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Cheryl Homiak <"[log in to unmask]>"@MXSF05.CLUSTER1.CHARTER.NET>
Reply To:
Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 11 Mar 2004 00:56:37 -0600
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--- Original Message Follows ---

Date:         Thu, 11 Mar 2004 01:50:23 EST
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject:      Re: NO-MILK Digest - 9 Mar 2004 to 10 Mar 2004 (#2004-26)
To: [log in to unmask]

Oh Nancy- what a day!!  I will pray for your sanity---:)  Hope all goes
better soon-

I know someone who's child was recently born without a rectum and requiered a
colostomy- (things could be worse) -while being sympathetic to the situation-
I told her-look at the bright side- at least all the poop IS IN A BAG!  :)

My 16 year old STILL has days that sound like the one you are describing-he
can't figure out how old Mom knows he's been cheating on his milk free diet at

He is a very good boy-and recently I was very nauseous and told him (not
nicely) to MOVE while I ran to the bathroom- he said "you almost threw up on me!"
I said  remembering the 1 milliion times i shampooed the carpet as he grew up
-payback is a b----!    He laughed and reminded me that he would choose my
nursing home......    perspective- this will be funny in about 2
weeks..........andwhen you write that book-I will buy 100 copies........

I must go now....LIFE is calling!!!
