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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 6 Mar 2005 18:02:24 -0700
text/plain (207 lines)
this isn't exactly finished, perhaps, but it is good enough to read for now.

     Ok.  Here we go.

     As mentioned before, some will not like hearing about this
testimony so let me clearly state in advance, yes, it's about
demons.  More than once I have been accused of talking way too
much about demons, sometimes even by so called colleagues,
whatever those are, but I don't go hunting for demons, I don't
look for them, and I have no interest in them unless they are a
part of those that hinder those with whom I pray.  When
encountered, I likewise spend precious little time talking to them
because it generally isn't necessary.  Under these circumstances,
the Lord, if I am truly called to what I am doing as a ministry,
is going to bring people with such demonic influence into my life.
I do not go looking for such people, I don't advertise, other than
just having a website with personal testimonies and information,
and, by the way, I do not advertise my website either.  So, since
the Lord told me, at least at this time, not to advertise because
He would bring the people to me that He wanted me to pray with,
how can I say no to whomever the Lord brings me?  It is like
Dissociative Identity disorder, (DID), or what used to be called,
Multiple Personality Disorder.  I don't go looking for alternate
personalities but it is not uncommon for people to come for prayer
who have this operating in their life since they were children.
Which, by the way, is when multiple personalities are created in
the first place.  Since the Lord specifically called me to the
ministry of those with multiple personalities, do I say no or do I
minister to whom the Lord brings to me?  Regardless, I assume
nothing when I pray with people.  Jesus is the one who reveals
truth so that takes me off the hook and allows me only to witness
what He, the True Lord Jesus Christ, is doing in a person's life.
So, with all the disclaimers out of the way, here's the story.

     George is a man I have prayed with for well over a year now.
He has been healed in dozens and dozens of places in his life.  He
is now often healed on his own because He has learned how to
pray.  Furthermore, George is what I call a highly spiritually
sensitive person.  this basically means, he hears and sees and
feels things in the spiritual realm that I likely never will.
Why?  Because of the unique calling upon his life.  What is the
call?  I have no idea yet but he basically is a different form of
intercessor, that much I know, than I am.

     Recently, George and his family were given a house to use.
The elected chief of a local Indian tribe owns the house.
George's wife is half Indian.  Her sister is employed by this man
and this is how the need of a temporary home was made known.

     George and his wife went to the house and met the man who
owns it.  He showed them the entire house.  It is still furnished
and has been taken off the market since it wasn't selling.  Since
the man is a full blood Indian, whose tribe I am deliberately not
making mention, the house is filled with Indian regalia and
paraphernalia.  George told me that when they returned to the
hospital where his daughter was admitted for a lung condition that
was critical, he had one of the most unusual and unsettle feelings
he has ever had in his life.  He tried passing it off, ignoring
it for several hours, but the feeling would not leave him.

     Going to a private place where he knew he would be left alone
for awhile, he prayed and asked the Lord what it was that was
bothering him.  The Lord began revealing to him it had to do with
the house they were  going to use temporarily.  George asked the
Lord to show him what was wrong with the house.  Immediately,
George began to see demonic figures all over inside the house.
Additionally, there was one large demonic looking figure seated on
the roof, his legs crossed, just over the door.  George began
praying.  He knows now how to pray to rid demons but in this case,
the demon, who obviously was in charge, and this is normally the
case, that is, one is assigned as in charge of others for a
specific purpose, kept saying, "No," they weren't leaving.  This
was the demon he saw sitting on top of the house just over the
front door.  He tried for some time praying but still was unable
to get them to leave.  He finally prayed, "Lord, what do you want
me to do now?"  He told me that the Lord told him to call Phil and
ask him to help.  I laughed when I heard this because I have
little sensitivity relating to such visual insight to the
spiritual realm.

     Oddly enough, when George called and told me the story, two
or three things instantly came to my mind.  Let me
parenthetically state up front that I rarely sense or feel
anything along these lines.  I could have walked into that same
house and likely never have felt a thing.  By nature, however, I
would have assumed the presence of demonic influence in the home
and would have, before taking up residence, prayed for the house
to be cleared of all demonic presence.  George on the other hand,
and I know several people with this same sensitivity, actually
see, in their mind's eye, the demonic figures.  I even know a
truck driver who not only can feel their presence but claims he
sometimes can even smell them.  Laugh if you like but spend five
minutes with this man and you'll stop laughing.  Demons love to
hear doubts and fear coming from the mouths of Christians.

     I gave George some hints about what he should pray and
especially mentioned the cross being made present in the home or
to command the demons to look at the cross.  They hate the cross,
of course, by the way, and they generally will run as fast as they
can from it when they are commanded to look at it and then
commanded to state the reason they have the right to remain.  I
offered some other personal advice which I have learned from
personal experience in prayer sessions.  George said he would get
off the phone and go back to praying.  I said I would hang up and
go to praying, as well, in agreement with him.

