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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Janet Kline <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 13 Dec 2004 08:07:57 -0500
Janet Kline <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (67 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Holiday Parties:  email #2

III.  To Explain or Not To Explain?

The responses vary but I would say at least half of us take the simple
approach of saying we have allergies or 'severe" allergies.  The other half
of us are willing to say we have Celiac but vary as to how much of an
explanation we give.  Some of the comments include:
==Never remain quiet. Awareness comes from education. Explain celiac and
==Just keep it simple and don't give all the details unless they seem
really interested.
==Have a short and long version explanation and then use based on the
==They can always call you later or look it up on the internet.
==Try to keep it light - it's a party!
==Nobody wants to hear about illnesses at a holiday party!
==Don't be afraid of the responses. People want to know. If you're at a
party with those who don't care, then they are not worth keeping as friends.
==I'm very open about CD.
==If uncomfortable or reaction is not favorable, don't care too much what
people think!  It can be a cold and cruel world!
==Don't bore everyone with your health situation. Longer explanations may
be more appropriate for one-on-ones.
==Don't stress about explaining, just go and have a good time!
==Miss Manners says you should never discuss your diet at a social
function, just simply say 'No Thank You' and repeat it if necessary!

Some Suggested Statements:

I have Celiac Disease.  Even little bits of wheat (etc.) make me sick.  I
am careful of my diet and I feel great now.

Sorry food intolerances and then change the subject.  This isn't a time for
educating people!

I have a very severe wheat allergy or I have major food intolerances.

I have diagnosed with Celiac and can't have wheat, rye or barley.

I am what they call a Celiac, and our bodies cannot tolerate the gluten
that is in most floured foods - it acts as a toxin to our bodies.

Oh I have lots of food allergies and it really makes eating a challenge

I'm intolerant to a lot of foods.

IV.  To Eat or Not Eat in Advance?

Most people said they eat in advance unless they have checked out the menu
ahead and know they will have a safe meal to eat.  Some additional comments
are noted elsewhere and here:
==No need to eat if you know the menu or you’re bringing food and feel safe.
==If you're not sure you'll be able to eat then definitely eat something
==By eating ahead, food is no longer as important. You can relax and enjoy
the people!
==Raid the refrigerator - if you know them well!

End of email #2

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