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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 28 Mar 2005 07:13:48 -0800
"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
ken barber <[log in to unmask]>
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well his love changed to more like a sibling or a
parent than like a husband. he moved on as you said.
if his emotions had change from one to another, then
why does his "sibling/parent" love trump the actual
siblings/parents love?
  i have not just set and tried to express my opinions
on this as much as to just remark on the post i have
seen. i really see no need to express my opinion
except to say, "be sure you address everything in you
living will and don't assume anything." i will say at
this point, i agree with Mag, i pray for a passing
that is peaceful and as painfree as possible. i hope
she is not feeling pain, i don't know. at this point
all the opinions have been ruled on and i see no
likilyhood of change. so i hope it is not painful.

--- Trisha Cummings <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi Ken,
>   Okay, how did you come to that conclusion? I feel
> he has been a caring husband, a person who didn't
> care would have divorced her and or signed her over
> to the parents. Yet, he spend years accepting his
> responisibilty to someone who could not repond to
> him on even the simpliest level. Yet he didn't
> abandon her. In fact at one point he took her to
> California for an experimental implant that could
> simtulate the brain and hopefully wake her up - the
> time for it to was work was 3 months - he left it
> there for a year. I think asking people to give up
> everything and sit at bedside for the rest of their
> natural when they are young, and have done
> everything within their power to help is silly. The
> Indian widows used to throw themselves on their
> husbands funeral pyre - and that is exactly what you
> are asking of him. How one feels about this case is
> a reflection of their own thoughts. People seem to
> want him to be a martyr so their ideas of what is
> right is played out - while they live their lives
> they way they want. And I am, pretty sure most of
> the people who have quit a while back. He is
> straddling the fence doing right by his vows, and
> still have a life. And that upsets people. There is
> always a different yardstick if it is someone else.
> Personally, I feel our ability to save lives and our
> technology has long outstriped our humanity. If a
> person can not sustain themselves then nature has
> decreed that they should not live and man has played
> God and decided they should. Then said its God's
> will. There is nothing wrong with death,, it is
> simply the next step in the existance process. And
> Terri has been kept from progressing and growing - I
> sincerely hope after they have all passed on that
> Terri asks her parents why did they keep her from
> going to Heaven? or having that next life - where
> perhaps she would have been happy - not had eating
> problems, had a equally wonderful husband and her
> own children? Why did force her into Hell? If she is
> concious - she long ago went mad becasue she has in
> effect been in solitary confinment. I sincerely hope
> she has been unconcious- so she didn't have deal
> with that, and that she dies soon, and is allowed to
> complete the journey.
> If the parents had been that gung-ho to care for her
> - why have they left her in an institution all these
> years? Why didn't they sacrifice their lives to care
> for her? Hmmm. She is their child. They did try at
> the onset for three weeks and it was to hard - can
> you imagine any of the parents of the CP kids just
> quiting on their kids becasue its to hard - hell, no
> they find help and have the child at home, and worry
> about what happens after they are gone. They don't
> stick them in a home for someone else to care for.
> What about all the people who take care of their
> altsheimers parents, spouses? Michael would have
> been unable to work and still needed help that he
> would have had to pay for - and we all know care is
> astronomically expensive because they have us over a
> barrel. I have read both sides, not just one. The
> people who want Terri to continue living have placed
> their slant on the timeline, and events and judged
> Micheal. I have read timelines with no emotion or
> agenda's attached that show what has happened
> without the forcing one to take sides perferally
> their.
> Its the same when you all jumped on the ain't it
> awful bandwagon on the last rites and communion
> issue. How many of you knew she had had communion on
> 3/18? You are so quick to judge and point the
> finger, and tar and feather people. (not directed
> you - Ken. All this is just food for thought.
>                                      Trisha
> -----Original Message-----
> From: St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of
> ken barber
> Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 9:28 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: More Terri Schiavo bullsh*t
> well trisha, you just made the case for those who
> say
> that he is not the husband now and that the parents
> should have gotten gardianship back. things did
> change.
> all i can say is that it is a sad case.
> --- Trisha Cummings <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > Mike,
> >
> >   Terri, has been this way for 15 years. I think
> its
> > saying a lot that he didn't cut her loose and get
> on
> > with his life. We all need someone. He can love
> > Terri, we all love ,ore than just one person. I
> > would assume since hasn't been a wife to him for
> 15
> > years - he loves her more like child or sibling.
> > Love between people changes with the realtionship
> > and he hasn't been able to have a relationship
> with
> > Terri.
> >
> >                       Trisha
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List on
> > behalf of Mike Collis
> > Sent: Sun 3/27/2005 5:35 PM
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject:      Re: More Terri Schiavo bullsh*t
> >
> > Schiavo has fathered 2 children out of wedlock and
> > is also living with the
> > mother of those children, while he is married to
> > Terri.  Personally, I have
> > a hard time picturing a loving husband doing that
> to
> > his wife, no matter how
> > bad off she is.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
> > [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf
> Of
> > Tamar Raine
> > Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2005 3:58 PM
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: Re: More Terri Schiavo bullsh*t
> >
> > not dead yet does not oppose your right to die as
> > you please. They simply
> > want to make sure that broad  based euthanasia on
> > people  with disabilities
> > does not take place.
> >
> > Personally, at this point, I hope Terri passes
> > quickly. I wrote to the
> > person that sends out these email alerts on Terri
> > and I told him, you know,
> > it's really too late now, let her go in peace. I
> saw
> > the A&E piece on her
> > and her family. My feeling is that Michael Schavo
> > has done nothing wrong
> > here. The man has become an ER nurse in order to
> > learn how to help his wife
> > the best he could. We will never know whether
> Terri
> > Schaivo Could have
> > improved with therapy, only G-D knows. And, yes,
> > Kat, I too (and others)
> > find it ironic that Bush's popularity dropped.  In
> > any case, I am praying
> > forr Terri's quick, painless passing.
> >
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