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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Trisha Cummings <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 20 Aug 2004 08:32:40 -0400
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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (138 lines)
Hi Ken,

  Amber is staying here and going to Northern Virginia Community College, and Alexandra is at Christopher Newport University in Newport News. Well, Alex has always had her sights on going to college - so she worked hard to maintain a 3.5 in HS. And she was serious about what she wanted to do and picked CNU becasue of its program. 5 year with a BA and then Master's in Education. Thankfully, she won a  $4,000 a year renewable scholarship, and gets lots of grant money becasue the FEDS use her parents income - not mine ( they are both indigents part of the reason they were happy to sign her over to me) so she only has to come with 2600.00 - and she is taking out a student loan - that her paternal grandmother will pay off from a small college find she had set up for her. Amber has always taken going to college for granted - she played thru HS so she ended up with a 2.0 average - and can't get into a 4 year college or university. So its off to NOVA. Which helps becasue my parents had promised to pay for her college - but have renigned now that the bills are due - so I have the only $17,000.00 I saved up - much of her "college" money went to the school for "special needs kids" she was in was in as a tot but it was well worth it - Her Godmother has a college fund for her that will cover 1 year, then I have to either borrow against the house or cash in my 401K. Either way - its covered. But going to NOVA will make it go further. Example - yesterday we paid for Amber 1015.20 for tuition and 344.90 for books. Alexandra's was 6400.00 tution and another $400 for books. 


-----Original Message-----
From: ken barber [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 8:37 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Update on Amber and me

ben is graduating this year. the years get away don't
they. where are the girls going to college?

my son sleeps most the morning so his hard classes
(this year only 2 are not for college credit) are
scheduled for the afternoon. unfortunate for him the
SAT are not scheduled for owls. i do not think he'll
do as well as he would if it were scheduled after
lunch insead of in the morning. might keep him out of
his first choice of schools. but, before that he needs
to just settle his mind on a major. that might dictate
where he wants to go.

--- Trisha Cummings <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi,
>   I have been silent for several months due to
> getting the girls in =
> colleges, working - one part -time job went under,
> but it took 3 months =
> to happen and I got the next part time job while
> still working there - =
> so for about 6 weeks I was working 3 jobs, I had
> surprise surgery and =
> Amber's grandparental units are/where ill and
> failing. My Mom - Amber's =
> grandmother is finally getting better after a
> stroke, and surgery, it =
> was touch and go for awhile. Amber paternal
> grandfather is failing =
> badly, and its a day by day thing. While I don't
> mind the myriad of =
> things that have needed attention - it would have
> been nice if they had =
> happened consecutively and not at all the same time
> or overlapping - but =
> then that wouldn't be very realitic would it.
> On the bright side:=20
> Amber and Alexandra graduated high school on 6/14.
> Yes, I cried. When =
> she first walked out I had this memory of her in the
> isolette struggling =
> to live and there she was now walking all grown up -
> a angelic vision in =
> an all white gown and fluffy hair with the white
> motar board perched =
> atop her head. She has really long hair - past her
> waist, and it was =
> perfect that evening. Her father came!!!!!!!!! He
> was resplendent in his =
> dress blues. I will post pictures eventually. Of
> Amber - not her father. =
> Alexandra got to sing and the she was sitting
> directly in front of Amber =
> - so it was kinda together. Amber was scared to
> death she was going to =
> trip - walking across the stage but she made it!!=20
> Amber starts college - Northern Virginia Community
> College - next =
> Monday. Alexandra is being deposited at Christopher
> Newport University =
> tomorrow. Amber starting dating in the Spring and
> has a boyfriend - who =
> just left for Hawaii. If Amber stays here and
> continues at NOVA, I will =
> get her a car. She is thinking of transferring to
> Christopher Newport in =
> January. Oh, yes and now also the University of
> Hawaii. Actually, I am =
> not sure she has a good grasp on what she wants just
> right now , she is =
> being really annoyingly - a teenager at the moment.
> We had a family =
> dinner out last night - and I always wondered why
> when there is a family =
> of four one of the kids sits by mom and the other by
> dad. You would have =
> thought I had 2 eight year olds instead of 2 college
> bound young ladies. =
> They have truly become sisters - right down to the
> you are touching me - =
> Mom, she's touching me - make her move!!=20
> We didn't get to go on our Graduation Cruise - as I
> was still recooping =
> from surgery and grandparents are still to ill. She
> gets a trip to =
> Hawaii at Christmas instead. I get a week in Florida
> next month (my =
> birthday present from my best friend)  and a 4 day
> cruise in March. =
> Alexandra went to Italy for 18 days, with her
> xstepfather. She got to =
> briefly see her mom there.I started another Master's
> program - one in =
> Education - since I teach, thought it might be
> helpful.=20
> I have been watching the posts, and thinking of you.
> Lots of smiles .... =
> when I see your names pop up on the e-mail list. I
> read lots, and still =
> am reading when ever I lay down. Have been sitting
> in my yard on the =
> patio in the early morning - having coffee, reading
> and enjoying the =
> weather. Amazingly unDC weather this year - all nice
> and comfy.=20
>                    Trisha

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