary in our battles that we do not just seek the enemies
> >defeat,
> >but that we seek God to crush him and totally destroy him that he will
> >be able
> >to return to that battleground again!
> >God reminded me of in the Old Testament how when He sent His children
> >battle
> >it was to totally wipe out the enemy to even wipe out their seed and even
> >their cattle.
> >So that the evil was abolished and that they too would never fight that
> >enemy again.
> >This has been an AMAZING REVELATION for Billy and I !!!!!
> >God has also spoken to us to not give up, but to stand firm on what His
> >promises
> >are to us.  To not look at the circumstances, but to look beyond to what
> >has given
> >us to do.  That His work will continue through us in spite of the
> >block
> >currently in the road.  To TRUST HIM.  That this adversity will draw us
> >closer to
> >Him.  That is necessary to take us to the next level needed for the work
> >ahead.
> >That we are to Praise Him and know that this has all been sifted through
> >hands
> >first!
> >We are Praising and Praying constantly.  We have had a praise service
> >at the
> >house and this last Saturday we had a group of intercessors come and just
> >soak Billy
> >in the Word.
> >Our heats cry above all is that our Father be glorified!!  Billy keeps
> >singing "My
> >Deliverer is Coming".
> >We do not know how the healing will come, we just know that it is ours!
> >pray
> >of course for a short work.  We pray that the visas and the healing will
> >released
> >together!!
> >We remain faithful to the call, because He is faithful who called us!!!
> >shall
> >accomplish His mighty work in Spain and wherever we are we will declare
> >Goodness
> >and His Mighty Power to Save!
> >In the midst of these things, the news on Javier is not good.  We had
> >that
> >he had left the Bible School and was back into drugs two weeks ago.  It
> >broken
> >our hearts, but firmed up our determination to see the Bridge
> >This
> >has actually been harder for Billy than the returned battle.
> >Javier called Billy on his birthday.  He does not know about the battle
> >are in
> >again.  Billy did all that he could to convince Javier to go to a Rehab
> >Center.
> >Billy told him that he would make arrangements for him and that Javier
> >to call
> >him back in two days.  Billy made the arrangements, but Javier has not
> >called.  Daily
> >we are praying for God's protection over him and his deliverance.  Keep
> >praying!
> >God is moving on Javier's behalf!
> >Well, precious and faithful ones, thank you for standing firm in Him, and
> >for standing
> >firm with us for the report that we all believe, "Billy has been healed
> >the stripes
> >of our Lord Jesus Christ!"  God will be glorified in Spain and the Bridge
> >will be
> >established in His Name and for those whom He loves so dearly to be free
> >Him!
> >All of our love extended and we truly celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ
> >our Savior!
> >All for the KING!
> >Billy and Susie