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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 30 Jan 2005 13:10:51 EST
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Here is the Las Vegas Summary

Most said the buffet's were good to eat at if you ask questions and ask to
speak to the Chef's(most are very friendly and helpful) a few were
understandably against the buffet's. The biggest suggestion was P.F. Chang's at  the
Aladdin. My wife and I are looking forward to the trip and it looks like  there
will not be a shortage of food.

Thanks to everyone who provided suggestions!

Places to eat:

P.F. Chang's at the Aladdin
Hagen Daz (they have a notebook that has all the ingredients to check  before
Olives resturant at the Balagio (call early for reservations)
Belagio Cafe by the Aboretum at the Balagio Hotel Casino

Monte Carlo
Treasure Island


Actual emails:

Try going to www.goodhealthpublishing.com for a list of 59  national/regional
restaurants and their lists of gluten/wheat free items.  There's also a
gluten free dining card that can be presented to restaurant  personnel to
ease the ordering process.
I am the celiac and my husband and I went to Las Vegas last month. We  stayed
at the Mirage and ate at their buffet. When we were seated we asked our
waiter if we could talk to a chef and this was at dinnertime. She told me to go
and look at what I wanted to eat and when the chef came I could tell him the
items I was interesting in eating. Two chefs came out and we went over my
selections and I had a very good dinner. We also ate at Bellagio for breakfast
buffet and asked again to speak to a chef and the executive chef was a woman who
 understood the gluten free diet very well. You can have an omlet made with
the  ingredients you want and just tell the person cooking you want fresh eggs.
  One night we walked over to the Aladdin and went to PF Chang's which is in
the  hotel and they have a gluten free menu and all of the employees know
about the  GF menu. The food was excellent and my husband thought very reasonable.
We had  our car so we also ate at the Outback Steak House which also has a GF
menu too.  I had brought some GF donuts with me and one morning we just
stopped at a coffee  shop in the Mirage and had only coffee and donuts. I think any
buffet you go to  you can ask for help from their chef and it better to do it
in person than to  e-mail them ahead like I did and was told they couldn't
help me. The chef in the  Mirage asked me a lot of questions about Celiac
disease and said he wanted to  learn more. Hope this helps.
There is a PF Chang's at the Aladdin Hotel.  They are supposed to be
friendly to Celiacs.
Our 11 year old daughter is Celiac.  We have been to Las Vegas 2 times  with
her, once to see Celine Dion, after being gluten-free for 1 year.   We have
always stayed at the Monte Carlo.  Nice rooms, nice casino and  a few places
to get things for Lindsey to eat.  They have a McDonalds  and she loves their
fries.  There is also a Hagen Daz there and they  have a notebook that has
all the ingredients to check before ordering.   Just ask to see the
ingredients listing.  We also eat at the buffet  there and have had very good
luck.  The chef's there are really  nice.  They would make her a grilled
chicken breast that was  delicious.  The mashed potatoes were fresh and not
instant.  Lots  of vegetables, fruit, cold shrimp, salad.  They also have
these fruit  cups that have the cup made out of chocolate.  We checked and
they were  fine.  We would grab like 5 of them before everyone else would get
to  their desert because they went fast.  The breakfast buffet was great,
eggs, potatoes, bacon, fruit.  A good experience for us.  We also  ate at the
buffet at Treasure Island for dinner.  It was great as  well.  They had prime
rib, mashed potatoes, veggies, etc.  Lindsey  didn't get sick one time either
time that we took her.  We were very  careful.  Also in the Aladdin is a PF
Changs that offers a gluten-free  menu.  We never have a car when we go and
just take a cab to our  destination that is very inexpensive ($7-8) and walk
back.  You don't  realize how far you are walking till you head back to your
hotel. I think it  is hard to have a bad time in Vegas.  The buffet's are
good as long as  you ask questions if you don't know about something and the
chef's have  always been so good.  Most of the time we tell them that she is
allergic to wheat because some are foreign and don't understand intolerant.
I just tell them that she gets very very sick and they are just so very
helpful with info on ingredients.  The Monte Carlo buffet also has a  omelet
buffet in the morning with all kinds of fixins to add to your  eggs.  Also at
night they have a stir-fry bar, we just asked for the  chicken to be fried
with veggies and a little broth.  Once again it was  really good.
I am a 10 year celiac.  I have stayed at the Excalibur on numerous  occasions
solely because of their buffet.  They have one of the largest and  it was
extremely simple for me to eat  there.
I know you said you wanted something within walking distance, but there's a
P.F. Changs not too far from Excalibur, down the street from the Hard  Rock
hotel and they have a gluten free menu.  I've been to Vegas  many times and
eaten without problems.  I should be easy for you and your  wife to find gf food.
If you want to eat at the Olives resturant at the Balagio call them now for
a reservation. They get booked up. Depending on how much money you want to
spend  there is a very nice resturant in the Paris on the main floor that has an
indoor, outdoor place. Get on google.com and look up resturants in the Paris
Casino and call them. Excellent food and again they work with you. There is
one  have way up their Eifel Tower but very expensive. If you want to make it
special  I would call ahead for reservations. Also the Bilagio has a very nice
bar called  the Fontana which has different kinds of live music and very nice
ambiance. It  faces the fountains outside. People are always standing in line
for it so we try  to get there around 7:30. You may or may not have to wait in
line for 5 to 15  minutes for a table. They serve any liquid you want,
chocolate covered  strawberries and nuts. Again not cheap for the berries and nuts.
We do it at  least once just for something different. When we were there they
had a band and  the lead singer was from Brazil or someplace down there. She
was great. It was  about a seven piece band with violins, cello and all were
extremley versatile.  Restroom located right next to it!!
Down on the strip there is a resturant called PF Changs which serves many
different items and has a gluten free menu, at least here in my state they do.
There is also one north of the strip which I know has a GF menu but too far
for  you to walk. So this one I'm telling you about is sort of on the corner of
Paradise and Flamingo near the southern end of the strip. It's actually 2 to
3  blocks southeast of the strip on Paradise. My son said there is also one in
the  Alladin.

