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Sun, 24 Jul 2005 20:37:13 +0000
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Sounds like the symptoms for a cataract, but I don't think that is related to celiac disease.

I understand that DH can affect the eyes and that celiacs can develop DH even years after going gluten free (if the immune agents have already collected under the skin and are triggered into blisters).  Your group member may want to get a check up from an ophthalmologist familiar with celiac and DH.

If she has not already done so, please encourage your friend to have her
thyroid function tested and her blood sugar levels tested for diabetes.

I don't know if they're related, but I'm experiencing the same thing.
Have been GF for 2 months so far.  Please let me know what you find out.

no relations...but I had that it was due to retinopathy due to bleeding
behind the retina which was caused by Vit E which is a blood thinner which I
didn't need.  She needs to go to a retinologist to be tested because right
now she is in danger of going blind.

I have T-1 diabetes, DH, CD and dry eyes.  I would attribute it to low blood
sugar(bg) in my
case, at times when I can't read clearly I know my bg is low.

Has she had her thyroid checked?  Also her blood glucose?  Problems with
either of those can affect vision.

I have the problem of seeing letters correctly all the time.  I think remaining gluten free does help.   I don't have this problem as often as I use to have.

I have had that problem, too, and I still do have if (gf 5 years), tho not as badly.  Do not know if it is connected, tho.  I have dyslexia, too, and that is a similar problem.  I was an undxed celiac from infancy and had these problems all my life.

Occasionally I am also unable to see letters well.  There are many conditions which could cause this.  Please tell your friend to see a doctor.

My situation is as follows.  I will tell you what my opthamalogist told me.  The vitreus (sp) in both my eyes is falling.  That's a very, very thin membrane in the back of the eye.  The result is that the eye sight is occasionally covered with floating debris which interfers with sight.  For me, when that happens, I am unable to see details, letters included.  Or, it could be plain old eye fatigue.  Either way, please have your friend get herself checked.

I was diagnosed 16 years ago and my eyes and vision are blurry at times.  I
went to the omptomologist and I have cataracts.  Surgery will be done in
August.  I asked him if it was caused by CD and he said no, computers old

The same thing is happening to me.  I went to an Optomolgist and he said I needed to have the new Crystal lens  which for two eyes is $5000,00. Well I went for a second opinion and I was told it is from the Celiac but that I did not nees the expensive dlens.

Hi, my son is also experiencing nystagmus as well. He
just tested negative for lyme disease and is going for
a balance test next week. There are a few articles in

My son has a strong family history of celiac (sister
and grandmother) but still has negative blood work. I
am planning on speaking with his ENT about this next
week. BTW, my son is 8 and hates any blood work!

I can't give you a medically sound statement on this subject.  However, my husband was diagnosed with celiac disease when he was in his 50's.  He has had both the eye problems you describe all his life.  Being on the gluten-free diet for 17 years has not changed these conditions.  They probably are not related to CD but it would be interesting to see if anyone has any input on the subject.

Hah, I definitely want to hear results, as I know a little short fat woman
with nystgmus or however you spell it, and I am convinced she has gluten
intolerance.  Don't know if I'll ever convince her to go GF though as she
has 2 kids and works a lot of hours, eats a lot of fast food on the run as
the floor of her car will attest.  Donna
P. S.  I am a really good guesser as to who reacts to gluten, so you can
count this woman's eye trouble as a yes, but don\t know if it would go away
or improve if she tried GF.

Before my daughter was diagnosed with celiac disease at age 8 (she's now
12), she struggled in kindergarten and first grade.  She was learning how to
read in first grade and had a VERY hard time with it.  She wasn't seeing the
letters correctly and a simple word like cat was a nightmare for her to
learn.  After struggling through 1st and 2nd grade and with the help of a
tutor we hired to work with her 3 days/week in that summer, and the summer
between 2nd & 3rd grade was spent going to Sylvan Learning Center 2 nights a
week while in the mean time we had been doctoring for her stomache problems
and she was diagnosed in the first week of July and started a gluten free
diet immediately.  We noticed a huge improvement in her ability to read and
concentrate almost immediately.  She is still working on being "caught up"
with the other kids her age with the reading but she has come a long way
prior to her GF days.  Based on our experience, I would say that they
definitely are related in some way.

I've had nystagmus since right after I got lyme disease (my celiac trigger).
Freaked me out the first time it happened, but now I'm used to it.

I see a neurologist for it, and I'm on two meds to try to control it, but it
does sneak up every once in a while...probably two times in the past 6 or 8
weeks.  That's down from the once every 2 week or so at the height of it.  I
stopped one of my meds and ended up having episodes that lasted over an hour, so
I'm back on that one.  I've gotten them down to about 10-15 minute episodes now,
from the high of 1 hour and an average of about 20-30 minutes.

I don't know if it was the lyme that kicked it off, or the celiac.  My
neurologist categorizes it under migraines for insurance purposes.  But none of
it started before the lyme.  It has gotten better since going GF in March, but
how much I can't really say yet.  Overall, everything is better (anything is
better than where I was then), but if I had to pick just my eyes it would be
hard.  It's a pain in the a**, regardless if it's once or 50 times a month.

Let me know what kind of responses you get back...I'd be interested to hear what
other people say.  Here's the link for info from Medline:

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