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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Gary Peterson <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 23 Nov 2005 11:16:43 -0600
"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (210 lines)

Anyone here know why this message got to the list in mime format?
I've never sent anything to the list in mime and don't know how even
if I wanted to.  Could this have somthing to do with my net provider?
They had a melt-down of their hard drive on monday, and just got back
up-running yesterday.


On Wed, 23 Nov 2005, Gary Peterson wrote:

>  This message is in MIME format.  The first part should be readable text,
>  while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.
> --0-933800119-1132764892=:5023
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=X-UNKNOWN; format=flowed
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE
> On Tue, 22 Nov 2005, Magenta Raine wrote:
>> Guess what!   My dad's sending me & a helper to Maui for my big 50th
>> birthday! I'm really jazzed!
> WOW Mage how cool is that!!  So who's your lucky staff person going=20
> with you?  Someone you reeeally like I hope.
> Hey can I go?!!  With no legs, I think I could fit in one of your=20
> carry-on bags with noooo problem at all....And I'll be reeeeally quiet=20
> too!! HAHAHA
> Happy hollidays to all!!-Gary
>> "What is real but compassion, as we move from birth to death?"
>> ~~Greg Brown~~
>>> [Original Message]
>>> From: ken barber <[log in to unmask]>
>>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>> Date: 11/22/2005 1:53:44 PM
>>> Subject: Re: My water-retention problem
>>> i see a dystonia specialist and this is something that
>>> people with dystonia can do is to foll a body part to
>>> relax. i do this on a regular basis that is to fool
>>> one part to relax at least temporarily. you can't stay
>>> tense in one place to relax another one all the time,
>>> but, i do give the worse place a break for a short
>>> time.
>>> --- Jonathan Rand <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>> My feet r very tender, I think because of abnormal
>>>> stresses put on them.  It
>>>> used 2 be much worse.  When symptoms of chemical
>>>> sensitivity first started
>>>> creaping up on me, I didn=92t no what was happening.
>>>> My movements became more
>>>> normal at first.  Then I became very sleepy all the
>>>> time.  Sometimes my
>>>> movements became A LOT worse!  Neck spasms were
>>>> choaking off blood 2 my
>>>> brain, (or something like that).  Anyway, my feet
>>>> were getting soar from
>>>> walking =93wrong=94 I guess.  4 a few years, I wore
>>>> extra large shoes, & I wore
>>>> them on the wrong foot, (left on right, etc.), to
>>>> stop my feet from rubbing
>>>> on the shoes.  Getting my toenails cut was like open
>>>> heart surgery!
>>>> But after I learned how 2 control the chemical
>>>> sensitivity, my mobility
>>>> problems seemed 2 =93stabolize,=94 & walking became much
>>>> easier.  I still don=92t
>>>> / can=92t walk without shoes because my toes curl up
>>>> under my feet, & they wud
>>>> drag along the ground, (and that HURTS), but since
>>>> my doctors weren=92t really
>>>> helping, I felt I was forced 2 try stuff on my own,
>>>> & maybe I was somewhat
>>>> successful.
>>>> I still hate getting my toenails cut but it=92s a
>>>> thousand times easier now=85
>>>> I don=92t know if other people can do this=85  Maybe I=92m
>>>> weird.  But at 1 point
>>>> I found that I was able 2 relax my feet wile
>>>> walking, if I tensed up
>>>> =93something else.=94  Like my legs, (or another part of
>>>> my body).  Then my toes
>>>> didn=92t curl up, & my feet didn=92t turn in as much.
>>>> But I have ATHETOSIS as well as spasticity.  In som
>>>> cases I get to CHOOSE
>>>> between the 2.
>>>> It=92s a little complicated.  But r u able 2 relax a
>>>> part of your body 2 take
>>>> the pressure off it?  In order 2 do this, you hav2
>>>> pay a price!  Another
>>>> part of u will have to tense up.
>>>> It looks like som people with ONLY spasticity, won=92t
>>>> b able 2 do this.  But
>>>> I=92m wondering if it can be learnt.
>>>> I suspect there r many movement =93schemes=94 people can
>>>> adopt?  I only no wats
>>>> happening 2 me=85.  (& wat it LOOKS like I=92m seeing in
>>>> others).  I cud be very
>>>> off on this but I wanted 2 try 2 help, anyway.  :)
>>>>                   Jonathan
>>>>> From: Rayna <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>> Reply-To: "St. John's University Cerebral Palsy
>>>> List"
>>>>> <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>>>> Subject: My water-retention problem
>>>>> Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 13:47:52 +0800
>>>>> Had my appointment with my GP on Thursday morning.
>>>> She took one look at
>>>>> my feet, prodded them a bit with her fingers, and
>>>> got an expression of
>>>>> `oh, this really isn't good', on her face.  A bit
>>>> unnerving, as my feet
>>>>> weren't nearly as swollen as they have been in the
>>>> evenings.
>>>>> She tested my BP - fine, took three vials of blood
>>>> - sticking needles
>>>>> into me is such a distressing situation for both of
>>>> us (I have a
>>>>> tendency to swear like a sailor in those
>>>> situations, really cannot bear
>>>>> invasive medical treatments, have had a few too
>>>> many), that she figured
>>>>> she may as well test for as much as possible while
>>>> she was there.  Went
>>>>> over other possible reasons for the water
>>>> retention, agreed that lack of
>>>>> excercise hasn't helped, but will get better now
>>>> the weather is good,
>>>>> she doesn't think that my salt intake is a cause or
>>>> a problem -
>>>>> something about living in a warm climate, didn't
>>>> pay much attention.
>>>>> So she gave me a script for diuretics, and wants to
>>>> see me in a week.
>>>>> The diuretics do seem to be working - my feet are
>>>> less swollen than they
>>>>> were in the evenings, but still too swollen, wish
>>>> they would work faster.
>>>>> It seems that I have weird little toes, they both
>>>> turn under my  feet -
>>>>> always have, and I thought that  was normal,
>>>> apparently not - and in the
>>>>> last few weeks that has meant that I've essentially
>>>> been walking on my
>>>>> toenails.  That explains the excruciating pain when
>>>> I walk.  May have to
>>>>> go to a podiatrist - the thought makes me
>>>> physically ill.  I cannot bear
>>>>> people fiddling with my feet - or even touching
>>>> them.  I've spoken to a
>>>>> few others with CP in the last couple of years who
>>>> also have this
>>>>> difficulty.  Does anyone else have problems with
>>>> this, or have any ideas
>>>>> as to the cause - physical or psychological?
>>>>> Rayna
>>>>> --
>>>>> Email: [log in to unmask]
>>>>> http://www.livejournal.com/users/bookgirlwa/
>>>>> Yahoo Messenger: bookgirlwa
>>>>> IM: bookgirlwa
>>>>> ICQ: 205888629
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> --0-933800119-1132764892=:5023--