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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Jan 2006 02:36:17 +0000
panderry mbai <[log in to unmask]>
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Correction:The photo journalist who died is Momodou Tarawally, State House Correspondent and not  Momodou Tarawally BT. We apologise for in discomfort this caused to BT and his family.  It was communication break down.

panderry mbai <[log in to unmask]> wrote:                              News Detail
  Leading Gambian Photographer, Momodou Tarawally is Dead - 1/10/2006 6:07:58 PM

  By Panderry Mbai
Gambian Affairs Writer
    The death of  Gambian leading photo journalist Momodou Tarawally,  has been announced. Mr.Tarawally, widely known as "Tara" died on Monday, after a  brief illness. Mr.Tarawally, a pious Muslim, friendly and down to earth, was the former Secretary General of  Gambia's Photographers Associatio! n. You may call him President, if you like, based on his active involvement on  unionism. He was one of  the nation's most enterprising and dedicated photographers.

  Thanks to Tara, families of the April, 10 students massacre, were able to see first hand video tapes of the incident and photographs of soldiers shooting and killing our love ones. Tara, and my very self  were on the ground to cover the shooting and maiming of innocent school children by Jammeh's trigger happy soldiers. I could vividly remember Tara, telling me "Pa Nderry, we should team up and come out with a  documentary on issues of this nature. Our journalism, had reached a level, where we cannot afford to allow incidents like that of the April, 10TH, students killing to go undocumented. I was able to take few shots with my camera."he told me, shortly after the bloody April, 10TH incident.

  Tara, was very! right. The government controlled TV,  GRTS,  was  hell bent on censoring the horrific pictures of that incident. Our photo journalists need to expand their coverage by engaging in film making.This will help a great deal in exposing  atrocities perpetrated by Jammeh, and his cronies.  Tara, was very ambitious . He even went as  far as citing the Sierra leonean photo journalist, who produced the film called "CRY FREETOWN."   Tara, was Gambia's "SUMOURA", as he  succeeded in documenting a lot of historical happenings in The Gambia, be it political, economical, social and cultural. Delegates, who attends conferences at the Kairaba Beach Hotel, can attest to this fact. Mr.Tarawally, devoted his time, resources and energy just to help humanity.

  As the former Secretary General of The Gambia, Press Union, Mr.Tarawally, was in the habit of calling me "our dynamic SG."  Thanks to Tara, the GPU, ! succeeded in attracting The Gambia, photographers association  into the union. Here was a man, who was  very committed to unionism and press freedom. Tara, was one of those who was in solidarity with the GPU, when President Jammeh, vowed to hang us with a rope, for merely not registering with his failed media commission. I could remember Tara telling me "SG, we are behind you. We shall take to the streets, anytime, any day, you need us. My association is inline with your refusal to register with the Commission."

  Mr.Trawally, was loved by all journalists in The Gambia and beyond. He had a high sense of humour and always spoke his mind on issues. He  was a very good orator and debater. Tara, was not the type, who will take a  back seat and remain mute on GPU meetings. This earned him the reputation of being vocal and principled.

  This editor, received series of emails, from friends and former col! leagues of  Tarawally, who were equally devastated by the tragic death of  Tara. One of them is  journalist  Bunja Touray. Touray, your statement on Tara, is very touching and as such I must publish it for our readers to know who Tara was."Hello Pa,just write to inform you of the sudden and sad dead of Momodou Tarawally commonly called Tara of  government-owned Gambia Daily Newspaper. I know you can remember him,because he was that humorous guy.Until his dead on Monday 9Th January 2006,Tara used to be the paper's State House correspondent.He died of brief illness.He is survived by a wife and blessed with five wonderful boys.I know you can imagine how closed i was with our departed colleague.I am working on a tribute for him which i will send to you in due course.May his soul rest in eternal peace and may Allah,Subhannah Wahtalla grant him jannah."said Mr.Touray

  Shocked by Bunja's mail, this what I told him in response"Shocking news bro,Bunja!!!! May God, preserve place for him in Janna. I received an email earlier,  from another colleague, informing me about the sad incident. Go ahead and write your tribute. I  hope you will forward it to us, so that we can publish it. I'm equally devastated by this shocking news. Later and have a  happy Tabaski.....

  Bunja's statement on Tara, was a  statement of fact. Even though it was a private email, I found it useful and informative to reproduce it for all to see. We will be unfair to Bunja, if we fail to give him credit for making such honest and sound appraisal on the life of  Tara. Bunja, as season journalist knows what, we are talking about.... We don't need his permission to reproduce such a statement made in good faith.

  Having said this, I want to add that another great Gambian journalist had fallen. Tara, also known as BT,  was very closed to ! the late Deyda Hydara. He used to freelance for the Point . Deyda, used to take stories from him, including breaking news pictures. Tara, was associated with almost all the papers in The Gambia. His death is a big loss for the media fraternity in The Gambia and Africa as a whole. We missed  a great patriot and true son of  The Gambia.

  Former GPU, President Demba Ali Jawo, was a personal friend of  BT. Jawo used to tease BT, a lot in those days.  BT, used to spent most of his time in Jawo's office, discussing issues pertaining to the journalism profession and how to revamp the union. BT, was all the time, advocating for free media and social justice. He never allowed anyone to trample with  his rights.

  I  remember, BT suing the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) to court for breach of contract and loss of earnings. In a  civil suit filed in one of  our of local c! ourts, BT. said he was contracted by the  IEC to prepare some photo work or calender if you like for them. In his prayers to the court, BT, said the IEC, violated the terms and conditions of the said contract agreement, involving some couples of thousands of dalasis. The late photographer said despite repeated demands for the IEC, to pay him his money, there was no sign  of interest or commitment on the side of the electoral body to  pay such funds, even though, he BT, had successfully executed the contract, as signed.  The said case was widely publicised in the Gambia. BT, was all the time  focused. "Pa Nderry, I sued the IEC and I will ensure that, I get my money back. These people are not honest. We signed a contract and to my surprise, they refused to honour the terms and conditions of the contract. The IEC
 communication officer, Mr.Said Usuf, could not tell me anything sensible. I think they are out to dupe me, but I will not let this case g! o. I will fight it in the courts, until I see justice." Tara told me during an encounter in the busy streets of Serre Kunda.

  Tara, later secured a  job with the government controlled Newspaper, The Gambia, Daily. Working with the state media, was the last thing he was going to do.  For some reasons, Tara, joined The Gambia, Daily. Despite his new job, he was busy running his private film production work. I remember Tara, introducing me with one young man, whom he said was his junior brother. "He is my younger brother. He is  a qualified film maker. He usually deputised me, during  my absence."said Tara.  Indeed.  I met the said young man on couple of occasions at the Kairaba Hotel, covering functions for Tara. We hope Tara's brother, will maintain BT'S legacy.

  On behalf of The ALLGAMBIAN online Newspaper and my family, I  wish BT, an eternal rest.  We mourned our departed colleague.  BT, you are gone, but we shall continue to remember you. Our condolence to the bereaved families.

  The author is the former Secretary General of The Gambia press Union and also a former Voice of America radio Banjul Correspondent. Mr. M'Bai who now resides in the US State of North Carolina Raleigh was a leading political and crime reporter with the Point and Daily Observer newspapers respectively. He can be reached by email at the following addresses: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]

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