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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Feb 2006 03:39:54 +0000
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panderry mbai <[log in to unmask]>
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  I am on the verge of writting an insender to the various online papers as i am not on the list of the Gambia-L because i don't know anyone of the members personally so as to be recommended but nevertheless, i just had to support your viewpoint.
  You have touched the crux of the matter as Joe is also doing. We should not allow any selfish Gambian, be they leader of parties or supproters to de-rail our train that is carrying us to freedom. Today 
  it is NADD but even if NADD is to deviate, we shall continue with another progreesive political institution to continue our struggle for liberty and democracy.   
  We sahll not be told by any opportunist of any political persuation to apeace Darboe, Bah, Halifa, O J, Waa Juwara or any other leader for that matter who wants to use os for personal gains.
  Gambians must now understand that the politics of deception is a thing of the past and that we shall take up the struggle against all reactionaries.
  I hereby re-new my wholehearted support for the genuine patriots that wish to carry the progressive goal of NADD on their shoulders. Keep it up Halifa, O J, Waa and any others, be they from UDP or NRP, only that they should be honest to the Gambians and expose the individualists.
  We have all listened to Ousainou Darboe and Hamat Bah, these people are worst than Yahya Jammeh. 
  Their are some who don't like the tribalist aspect of Gambian politics to be expoed while they are witnessing actions being taken oon those grounds and some of the comments are blatantly and openly tribalistic. Who do they want to fool?
  Mr Sidibeh said: "On memory: how just and how democratic will the selection of a flagbearer be to the scores of thousands of suporters of lawyer Darboe should in case the exec comm chooses differently?"
  "So I agree that Halifa or Sidia is the ideal choice. But the most realistic choice I think is Ousainou Darboe, on account of the size of his power base. Strategically, I have strong doubts as to the wisdom of selecting Halifa or Sidia as flagbearer now". 
  "however with supporters of OJ is that they have no respectable argument for not selecting Ousainou Darboe". 
  "It gets even easier if you have a jumpy "jottalist" always screaming in disfavour of the contender"
  Please my brother, we cannot be manipulated anymore by halfbaked, dishonest intelectuals.
  "Would an OJ leadership not have been synonymous with reinstating the PPP?"
  I personally do not think that O J is the best candidate. O J himself do not want to be the candidate, he has his personal choice. However our motive for supporting Halifa instead of O J is not based on any prejudice but on continuity and that fact that all the others are party leaders except for Halifa. The other point is that all these people including Darboe have expressed their certisfaction with the way Halifa has been coordinating the affairs of NADD. We have to respect the Memerandum of Understanding and the multiple guidelines that had been worked out by the noble daughters and sons of the Gambia. A lot of the time just to accommodate Darboe.
  "Or can anyone contemplate Darboe accepting Waa Juwara, lacking a proven electoral constituency, to lead NADD?"
  I would remind Mr Sidibeh that Waa was an elected independent in the criminally overthrown Gambian parliament in 1994.
  Why should our leaders ask people from outside their group to come and lead them? Why are these outsiders not on the ground, stickling out their necks for the prosperity of the nation?
  How can someone who has a little bit of political expirience suggest that Dr Ebrima Samba, Lenry Peters among others come and lead a political coalision? What a joker? If our brother does not respect our leaders or the Memorandum of understanding, he can say so. He has been changing his views as the wind blows. We still remember his anti-PDOIS leadership views of the early 90's. 
  Their is no more conpromise with the waverers or detractors asking the NADD leadership to lead the Gambian youth to demonstrations nowing that at that particular juncture, the butcher of Kanilai would just slauter them as the prove came just some weeks after when he made his death threats on national television.
  The Memorandum of Understanding was worked out and approved by all the parties concerned including Darboe and Bah. The tribalists cannot swallow the honesty of Waa juwara. This man could be accused of all things but we have to remember that, the genisis of his constituency is made up of people who speak Mandingka, wolof and fulani and he gained the reputation as man of the people during his time as commisioner. We can reproach him of belonging to the wrong party then but today, he is Waa Juwara of NADD.
  You can all judge for yourselves from what Darboe and Bah are saying: 
  "According to Darboe, the MOU did not indicate that the opposition parties are to form a single party and dissolve their respective parties. He continued to say that after realizing that that was the situation, coupled with the mistrust amongst the members of the executive of NADD, he decided to resign from NADD. “I am not saying that UDP has pulled out of NADD but that I Ousainou Darboe has resigned from NADD and come to UDP". 
  I resign from NADD party but not NADD coalition. Says Darboe.
  He left Hamat Bah the fool to express on his behave thus; 
  My candidate for the presidential election is Lawyer Ousainou Darboe. 
  We have a coalition between the UDP and the NRP.
  Who is Darboe talking to? Idiots?
  "On his part Hamat NK Bah informed the audience that his  He said that politics is about numbers and that if one talks of coalition; one must add parties with smaller numbers to those with larger numbers"
  Bah further states:
  "Mr. Bah, said in the reconciliation spirit of that document, he was asking President Jammeh to pardon all political prisoners including Baba Jobe and Musa Suso".
  We all know that Baba Jobe was the very person who lead the murderous so-called 22 July movement that has been battering, intimidating and harassing Gambians untill they could'nt bear it any more and that lead to it's transfomation to the youth action group, Green boys are his brainchild. This man is jailed because of his criminal activities regarding the national treasure funds at the Central bant among other things. 
  Mr Suso, the former National Assembly member is a convicted DRUG DEALER.
  So what game is Bah playing now?
  I shall never be a hyppocrite in wishing the success. They are the enemies of the people of the gambia.
  I was one of the first to defend Darboe's right to withdraw from the NADD executive and concentrate on developing the UDP for the second phase of the transition. 
  We all know that is has been spelled out in the MOU that the coalition is going to form a trasitional government for whose task would be to rectify all destructions of the AFPRC/APFC in the past decade and that the leader shall not be allow to stand for a second term in office and cannot support any eventual candidate after the transition. So, if Darboe and Bah were sincere to the Gambian people, why then withdrawing and forming a new colition? Let us call a spade a spade. These people were never intrested in a unified opposition.
  Despite all my arguements, i still maintain that everyone deserves the right to conduct their political activity the way they feel fit and that we also have the right to expose eachother when found insincere and manipulative.
  We have all abserved that after the headway that NADD has made in transforming the Gambia into a democratic society through MOU's and the conduct of the past by-elections, Darboe and Bah are now taking us back to the age of reactionary "Fanfare politics" of mythical leaders cum semi-dictators.

Posted on Monday, February 13, 2006 (Archive on Monday, February 20, 2006)
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