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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Dec 2004 08:47:34 -0700
text/plain (125 lines)
     About two weeks ago, Jennifer, George and Vivian's only
daughter, was admitted to a hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  This was
not the first time.  Over the 23 years of Jennifer's young life,
she has been in that hospital dozens of times.  This year alone,
she has probably been to this hospital eight or ten times.  Each
stay is three to four weeks and then home again.  She is on
literally 7,000 dollars worth of medications each month.  She
generally is hooked up to an I V and often to oxygen even at home.
The doctor she had, until this week, is the same doctor who told
her parents, at age three months, that their daughter had cystic
Fibrosis.  Interestingly enough, her mom once said that she felt
the Lord had said to her, "Your daughter does not have Cystic
Fibrosis."  Yet, for 23 years, everyone has said that she has CF.

     Recently, the Lord spoke to George as he stayed in the
hospital with his daughter, "I never said Jennifer had Cystic
Fibrosis."  George said right back, "Then, Lord, what does she
have?"  Jesus said, "Health and long life."  Sounds like God to
me.  I'm going to write a book of testimonies some day called, It
Sounds Like God.

     Last Friday, George told me that he was driving the 100 miles
to their home to spend the night.  He wanted time to relax and he
needed to get their clothes washed.  I knew, but did not tell
George, that being at home alone would prove to be a very
difficult thing for him.  When he got home, he hadn't been there
very long before he called me.  He reported that he was in bed.
Not his bed but in his daughter's bed.  I have no idea why.  Well,
I do know why but I'll save that for another time.  George also
reported that he was terrified and was under the covers and
shaking like a leaf due to the fear.  I knew, as I said, he would
be attacked when he got home and so he was.  I could only talk
with him for 20 minutes because I had a pre scheduled prayer
session but I told him I would call him back in about an hour and
a half.  I Did.

     Something had totally changed in George during that 90 minute
period of time.  When I called, his voice was calm and firm and
determined and resolute.  He told me that his wife had called and
that Jennifer wanted him to come back.  Jennifer had pneumonia in
one lung.  Her fever had climbed, at times, to 103.6 and was
normally staying around 101 degrees.  She had coughed for so long
and so many days, she began coughing up blood at times.  She could
not keep any food down.  They began feeding her through her I V
tube to try and keep her strength up.  It wasn't helping.

     Once George had driven back to the Tulsa hospital, he began
explaining Biblical authority to his daughter.  George had told
me, before leaving his home, that he felt the Lord had told him
that it was time to stop praying for Jennifer and to begin
exercising His God giving authority over his family.  George
explained a lot of this to his daughter.  Then he began calling
the demons to attention who were responsible for the lies spoken
against his daughter especially, and against his family generally.
He literally said three demons appeared near where he was
standing.  Oh, really?  Yes, really.  He gave them instructions
and he watched them file out of the hospital room when he

     George and his family also changed doctors.  Another younger
doctor, who is a partner of the original doctor, is a Spirit
filled Charismatic.  He lays hands on Jennifer every time he comes
in to check on her and he prays for her when he is away from the
hospital, too.  How's that for a doctor?

     At this point, Jennifer is still in the hospital.  She is
still on the lung transplant list.  Her fever is gone, her weight
is up to 113 pounds, she keeps her food down, and she now is able
to lay flat on her back at night when sleeping.  She talks on her
cell phone to her friends and is very alert.  Oh, sure.  go right
ahead.  Tell me it was the medical treatment which brought about
the change, the weight gain, the happy spirit, and the improved
outlook on life and the reduction in fever.  That's fine.  Believe
whatever makes you feel better.  I choose to believe in the
authority of the True Lord Jesus Christ and upon what Jesus said
in His Word.  I don't have all the answers.  I don't own a
crystal ball so I cannot predict the outcome other than what Jesus
Himself told George; "She has health and long life."  This is not
what her first doctor of 23 years was saying.  In fact, the word
got back to George and his wife that one of the respiratory
workers went and told the nursing staff that Jennifer wasn't going
to make it.  That person got reported, by the way, and we bound
and cursed those words as lies.  Why?  It isn't what Jesus said to

     I could tell you much more but things seem to be happening so
rapidly, I can't keep up with everything.  Even the nursing staff
and her doctor, this is the older doctor who has been her
physician for 23 years, is amazed at the sudden turn around in
Jennifer's health.

     George told me that when he got back to the hospital, he read
to his daughter, the following verse.  Ezekiel  16:6
And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own
blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I
said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live.  Believe as you
wish but Jennifer hasn't coughed up any blood since he read this
verse to her.

     Often, over the last few months, George asked my personal
opinion of his daughter situation.  I always, regardless of my
personal thoughts on the matter, and no matter how bad she was
physically, said, "George, the only thing I know is to choose
life rather than death just like the Lord told His own children.
Deuteronomy 30:19 says, "I call heaven and earth to record this
day against you that I have set before you life and death,
blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and
thy seed may live."  I also told him to look up, and read to
Jennifer, Psalm 118:17 which he did.  "I shall not die, but live,
and declare the works of the LORD.  You have to be alive and
breathing to fulfill that promise of declaring the works of the
Lord.  Are these promises for today, you may ask?  If you have to
ask, you don't believe.  Furthermore, when it comes to authority,
Jesus said in Colossians 2:10, And you are complete in Him who is
the head of all principality and power.  So, whom will you believe
this day?  I hear someone saying, "But what if it doesn't work?"
My answer is this.  What if it does?  ""but what if she dies?"
What if she lives instead?  whose side are you on anyway?  "But
what are you going to do if she dies?"  I am going to rejoice
because she will be perfectly whole and living in Heaven with
Jesus.  I am going to do the same thing if she lives.  Rejoice,
that is, because God is true and every man is a liar, "Romans 4:3).
