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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 16 Dec 2004 19:05:47 -0600
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I'm hurt... why would you question my most sarcast.... errr... holy
interpretation? lol


At 12:56 PM 12/16/2004, you wrote:
>Phil, you aren't really serious about wanting an interpretation of that
>dream, are you?
>And Brad, surely you aren't being serious in your response?  John, I know
>you were serious about grabbing for some sin that needed to be gotten rid
>of.  And I respect each of you for the post from you, Phil, and for the
>replies from Brad and John.
>But please, let me add a little humor!  Phil, I believe that Sandy asked
>you to clean out your own upright freezer.  You were balking at her request
>and procrastinating getting the job done.  In your dream, you substituted
>the other type freezer so it would tell your mind that the dream wasn't
>really about you!  And substituting a woman for yourself, also was to serve
>that same purpose.  Here is where I agree with John about the package way
>down in the corner of the box.  That symbolized your guilt in
>procrastinating doing as Sandy had asked you to do, and your falling into
>the freezer box symbolized your fear that you may fall a lot further down,
>but not where the temperatures were of the freezing kind.
>In attempting to grab the package of your "guilt" so you could try to hide
>it, or discard it, you fell where no man dares want to go!  The taste of
>the freezer water was a sample of the taste of smoke, which tasted just as
>bad as what it!
>And that's my take on that pathetic dream!  Pathetic being your own word,
>not mine. <smile>
>Earlier, Phil Scovell wrote:
> >I had this dream recently that I would like someone to interpret for me.  I
> >was dreaming that this woman, nobody that you know of course, decided to
> >defrost her chest type freezer.  You know?  This is a freezer that the lid
> >lifts up on rather than one that opens like a door.  So, anyhow, in my
> >dream, this lady achieved defrosting her chest type freezer and as she was
> >cleaning it out, she discovered a package of something down in the corner at
> >the bottom.  Due to her limited stature, she was unable to bend over to
> >reach down inside to the bottom corner of the freezer.  She tried this
> >first, of course, but simply was unable to retrieve the item to be removed.
> >Please don't stop here and meditate on this image of a woman hanging over
> >the side of her freezer, her bottom in the air, her head lost to sight, and
> >her feet a few inches off the floor.  It could, if you thought about this
> >image too long, create fits of uncontrollable laughter and this would
> >totally detract from the seriousness of my dream's interpretation.  In my
> >dream, this woman was rather athletic, or at least she thought that she was,
> >so being a person of strong character, determination, and solid resolve, she
> >decided to sort of hook one leg over the edge so she could reach further
> >down inside the freezer to snag the package she needed to remove.  In my
> >dream, the worst happened.  This otherwise elegantly poised woman of
> >intellectual renown and socially ethical dignity, slipped and fell, head
> >first, into the empty freezer.  In my dream, fortunately, the lid did not
> >slam shut on her but the possibility was certainly there so the danger was
> >real.  Well, real in my dream, that is.  In my prophetic dream, or perhaps I
> >should say, in my pathetic, dream, the woman of great athletic ability got a
> >real taste of defrosted freezer water due to the angle of descent into the
> >cavernous chest type freezer.  Fortunately, the woman, in my dream, was
> >unharmed over all, except her pride of course, so it wasn't a nightmare I
> >had but I want your interpretation of this most unusual dream.  Does this
> >dream have any meaning for me personally?  Should I sell our upright
> >freezer?  Does freezer melted ice taste as terrible as it smells?  Does this
> >dream mean my life is on a downhill slide?  I know it was just a dream but
> >the pitiful sight of this helpless situation with the lady's feet sticking
> >out of the opened freezer and her pitiful cries for help are still quite
> >vivid in my mind.  Could this woman be a real person that I will some day be
> >called upon to lay hands upon?  Is it someone I know and must needs call and
> >giving a warning not to defrost her own freezer alone?  Oh, by the way, in
> >my dream, this woman was blind.  A very sad thing, I must admit, so I could
> >identify with her due to my own blindness but I am deeply concerned and
> >puzzled, not to mention somewhat amused, concerning the nature of this most
> >serious dream.  Please help if you can.  A woman's female dignity may depend
> >upon it.
> >
> >Phil.