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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 18:15:47 -0500
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I have been, and will continue in prayer for Jennifer, Vivian and George.
The incredible pressure and somber environment must be full bore and I
can't imagine it. Thanks for the updates for prayer direction . I have
also been praying in other areas as well despite a lack of unintended


on 04:11 PM 4/10/2005, Phil Scovell said:
Kathy and others,

The First Corinthians 5:5 passage is not generally accepted today as part
New Testament church doctrine.  In fact, the first time I heard about it
the missionary to Canada I mentioned and he was a Baptist.  I never even
heard any other Baptist preach on that passage before.  It appears from
the reading of the passage in context, that Paul was instructing the
Corinthian Christians what to do about the immorality of one of the church
members.  I don't see that he necessarily told the people to tell them
they were going to do but other passages, of course, tell us to do exactly
that before anything else.  It makes little difference because few people
are literally afraid of God today and what sin can do to a person.
Deceitfulness is what hardness the person's heart, not sin, according to
Hebrews 3:13, but read the verse just before it, too.

12  Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of
unbelief, in departing from the living God.
13  But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of
be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

An evil heart of unbelief in a Christian?  That's what it says.  What are
they not believing in?  It can't be God because it says they are
or brethren, so it must be something else.  Jesus scolded His disciples
than once for not believing and they were his followers.  Jesus jumped on
the disciples both before, and after, the resurrection for their unbelief.
I still find such amazing.  When we believe in something, regardless of
that is, it, the thing we believe, even if it is wrong, becomes the truth
us.  We will act upon what we perceive to be the truth even if what we
believe is a lie.  A person can literally die because they believe a lie
the truth.  some, who are not Born again, will even go to hell believing a

Again, to everyone reading this exchange, I am telling you because, quite
frankly, we are the only church George and his family has right
now.  Yeah,
I know, we aren't really a church, if we were, I'd be taking up offerings
every week, but we are the Body of Christ.  Truthfully, these people have
one and they are all alone and without fellow Christian to help them.

You want to know the real truth?  Children can destroy a family.  The
knows this so he picks on the children, sometimes from day one, knowing
by such means, he can infiltrate any family.  Frankly, I don't care where
George stands on any passage of Scripture but I do care where Jennifer
stands.  right now, wherever Jennifer stands isn't where she should be
standing.  Whatever it is that is keeping Jennifer silent until death
be anything but a lie.  I can think of only three possibilities that would
cause someone to take death rather than life in the situation Jennifer is
right now.  We may never get to discover the truth about this one.

A few moments ago, George called me.  We talked for five or so
minutes.  He
told me that his wife is telling everybody her version of what happened
now their own son has turned against his dad.  George has been telling me
for weeks that if Jennifer dies, he will somehow be blamed for it so I
he knows more about what is going on than anybody else.  How sad for
everyone involved and especially for Jennifer.  As George was just
his wife came and got him, she won't talk to him otherwise, plus, Vivian
hates my guts I have learned, I suppose because she thinks I have put
up to everything but she is wrong, of course, and told George to come
away because Jennifer nearly fainted.  Jennifer can't hardly talk any
and she is, as I type, literally fighting to breathe.
