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Linda Walker <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Oct 2007 16:23:42 -1000
text/plain (201 lines)
Many of the soldiers being deployed are at Schofield next to where I 
live. I feel like I live on a military base here.  We rent units to 
soldiers and to private contractors who are also serving there. I 
have been dealing with their problems as they come home. I am sure I 
have talked to more of them than most American civilians. I have 
often talked to them about whether or not they are going to re enlist 
and other things. Believe me when I say these young men and women are 
coming back very distraught and destroyed and they cannot seek any 
psychological counseling without it negatively impacting their service record.

At 01:42 PM 10/29/2007, you wrote:
>Linda, I think your politics are showing.  I don't believe this fellow=
>  was a veteran of any current conflict.  The article referred to a 'brie=
>f army stint'.  I do believe the Guardian was trying to capitalize on=
>  his military service and subliminally link his military service to his=
>  crime without having to outright establish the connection--but that's=
>  typical of yellow journalism, both liberal and conservative.  PTSD may=
>  tear a mind down, but it doesn't turn whole groups of vets into cold-he=
>arted brutes.  How many vets do you know?  How many have you talked to=
>  about their experiences--or are you just repeating what you've been tol=
>d by the proponents of a particular political agenda?
>War is brutal to soldier and civilian alike, but you can't make sweeping=
>  generalizations about post-bellum behavior.  If your prediction were=
>  based in fact, we would have never recovered from the second World War.=
>   My father, who served in two conflicts, Korea and Vietnam, would have=
>  taken out his war-generated angst on his family, right?  A retired US=
>  Marine Lieutenant Colonel, he is the kindest, most gentle man I've ever=
>  known. =20
>War is supposed to be brutal, violent.  It is such an admission of failu=
>re and is testimony to the true nature of humankind.  The military is=
>  a blunt instrument--a hammer, where everything is a nail.  But nobody=
>  wants war less than the best soldier.
>Three years is harsh?  In most US states this would be conspiracy to man=
>slaughter and would have received 10-15 with parole at 7.  I highly doub=
>t that castigation from his neighbors is going to enhance his contrition.
>Kyle Cleveland
>From: Cerebral Palsy List on behalf of Linda Walker
>Sent: Mon 10/29/2007 4:20 PM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: disgusting behavior
>War brutalizes people and so get ready for a crime wave like we have
>never seen as these traumatized soldiers come home. Disgusting isn''t
>strong enough.
>At 10:08 AM 10/29/2007, you wrote:
> >*Martin Wainw=3D
> >
> >Jail for ex-soldier who urinated on dying disabled woman=3D0A=3D0A*Mart=
>in Wainw=3D
> >right=3D0ASaturday October 27, 2007=3D0AThe Guardian <http://www.guardi=
>an .co.u=3D>k/>*=3D0A=3D0AA drunken former soldier who urinated on a 
>disabled neigh=
>bour as =3D
> >she lay=3D0Adying after a fall in the street was jailed for three years=
>  yeste=3D
> >rday and=3D0Atold that he and his friends had shamed a town. Anthony=
>  Anderson=3D
> >, 27, and a=3D0Agroup of friends who filmed the humiliation of Christin=
>e Laki=3D
> >nski on a=3D0Amobile phone, have been cold-shouldered in Hartlepool and=
>  turne=3D
> >d away from=3D0Ashops and neighbours' homes.=3D0A=3D0AThey were castiga=
>ted by a j=3D
> >udge and police at a brief court hearing which=3D0Awas told that their=
>  "almos=3D
> >t unbelievable" behaviour had turned the lesson of=3D0Athe Good Samarit=
>an on =3D
> >its head. Ms Lakinski, a 50-year-old bent by a spine=3D0Adeformity and=
>  bullie=3D
> >d for most of her life, had also been covered in shaving=3D0Afoam and=
>  kicked =3D
> >to "make her wake up".=3D0A=3D0AArticle continues<http://www.guardian=
>  .co.uk/cr=3D>ime/ article/0, ,2200320, 00.html#article_ 
