Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Ashley Moran <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 15 Aug 2004 23:43:00 +0100
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
Hi everyone,

I've been eating paleo for 5 months or so now.  I've noticed a huge 
improvement in my health but not everything is sorted out.  I suspect 
(for various reasons) I have mild adrenal and thyroid fatigue.  I also 
have carb cravings... not for starches but for fruit.  I get the 
feeling my body does not react well to all veg.  Some are easy to tell- 
I think parsnips are disgusting raw, and I can't eat brussel sprouts 
raw or cooked.  But I can binge on carrots; I can't say if it's in an 
addictive sense or just because I crave the carbs in them.

So anyway, I've decided to go on a 100% meat, eggs and leaves diet for 
at least one week.  I'd avoid eggs too but practicality gets in the 
way.  Has anyone else tried eating this way for any length of time?  
Here is what I will have:

Meat: pork, beef steak, herring, mackerel, wild salmon and trout (not 
often!) and prawns, all fried in olive oil.  I have always been 
cautious over fish- my mum HATES fish, and I couldn't eat it as a 
child.  Even now I can only manage oily fish, and I can only take a 
small amount of herring.  Maybe it is not good for my body, but it's 
cheap.  I can eat salmon, trout and especially shellfish all day long, 
I just wish I could afford to!  Having read The Aquatic Ape, I can't 
understand why some people don't like fish, and certainly not why some 
people are allergic to it.  That said, I would not be unhappy if all I 
ate was belly pork and duck (I imagine I would like goose too, and 
other fatty birds).

Eggs:  Columbus brand, free-range, omega-3 rich eggs.  I will try to 
limit these to 3 or 4 every few days, depending on what food I can get 
elsewhere.  I'm not sure if I'm spoiling the experiment by keeping eggs 
in my diet.

Leaves: iceberg lettuce until I run out, then romaine lettuce, because 
it's all Tesco sells in the Organic section.  They do sell these 
"Little Gems"- I bought two today.  I have no idea what they are.  I 
think they're a lettuce but they might be a cabbage.  Anyone want to 
spoil the surprise? :)  Personally I'd rather have a full size iceberg 
considering the tiny little things are 45p each.

Drinks: water, and ginseng tea once a morning (100% ginseng root).  I'm 
staying on the ginseng because of the suspected adrenal fatigue.

And that's it.  Does anyone have any comments or advice?  Right now 
I've got a murderous fruit craving.  I put that down to having 10 
dates, a tin of blackcurrants and a whole pineapple earlier today.  
Fingers crossed, I will one day be able to look at a piece of fruit the 
same way I can look at a slice of bread (but without the disgust and 
contempt).  I'm also hoping I will feel less hungry eating this way 
since it is virtually carb-free.

One unrelated question- does anyone know what maltodextrin and 
hypromellose are, and why they are used in vitamin tablets?  Is 
maltodextrin a sugar from malt grains?  If it comes from corn then I've 
just wasted £3 on B-vitamins I shouldn't eat.

Thanks all,