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Carol Pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 1 Sep 2004 12:09:30 +0100
text/plain (171 lines)
Hi Keith,

I was particularly pleased to read your introductory message because I
didn't receive the Echurch-UK version, for some reason . . ..  Well, at
least I saw this one.

I'm probably the only other person on the US list from the UK, though
people do come and go a little from time to time, so I could be wrong on
that one.  Both lists are very different but we all love each other with
the love of the Lord, and that's what is important.

I was so interested to know what you're doing, partly because I had
heard from Phil about you but also because I myself have received much
healing from the Lord by prayer across the Atlantic with my Brother
Phil!  Most have heard parts of it here so I won't elaborate on that
now, except to say that, when I reached rock bottom after Dad died, He
was there to lift me up and to heal in a very special way, bringing
masses and masses of healing to wounded areas where predominently
throughout my life I had suffered bereavement upon bereavement, being
parted from my father from babyhood and from both parents at the age of
two and a half.  Oh, you get me started on this, I may not stop . . ..

Perhaps I'd best just answer your question and then do the half a dozen
things my husband, Mike, has just reminded me about . . ..

That which excites me the most is when God breaks through into a
hopeless situation, where I have recognised there is none other that can
save, help, heal etc.  Of course, He did this for us when He sent His
"dearly beloved" Son to die for us at Calvary;  and today He still
breaks through in the situations of our lives where on occasions nothing
seems possible!

Just yesterday I was praying by phone quite a lot with a friend from
school days (way back many years) who, through no fault of her own, had
been given medication that didn't suit her.  This had caused her anxiety
and depression condition to rocket and the doctor took the decision to
get her off the medication as quickly as possible.  Yesterday I believe
was "cold turkey" day.  I have never observed something quite so
miraculous as I have just called out to the Lord for another person.
She literally was unable to speak and was in a terrible state earlier in
the day.  Later, after some prayers from me and other friends had called
by and prayed and anointed her, she was well in her right mind and able
to communicate fine.  She has still some way to go and today is another
day which we are taking step by step!

We also are connected by way of Birmingham, since I grew up in Erdington
and still have family living in the Birmingham area.

Finally, please write privately, if you think this may be a bore to all,
and tell me more about your background, church environment (as I know
many in the locality) and more about how you came to be ministering in
the way that you are.  This will enable me to pray more for you and give
in any other way the Lord may choose.

In Him:

[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Echurch-USA The Electronic Church
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Keith P Hodges
Sent: 01 September 2004 02:48
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Keith Introduction

Dear E-church USA friends,

I was just introducing myself to the echurch-uk crew when I realised
that I have not really introduced myself here... so I thought I would
repost it for you... it is all part of "getting to know you". He says
holding back from breaking into songs from the sound of music.

Thanks for the welcome everyone, it is great to meet you all. I am
looking forward to getting to know you. I have had a bit of a rough ride
with my old Christian friends over the past few months so I think it
will do me good to meet some fresh faces.

I am kind of busy at the moment. Why? I hear you ask. Two weeks ago the
Lord told me to decorate my house! A huge undertaking, and at the time I
only had 3 pounds to spare if that. Next miracle, my lodger came up with
8 pounds worth of 1p and 2p coins for the decorating kitty. As it turned
out my landlord let me off a months rent to do this work (I am a wee bit
behind ahem) and he also gave me 25 pounds for paint..... you see the
Lord does know what he is doing.

Anyhow Woolworths (A shop in the uk) had some cheap paint going at 2
pounds a pot... so I have done one room. I ruined the carpet, it was
horrible anyway, so I need to pray in a newish one. The bathroom will be
finished tonight at about 3am if I work hard. I am doing this on my own
so it is difficult especially to get the motivation. I have run my house
as an open house for a number of years so there are a few local
teenagers that drop in every now and then but some of them have the
attention span of the proverbial goldfish.

Now for an introduction.... well I am 34, single, I live near Birmingham
and my house and the flat next door is kind of a Christian community
where the Lord brings people to live to receive his healing.

I also get to know many local alcoholic youths. Several of which live
next door in a unique kind of youthful squalor. I counted 20 empty jack
daniel's bottles when I fixed their boiler yesterday. They had been for
weeks without hot water, too afraid to call the landlord due to the
state of their house.

I do the same kind of prayer healing ministry as Phil does. I used to
try and help lots of my friends all around the UK, but now the Lord has
told me to focus on helping one person at a time. Those I help need very
intense ministry and a fresh start... it is very challenging, but I get
to see the Lord do amazing things.

A teenager turned up on my doorstep today... we did a book exchange and
they lent me a book called "The Kid" by Kevin Lewis, his own story of
severe abuse and neglect. I do not think it is a Christian book, but I
was surprised to discover that he lived about 7 miles from where I was
brought up. It is folks like "The Kid", Kevin that I am called to help.
The Lord is with me, it was his idea! I have a couple of supportive
friends and a couple of prophetic types who are keeping me in order, but
that is about it. Sometimes it feels pretty lonely out here.

So here I am at your service, I am basically a full time Christian
missionary to my community and those the Lord sends my way. Living by
faith is hand to mouth at the moment just like you read about in all
those exciting Christian books. So on Friday a local restaurant sent us
their old food that they were going to throw away because of the bank
holiday weekend, is that cool or what!

I know in England it is considered rude to ask if you are in need, but I
have to say if you are offering, I could really use your help too. The
Lord has so much for us to do!

It is kind of a character building phase for me in my Christian walk.
Much of this involves getting stressed at God and various people then
repenting and eventually laying it before God to sort out my heart. The
refiners fire process also seems to require relentless painting till the
early hours of the morning, to which writing this email is a welcome

I think this is the most unusual introduction I have ever given, but I
think it kind of lets you know where I am at and some of what excites me
as a disciple of Jesus. When you reply to me do let me know what excites

your friend in Christ

Keith Hodges

p.s. it does not look like the bathroom is going to be finished after
all, it is 2.30am already.

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