We've eaten in the Belagio Cafe by the Aboretum at the Balagio  Hotel Casino.
We've also eaten at the Olives resturant with no problems. They  are very
good about working with you. We've been to several resturants up and  down the
strip and have had no problems. I stay away from the buffets because of  cross
contamination although I do eat breakfast at the Belagio. I've questioned  them
and have never had a problem and I'm very sensitive as is my  daughter.

There is also ice cream that is safe in the Bilagio and Paris.  Just don't
eat the ones with cookie stuff.
Excalibar has a very nice buffet.  Of course you have to be  particular
and ask questions of the people behind the bar. I also have cut  and
pasted below a summary I had kept.

Las Vegas was a different story.  We stayed at the MGM and on my  last
visit Wolfgang Pucks was wonderful.  The day that we went the  service
was terrible.  I think they had a new server and we ended up  leaving.
There was also a lot of loafs of fresh bread stacked around that  made me
nervous.  They were coated in white flour and just stacked in  corners
where the food was prepped.  The manager was very nice and asked  us to
stay but we were on a tight schedule that day and only had a window  of
time in order for us to eat.  So, we left and from the comments  we
overheard while waiting to be served and others waiting to talk to  the
manager, I am glad we did.  This new server was really too green to  be
working at such a busy establishment right at dinner time.
We did have  a great meal at the Rain Forest Cafe there and the manager
was very  helpful.  We ate all meals either with food I had packed or
from the  snack bar by the pool.  They precook  the foods in the morning
and  everything is done separately.  We did not get sick and my son is
very  sensitive.  We had ice cream at cold stone at Excalibur.   The
manager at Coldstone got a new scooper and dished directly into a  cup.
They did this at Haagen Daaz too at the MGM.  We also had a nice  meal at
the regular cafe at the MGM that is open 24 hours.  They were  great and
I had a steak, my son had a baked potato and part of my steak and  we
ordered fresh fruit and vegetables without the seasoning.  The  waitress
was very nice and knew about celiac, so we left her a nice  tip.

They now have a Whole Foods there and they have a Trader Joes.   There
is an Outback on the strip and we were ok eating out a few meals  and
eating in the others.  I packed gf meats, cheeses and brought cereal  and
gf salad dressings.  So, I ate a lot of salad and lettuce  wraps.  My son
ate mostly fruit, cereal and burgers from the snack bar  at the pool.  We
spent a lot of time at the pool as they have a lazy  river there.

Thanks for all the input from everyone.  And sorry I  don't know much
about the Mirage.  Other than I heard their buffet is  supposed to be

P.F. Changs is at Aladdin.  Awesome!  They have a GF menu.   We ordered
breakfast from room service, eggs, etc.  We ate in the nicer  resturants, I
remember 1 at the aladin (we stayed there) was really really  good.  We also ate at
the buffet there and did pretty well.  I brought  gf cereal with me and
pretzels, and some other snacking items to  supplement.  I am the type of person that
doesn't want to ask for special  things at restaurants, so I tried to stick
with what was safest.  Most  people will be accommodating, so just ask and I am
sure they can help you  out.  You can walk everywhere, or take the tram which
if I remember  correctly leaves from Excalibur.  A lot of the hotels are
connected.   Cabs are cheap and abundant, so if it is too far, try that.  Good
luck, we  had a blast.

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