> continue>=3D0A------------=
>  -------=3D
> >-- ---------=3D0A------------ --------- ---------=3D0ADuring the episod=
>e in Jul=3D
> >y, which lasted almost half an hour, none of the=3D0Agroup called an=
>  ambulanc=3D
> >e to help Ms Lakinski, who had collapsed while=3D0Acarrying shopping=
>  home and=3D
> >  hit her head. Only 20 minutes later, when=3D0AAnderson, the phone-fil=
>mer Sim=3D
> >on Whitehead and several others had dressed to=3D0Ago out to a nightclu=
>b, was=3D
> >  a 999 call finally made. Paramedics were unable=3D0Ato revive Ms Laki=
>nski, b=3D
> >ut the call enabled police to trace one of the=3D0Agroup, Scott Clement=
>, whic=3D
> >h led to Anderson's arrest at a local club within=3D0Ahours.=3D0A=3D0AH=
>e admitted=3D
> >  outraging public decency and apologised through his barrister at=3D0A=
> >e crown court for actions which he said he still could not explain.=3D0=
> >e court heard that Ms Lakinski lived opposite a house in Raby Road whic=
> >Anderson shared with another man, who had been smoking cannabis and dri=
> >g=3D0Aheavily with him all afternoon. Anderson went out in shorts with=
>  a towe=3D
> >l=3D0Around his waist when he saw Ms Lakinski slumped on the pavement.=
> >ue Jacobs, prosecuting, said Anderson first kicked the helpless woman=
>  and=3D
> >=3D0Awhen she groaned but failed to move or open her eyes, fetched a=
>  bowl of=3D
> >=3D0Awater and threw it over her. "Apparently urged on by the fact that=
>  Scott=3D
> >=3D0AClement and Simon Whitehead found this amusing, you then stated=
>  that you=3D
> >=3D0Awere going to urinate on her. Simon Whitehead cleared space on his=
>  mobil=3D
> >e=3D0Aand recorded Anderson urinating all over Christine's body." One=
>  of the =3D
> >group=3D0Ashouted: 'This is YouTube material.'"=3D0A=3D0AJudge Peter=
>  Fox, the rec=3D
> >order of Middlesbrough, told Anderson he had plumbed=3D0Athe depths of=
>  degrad=3D
> >ation and brought shame on the people of Hartlepool. He=3D0Asaid: "This=
>  court=3D
> >  can do nothing to repair what you did, only pass a=3D0Asentence that=
>  is righ=3D
> >t in all the circumstances - three years imprisonment. "=3D0A=3D0AAnder=
>son, une=3D
> >mployed after brief army service, has previous convictions for=3D0Aille=
>gally =3D
> >importing cigarettes, obstructing a police officer and driving=3D0Aoffe=
> >=3D0A =3D0A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=3D0Ahttp://www.zazzle.com=
> >=3D0ATamar Mag [log in to unmask]
> >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A----- Original=
>  Message ----=3D
> >=3D0AFrom: Kendall D. Corbett <[log in to unmask]>=3D0ATo: C-PAL=
> >ERV.ICORS.ORG=3D0ASent: Monday, October 29, 2007 12:20:28 PM=3D0ASubjec=
>t: Re: s=3D
> >onocur=3D0A=3D0AKen,=3D0A=3D0AIt's worth a shot, but good luck getting=
>  insurance to=3D
> >  cover it, as it's=3D0Astill listed as "experimental."  I thought abou=
>t your =3D
> >arms when Janet's doc=3D0Afirst mentioned this.=3D0A=3D0A=3D0AOn 10/27/=
>07, ken barb=3D
> >er <[log in to unmask]> wrote:=3D0A>=3D0A> you know this might help=
>  me. that i=3D
> >s what i have going=3D0A> on from my fingers to the neck from repetitiv=
>e stre=3D
> >ss.=3D0A> of course the government is blaming mine on cp,=3D0A> but,hop=
>efully i=3D
> >'ll win this last appeal.=3D0A>=3D0A> --=3D0A> Kendall=3D0A>=3D0A> An=
>  unreasonable ma=3D
> >n (but my wife says that's redundant!)=3D0A>=3D0A> The reasonable man=
>  adapts hi=3D
> >mself to the world; the unreasonable one=3D0A> persists in trying to=
>  adapt th=3D
> >e world to himself. Therefore, all progress=3D0A> depends on the unreas=
> >  man.=3D0A>=3D0A> -George Bernard Shaw 1856-1950=3D0A=3D0A------------=
> >=3D0A=3D0ATo change your mail settings or leave the C-PALSY list, go=
>  here:=3D0A=3D
> >=3D0Ahttp://listserv.icors.org/SCRIPTS/WA-ICORS.EXE?SUBED1=3D3Dc-palsy
> >
> >-----------------------
> >
> >To change your mail settings or leave the C-PALSY list, go here:
> >
> >http://listserv.icors.org/SCRIPTS/WA-ICORS.EXE?SUBED1=3D3Dc-palsy
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