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Kathy Du Bois <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 19 Feb 2005 08:48:10 -0500
text/plain (50 lines)
The refreshing openness to which you refer, has also caused a lot of
concern  for many on this list about his ability to parent.  He is unstable
and immature and very emotion driven.  What if he were to walk out of a
child's life in a huff the way that he walked off the list.  We have all
been dealing with Chris's struggle, on and off, for over two years
now.  His seeming obsession with certain little girls and his
uncontrollable outbursts have been alarming, yet, we have tried to love and
guide him the best we can from a distance.
         Sometimes, commentary can be a bit frank on this list, but the
intent has never been to harm, but to confront and help our brothers and
sisters to grow.  I myself have been taken to the wood shed a time or two
by Brad and Phil, but I know their hearts and, best of all, I know that
they were right.  Our goal is to spur each other on to good works and
growth in Christ, and in Chris's case, the protection of an innocent child
who could, quite literally, be in grave danger.  Chris had better pay
attention to our warnings, before he finds that he has bitten off way more
than he can chew and has child protective services smack dab in the middle
of his living room.  That warning was meant in love and it was said to try
to bring a hault to chris's thinking.  Those of us who are parents on this
list have tried to give good solid advice.  We know what we're talking
about and we are trying to hold up the hugest red flag possible before they
all get hurt!!!   I see no need to apologize for caring that much!!!

At 09:16 PM 2/18/2005, you wrote:
>I was suggesting an apology for the following comment made to Chris which
>read as follows...
> >Listen to this Chris and read it again and again till it gets through to
> >you.
> >LOL.
>This comment was asking to be taken personally, and apparently it was.
>I was not suggesting an apology for anything else said that might have been
>something Chris did not want to hear.
>Personally I find Chris to be refreshingly open in this, a somewhat public
>forum where most of us, including myself, feel safer being much more guarded
>about our thoughts and feelings. If Chris can be as open and honest with
>Jesus as to his feelings thoughts and failings then I am sure that the Lord
>will help him overcome.
>I simply pray that he will find all his answers from the Lord