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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Valerie WELLS <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Dec 2004 16:31:34 -0800
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Valerie WELLS <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I recieved several encouraging responses the gist of which is that quite a
few have been taking red yeast extract w/o side effects.  I also received
some helpful recommendations for lowering cholesterol and some excellent
questions. The specifics are below in no particular order. [As usual, my
obnoxious comments in brackets.]

I've one who holds the opinion that most people worry too much about
cholesterol.  According to a growing number of physicians, the only ones who
should worry about cholesterol & triglycerides are those with extremely high
levels (around 400) as seen in familial hyperlipidemia.  Check out "The
Cholesterol Myths" by Uffe Ravenskoff.
~Valerie in Tacoma
Are you talking about Red Star Nutritional Yeast?

[No, two different products.  Sorry for the confusion.  I'm not talking
about food grade yeast.  I'm talking about a pharmacy grade, naturopathic
medication that is used to treat high cholesterol.]
I lowered my cholesterol from 224 to 189 by eating Silver Palate oatmeal and
quinoa for breakfast everyday.  Can he tolerate oatmeal?  If yes,it's worth
a try???  I also eat meat (mostly ground turkey) and veggies with it.
I have familial hypercholesterolemia too.  Was on Mevacor from 88-99.  My
cholesterol continued to creep up.   I really wasn't alarmed since I'd had
many echo cardiograms, several Thallium Scans and an arteriogram during that
period and all were negative for arterial plaque.  Then I was switched to
Zocor by the VA.  The cholesterol went up even faster.  This past June I
stopped almost all my meds because I was having an adverse reaction to a
Calcium Channel Blocker.  I saw a new Dr.  I explained that my great aunt &
her son, my brother and my oldest son all had very high Triglycerides she
put me on Tricor (fenofibrate) 160mg per day.  It brought the triglycerides
down dramatically in a month but didn't do much for the other cholesterol.
Said that was common in people with familial hypercholesterolemia.  She
added 20mg of Zocor (simvastatin) per day and all the numbers fell.  That
month the numbers fell to near normal.
. . . I, too, have a familial cholesterol problem and I have tried the
dieting, etc, but nothing keeps my cholesterol below 250 now.  My HDL/LDL
ratio has gotten better than normal tho due to dieting.  My mom and brother
are the same re total cholesterol and my mom has tried Lipitor and many of
the other drugs but cannot tolerate them. . . Hope your husband does well,
My husband also has familial hypercholesterolemia and has had success with
red yeast rice. It is the same ingredient that forms the basis for the drug
Mevachor but it is not fermented. It is the fermentation process that they
believe causes the biggest problems later for the liver. He had to go off of
Lipitor (after 5 years) because his liver enzymes went through the roof.
About 3 months ago he started taking red yeast rice (brand name - Res-Q). He
also takes Juice PlusGarden, Orchard, and Vineyard blends. The Vineyard
blend is fairly new and contains the berries and grapes known to have good
levels of resveratrol (very healthy for the heart). No side effects from
either one, although he does have to swallow a handful of capsules a day.
It's been worth it, because his total
cholesterol is down to 175, the lowest it's been since he was a teenager!
His father died in his 40s of a massive heart attack, so we're hoping this
helps stave the risk.

But with all things, too much of a good thing is not as good as a moderate
amount. I suppose the red yeast rice can cause muscle pain, but it hasn't
been shown to cause liver damage. You just have to find what works for you.
I have familial hypercholesterolemia too.  Was on Mevacor from 88-99.  My
cholesterol continued to creep up.   I really wasn't alarmed since I'd had
many echo cardiograms, several Thallium Scans and an arteriogram during that
period and all were negative for arterial plaque.  Then I was switched to
Zocor by the VA.  The cholesterol went up even faster.  This past June I
stopped almost all my meds because I was having an adverse reaction to a
Calcium Channel Blocker.  I saw a new Dr.  I explained that my great aunt &
her son, my brother and my oldest son all had very high Triglycerides she
put me on Tricor (fenofibrate) 160mg per day.  It brought the triglycerides
down dramatically in a month but didn't do much for the other cholesterol.
Said that was common in people with familial hypercholesterolemia.  She
added 20mg of Zocor (simvastatin) per day and all the numbers fell.  That
month the numbers fell to near normal.  A dietician told me that cinnamon
lowers cholesterol, too.
Just one question--does the South Beach diet help you lose weight and help
lower blood pressure?  I have high cholesterol, too.  Seems to run in the
family.  It has come down some since going gf, but still not normal.  My cd
husband has HIGH blood pressure and both of us need to lose weight.

[ I don't know about cholesterol, but I do know the SB diet is very
effective for weight loss.  It was originally designed by a cardiologist to
help his patients lower their blood lipids, but it proved very effective at
helping people lose weight.  It's now a "big hit" amoung the "jet set" for
being a very easy to follow diet that results in rapid weight loss.  My
husband lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks.  A co-worker lost 13 pounds in 3 weeks.]
I lowered my cholesterol from 224 to 189 by eating Silver Palate oatmeal and
quinoa for breakfast everyday.  Can he tolerate oatmeal?  If yes, it's worth
a try???  I also eat meat (mostly ground turkey) and veggies with it.
I, too, have a familial cholesterol problem and I have tried the dieting,
etc, but nothing keeps my cholesterol below 250 now.  My HDL/LDL ratio has
gotten better than normal tho due to dieting.  My mom and brother are the
same re total cholesterol and my mom has tried Lipitor and many of the other
drugs but cannot tolerate them.
Our family doctor recognizd immed that red yeast rice is the prime
ingredient in statins but - at 1/20 the dose.  My husband has found that by
takng 2 capsules in the am with niacin as well as a dose of Metamuciil as
well as at the pm and exercise (nothing great!) his readings came down to
normal and have stayed there.   That plus somewhat lowfat cooking -   Pam
If only the South Beach diet entailed a sabbatical on a Beach in the
I react very badly to meds...but have had absolutely no reactions to
Chjinese Red Yeast and I've been on it for about 6 months.  Many friends
take it and NONE of us have had any kind of reaction

* Visit the Celiac Web Page at www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/index.html *