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Lelia Struve <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 12 Jan 2005 18:52:36 -0700
text/plain (107 lines)
Definitely praying for both of you

Lelia Struve email [log in to unmask] msn [log in to unmask]
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vicki and The Rors" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: Remodeling update, and a prayer request

> Wow Pat.  Those projects sound fabulous.  Since we did our remodel of the
> full bath in April, I sure identify with being able to use the new sinks
> and
> shower.  It's lots of fun.  And getting to put up new towels and all, and
> pick out the blinds.  How exciting!
> Our floor has a problem in there.  We are having to replace it.  The
> company
> who did the work has been awesome about it because the floring was under
> warrantee still.  Many firms would have just said that we needed to go to
> the flooring makers and complain, but they've stood behind the guarantee.
> We are looking at flooring tomorrow night for replacement.  You might pray
> that all works out well there.
> Praying for your business income too, Pat.  Is winter slower than other
> times of the year, at least in the past?
> Vicki
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Pat Ferguson" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 3:35 PM
> Subject: [ECHURCH-USA] Remodeling update, and a prayer request
>> Dear Loving EChurch Family,
>> The Lord is so good! lol.
>> I just wanted to give you an update on our newly remodeled bathroom
>> upstairs. We have our new shower/tub in our bathroom upstairs and new
>> sink
>> installed before Christmas eve Day, when we got to use them for the first
> time.
>> Vernon got all the marvelite paneling up before Christmas, as well, and
>> he's putting up the trim now after he gets it stained and coated. Then he
>> will stain and coat the baseboard which he made. It's really cool!
>> I didn't think that I would get both a cupboard above the stool and the
> two
>> rack shelves above the towel bars, but I did. We got them both up today,
>> and we got the vertical blinds up in the sitting room up here where my
>> office is and the TV and stero is. It's  really begining to look nice up
> here.
>> You see, this window here is a north window, and people can see at night
>> when we're up here, so we thought it would be neat to put some vertical
>> blinds. I got to pick them out yesterday. lol.
>> Now, I have to stand on a stool to put towels and hand towels and wash
> rags
>> on the first rack shelf, but that's okay. We didn't want it too low,
>> otherwise people might hit their head on it when they came in the
>> bathroom
>> door.
>> Vernon has one window to finish in the bathroom down stairs, and a few
>> windows to re-stain down stairs, and one up here to finish.
>> We're going to get new curtains for the dining room, and hopefully that
>> will be soon.
>> I can't wait until we start working on building the new island in the
> kitchen.
>> Before we start that, we have to build the cabinates and then get the new
>> floring and take outhe old island, after I empty all my stuff in it, and
>> then put down the new flooring and venyl, and then put the finished
>> cupboards for the island. I'm not sure when we will get this done, but
>> please pray that we can get it done this year.
>> The first thing Vernon will do in the spring whenit warms up, is
> re-shingle
>> the rental house that we own that use to be his Dad's house.
>> Then we're going to finish siding the west end of our house.
>> We did get the front portch finished this fall, except for the railings,
>> and it looks really nice. Please pray that we can build the railings soon
>> when it warms up.
>> We would appreciate your prayers Please, for business to pick up, as it
> has
>> been so very slow. We can't make it from month to month with out dipping
> in
>> to our little savings, which is going very fast. When the money is all
>> gone, we will not have enough money to pay our bills every month.
>> Thanks for praying.
>> Love and Blessings,
>> Pat Ferguson