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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 12 Aug 2005 22:57:38 +0200
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Erik Fridén <[log in to unmask]>
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I'm a practising Christian, a politically active conservative and a conoisseur (if I may say so myself) of American popular music from the very beginning of recorded sound and onwards. On 9/11/01 I cried. I also cried during days that followed. I was not the only European to do so, just as there were Americans who didn't. I don't often do that when things happen far away. Modern media numbs us too much, I guess. For months the prevailing feeling in Europe (exept among the usual leftist numbskulls, but you just can't shut them up - freedom of speech, right?) was one of: "Ich bin ein Amerikaner". Things have changed since then, but even close friends have their ups and downs. Posts like the one from EMG, brimming with smug self-rightiousness and "America über alles"-patriotism is what makes people across the world wary of America (and of some Americans). However, I have yet to meet ANYBODY who was not either a) daft, b) leftist, c) muslim or d) all of the above, who truly professed to
 hating Americans as a people. I would have posted privately to EMG had he not himself posted to the list. If you feel like trashing me, please do so off list.

Eliot Martin Glick <[log in to unmask]> skrev:
To commit to go to war to free 30 million + people from tyranny has got to be a most grand expression of the power of Christian love and brotherhood.
Gulp! I have truly been blind! And so were all of the church fathers...

It may sound incredible to Bush haters, but you'd do it for your brother so why not your neighbors across the ocean?
Is that why the USA has tried to stamp out most popular uprisings in Latin America that were left of center?

Yes, its a big mess now, but if Iraq wasn't important to the "war on terror" in the first place then why are the Islamofascists pouring all their resources into the battle there?
Because it's muslim soil. Unlike the USA they would willingly bleed an ocean (including the blood of others) for any muslim country they percieve as being under siege or occupation, even if it had shit for natural resourses.

Don't forget, they're the ones making a big mess, not America.
There were no islamists in Iraq until the USA removed Saddam. Nifty move that, eh what?

America has been trying to rebuild infrastructure, jumpstart schools and small business and create a civil society where there was none in the first place. The Islamofascists consider that "evil western corruption".
And why do all contracts go to US firms? Ever heard the term "carpet bagging"? And by the way, I believe UbL spells "evil western corruption" Halliburton...

Should we just say, well, they're different...
Yes, let's! You wouldn't understand them anyway. Why? Why has Swedens (Pop: 9 mill) foreign office more arabic speaking employees than the American foreign office? Of course, the US never really has to negotiate with anyone they dont't feel like: "Might makes right", right? Right! Oh, by the way: doesn't that slogan describe the archetypical FASCIST stance?

With all the anti-American noise out there people have forgotton what a great country it is.
Oh, we all know and remember, but something also made the noise start...

The leadership, whether democratic or republican, would never risk its legacy, its treasure, or its blood, unless the stakes were truly high.
American legacy was lost at Watergate for the sake of power alone.

America, for all its faults, stands at the pinnacle of human freedom and progress.
It's also lonely at the top and the only way to go is down...

Not unexpectedly, the world throws it challenges. We, in turn, become great as a society and as individuals by rising to these challenges, with conviction, courage and humility before the divine.
Humility was never part of the American national character. Pride, on the other hand, is.

Personally, I hold the hatred that the Europeans (and the UN) feel for us Americans as a badge of honour.
This is known as psychological projection. I think YOU hate us, because nobody I have ever met hates the American people (unless you mistake hatred for actions with hatred for the person who acts, which by the way would make it impossible for you to understand basic christian doctrine). If the UN "hates" you, it's because you're an illojal member-state that doesn't PAY YOUR BILLS on time!

After all, they are the ones with the (very recent) history of fascism, not us!
And what was the McCarthy-era all about? Free speech and the right to free assembly? Pleeze!!! Why does half of your population not vote, and why do only rich people get to be president?

"These truths are self-evident", as I said to one list member quoting the US constitution. I could be quoting the bible as well. That is why we ascribe to it the value it deserves.
The Bible (capital B!) is the Word (capital W!) of God. Even if people call it worthless it will stand forever, because GOD sez so!!! Your law and constitution (any law and constitution for that matter!) are only the words of men. They will pass, however high a value we ascribe to them. Don't put the two side by side!

We are all equal before G-d and under the law and we should expect no less from "other cultures" -- especially from those who are so regressive and that seek to do us harm.
This follows from none of the above. By the way, the Bible commands us to obey God over man. Most islamists are closer to this ideal (however wrong and perverted any other of their views may be) than most westerners who refer to themselves as christians. And why would American bombs be progressive? Because they kill more people?

I love America, not because it is perfect (only God is perfect and your political system is SEVERELY defective!), but because it is what it is and because its people is what it is.
Good night - sleep tight!