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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Julianne Aloe <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 8 Sep 2004 16:37:58 +1000
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Sorry, nothing new to add here, but the old stand bys work for me:
Getting 30-45 minutes of exercise every other day or 3 times a week,
(just breaking a good sweat and getting cleaned up makes me feel good)
and getting enough sleep go a long way to keeping me stable.


A friend swears by St. John's Wort, but there is only anecdotal evidence
for support.  Do you take a multivitamin?  I take several vitamins, and
if they don't help outright, they sure don't hurt.  I drink tea, not
coffee, and don't drink alcohol as much as I used to.


Do you have a counselor?  Is a prescription appropriate? =20


The gluten free diet/condition is a little depressing because we live in
a culture that overindulges in all types of food.  It's hard to keep in
perspective that truly, we don't live by bread alone.=20


I have hypoglycemia. It was very hard to even get a Dr. to run the
proper tests. But one finally did. If your blood sugar level is dropping
and raising(due to adrenaline release) then it can definitely cause
depression. If your hands gaet shaky,you have inner shakiness, crave
sweets, etc. then going on a diet to control blood sugar will help


my 23 yr old daughter still suffers from depression after more than 3
years GF.  She has been taking Zoloft for a few years, with a few stops
in between when we thought she was fine.  It looks like she'll continue
to need to take it for now.


I'm going to assume that you are taking really good vitamins and
minerals....=20 and that you are eating a well balanced diet.... Just
because we go GF, doesn't mean that we are eating the necessary things
to keep our bodies well.=20

Do you have unresolved issues in your life? Are all of your family
members wonderful? Do you have everything that you need to be happy?
Good relationships with other's, etc?=20

How do other's treat you because of the Celiac?=20

I think that we can have a lot of issues that most people wouldn't think
about. Our "disease" isn't really well known. We can be made to feel
like we are "different" by unknowing individuals, especially if we are
the first ones to show up with Celiac, etc in our families.=20

There is more to this than us going on our Gluten Free Diet. I used to
feel like a freak. As a teenager going anywhere with the rest of the
group and ordering a Hamburger without the bun -- having the rest stare
at me eating it with my fingers... Totally embarrassing. Thank Heaven
for protein wrapped now... Now it's "totally in" to order anything
without the bread.


Just wanted to let you know I too battle with depression....and I
have=20 been gluten free for almost 9 years too.  Think it may be from

deep inside that causes it and I don't know where it comes from...but
I=20 do know that I am taking medication for it and as long as I take
my=20 lexapro I am ok.  Just don't feel alone....there are others of us.


I have recently been reading about a possible connection between low
levels of serum cholesterol and depression. Apparently, a certain amount
of cholesterol is required by the brain to produce serotonin, hence the


My heart feels for you and you have a valid concern.  I am not a doctor,
yet by the very nature of the disease ...it is possible your body was
damaged so badly prior to going gluten free that it may take a very long
time to heal or in some cases the villi may not heal.  With that said,
there are many things that your body  may not have the ability to absorb
that your body needs in order to 'lift' depression. =20 Hang in there
and by all means....talk to your doctor and share with them how you are
feeling.=20 Best of Luck


A newbie myslef - but I would say make sure you are all gluten free - &
not getting any contamination from things like the Blue Diamond nut rice
crackers - which I got a reaction from. Also, check for some other food


i am not celiac, but suffer from intermittent depression.  the best
rememdy i have found is daily exercise....does not need to be strenuous,
but at least twenty minutes a day of walking, yoga, aerobics, swimming,
gardening - does wonders for me.

support from concerned others also helps - this could be a therapist,
but could also include friends, family, minister, whomever in your life
will really listen and let you unload.


i've been diagnosed for 3 years now and it still comes and goes.  i'm on
anti depressents and have felt a lot better, my stomach pains that i
still had went away.  i still get down but it's more controllable


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