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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 10:44:53 -0400
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Normal Eating <[log in to unmask]>
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> In your opinion , how can you  prevent autoimmune disease  ?

Autoimmune disease is the reason that I'm following a paleolithic diet. I
have ulcerative colitis. Cordain wrote a fascinating and well argued article
about why and how eating grains and beans can cause autoimmune disease.

Both grains and beans are very high in lectins. Lectins have both a
carbohydrate and a protein component. The carb component lets them adhere to
body cells. The protein component is very similar to the proteins in the
human body. This phenomenon, called molecular mimicry, evolved to protect
plants from insect predators. Other plants have lectins, but not in the
amounts found in grains and beans.

Lectins can cause leaky gut syndrome. When the lectins escape the bowel,
they are attacked by the immune system. The protein structure is remembered
by the immune system, as always happens when the immune system responds so
it can be more efficient the next time the danger is encountered.

Unfortunately, in some people, the immune system can get confused by the
similarity between the lectin protein and the proteins in the self.
Depending on the person's genetic predisposition (all autoimmune disease is
caused by a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental
triggers), the immune system will then attack the colon (causing
inflammatory bowel disease), the nerve tissue (leading to multiple
sclerosis), etc.

Cordain suggests (and my body confirms) that not ingesting foods very high
in lectins will prevent the constant triggering of the autoimmue response,
thus allowing remission. I've been pretty sick recently, and I went back on
the paleo diet this week. I was totally paleo for three days and much
better. Then I had an apple with peanut butter (peanuts are beans - high in
lectins) before going to bed. I was in agony for most of the next day. I've
had similar, almost immediate reactions when eating wheat. I never saw the
reaction so clearly before because I've never been so sick before. I was
100% paleo yesterday and this morning, and today I'm pretty good. Chicken
and mu tea for breakfast, quiet gut.

Until I read Cordain's explanation of how foods can trigger autoimmune
response, I was not convinced that I really needed to cut out grains and
beans (or follow the rest of the paleo guidelines). Many IBD support groups
believe that IBD is a food allergy, but I know it's not - it's very much an
immune system disorder. Now that I can see how food and autoimmune response
can be connected, I am able to follow the paleo diet without ambivalence. I
believe that this will get me healthy again.