     I sat down in an office chair; fully intending to pray very
specifically.  The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, hold off
until you hear from George.  I got the very strong impression that
the Lord wanted George to handle this one on his own.  I did sort
of pray but not like I normally do  In fact, what occurred was
more like seeing current events rather than direct prayer.

     As I let my mind focus on the Lord and what was going on in
this house, I thought of praying for the cross of Christ to appear
somewhere inside the house.  Instead, I suddenly saw the cross, a
red brick in color, appear atop the roof.  It was at an angle to
me and not facing me straight on.  I asked the Lord why this was
and He said, the cross is rotating slowly in a 360 degree radius.
Then he told me to pray specifically that no demons could come
within ten miles of the house in every direction.  I did pray
exactly as instructed.  then I asked four a total of four angels
to come and stand outside the house at each corner to keep any
demons from returning.  At this point, I saw no demons leaving the
house nor did I request any of god's Holy Angels do anything other
than stand at the four corners of the house to keep any other
demons from approaching.  A moment passed and without praying, I
suddenly saw a super tall angel walking up the front sidewalk to
the front door.  I know he was tall because his head was as tall,
or taller, than the peak of the roof and this is a two story home.
so I would say the angel must have been a good twenty feet tall.
I saw a sword strapped to his left side.  It was at least ten
feet long and was so long, it appeared that it might have been
able to drag the ground at times as the angel walked.  I did not
see the face of the angel because he was walking away from me and
toward the front door but I felt he had an irritated attitude as
if he were thinking, "I've got to go and clean this house up and I
have more important things to do but first things first."

     The phone rang.  I answered it and it was George laughing his
head off.  I asked him what was so funny and he said, "You want to
know what happened?"  I said I did and he told me that this time,
when he prayed, angels came from every place and drove all the
demons, ever one of them, out of the house and down the hill near
the home.  He reported there was not one demon left and that home
and that included the big one seated cross legged on the roof who
refused to go in the first place.  I then told George what I had
seen as I sat and waited for his return call.

     Now, for the rest of the story.

     A man and his wife, in their seventies, came to the hospital
to visit George, his wife, and their twenty-three year old
daughter.  George told them the story.  The man said he wasn't at
all surprised.  He knew the Indian Chief that owned the house and
he was aware of the things in the home and aware of even more.  He
told George the elected chief, not only attended all types of
Indian ceremonial meetings, but he also knew this man was also
the member of a secret organization within the tribe called the
Red Hawks.  Of course, unless you simply have never studied secret
societies such as Free masonry, the Scull and Bones, covens,
Mormonism, new age societies, including international secret
societies, and many others, such reference will have little
meaning to you.  They are, however, spiritually based, and consist
of very unholy practices and that's putting it mildly.  We need to
be compassionate toward such people, however, because most are so
deceived, they honestly have no knowledge of the effects the
societal oaths they are required to live, or die, by as
organizational members.  Prayer, fortunately, can break any
obstruction regardless of its nature.

     Was all of this real?  The spiritual realm is just as real as
the physical.  Paul said, "to be absent from the body is to be
present with the Lord."  That sounds mighty real to me.  We, as
Christians, are terribly guilty of not accepting the spiritual
realm, or the supernatural realm, as real.  Did George literally
see all those demons?  did he see all the angels doing their work
at driving them out?  did I literally see what I described?  You
can decide for yourself.  Perhaps what we see in the spiritual
realm isn't a true manifestation of demonic figures and angels
doing battle but it is a representation, at the very least, of
what the Lord wants us to know.  Is there, for example, any
existence of angels 20 feet tall?  Does it matter?  Of course, I
believe it is possible that such is a symbolic representation of
the size and nature and personage of God's Heavenly host and not
literal as we conceive it.  So?  Does that make it any less real?
Of course not.  The whole thing is a matter of what you believe.
You may choose not to believe.  I, on the other hand, has seen and
heard and witnessed too much to believe otherwise.

     Do you have to believe in demons for them to exist?  Do you
have to see them for them to be real?  Do they have to enter the
room where you are, club you off your chair, kick you in the ribs,
before you say, "Well, what do you know?  I guess they are real."
Do you believe Holy angels are real?  I figured you did.  So why
do you find it difficult that a third of all the angels were
kicked out of Heaven, due to their sinfulness, and now roam the
earth as evil spiritual beings?  Oh, excuse me.  I thought I heard
you say you didn't believe.  So you do believe?  Then what's the
problem?  Could the problem possibly be that as long as you ignore
them, they will ignore you?  If you believe that, you are terribly
deceived.  So where do we go from here?  Why not ask the Lord
about that.

I flew Kites With Jesus