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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Julianne Aloe <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 8 Sep 2004 16:40:00 +1000
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Summaries continued


Omega 3 oils can help w/ depression. Flax seed oil is high in these.
They need to be in the right proportion with Omega 6 oils to work well
and the omega 6s are more readily available.

I take a couple of flax seed capsules each day. Makes my attitude a
glass half full, rather than a half empty one.

Studies have shown that those give omega 3 oils require less medications
to treat their conditions.

I saw another study on elderly women in nursing home correlating B 12
levels to depression. The deeper the depression, the greater the


I read your post re gluten and depression. Whilst I dont have
depression, I have anxiety, and need to take medication for it. I also
have Celiac Disease and have been following a gf diet for nearly 1.5 yrs

I have read many posts hearing of folks with neurological symptoms,
depressions, anxieties etc. who have seen an alleviation of their
symptoms once they go gluten free.

I just want to let you know, youre not the only one who has such a
condition while following a gf diet. I have had my anxiety disorder
before my dx, and I still have it afterwards and still need to take
medication for it. My brother has been on the gf diet his whole life and
has ADD and has to take some Ritalin.

I don't work in the medical field, but I guess each case is different.
Whilst some folks get total relief from symptoms while going gf, others
can have conditions totally unrelated to the Celiac disease.


I have celiac and have been on the diet 7 years.  I still=20 suffer from
depression and panic attacks.  What do you use for the=20 depression.  I
have been using St. John's Wort for about a month. My=20 chiropractor
put me on it plus sweet chestnut oil, but I don't feel they are=20
working.  Sometimes I feel my diet isn't adequate because even though I
eat=20 fresh fruits, veggies, chicken, turkey, fish, rice, potatoes,
corn, etc. I=20 feel I am not getting all my vitamins.  I also have
trouble sleeping.  I have a vita mix and make smoothies and soup. I also
eat bread and make it=20 sometimes.  Please let me know what you find


I came to a diagnosis of celiac via being diagnoses with a vitamin
B-12=20 deificiency. Since starting high dose B-12 therapy (oral, not
injection) my=20 mood and ability to cope with stress are both very much
improved. Why not ask=20 to have your B-12 level tested? But be sure
that your doctor is up on the=20 latest research - older standards for a
normal B-12 level have recently been=20 shown to be too low, and many
people (like me) have symptoms of severe=20 defiency at the lower end of
the old normal range.


There must be more allergens left in your diet to cause your depression.
I=20 found out that grain fed meats caused my depression as well as
dairy,=20 sugar, eggs, soy, nuts and anything made from them


I've had depression a good share of my life.  Going gf didn't improve my
depression.  I still must take medicine.  Good health to you


Although I would not wish depression upon

anyone, it is always nice to hear that I am not suffering 'terminal
uniqueness', and that others have had the same experiences. Before I
went gluten-free I was prone to bouts of depression that could be severe
and that could last for months.  Now that I have been gluten-free for
some six years I am prone to bouts of depression that are mild, and that
usually last for less than a fortnight.  It is wonderful that some
people are able to cure depression completely through a change in diet.
And, I am very grateful for the improvement that I have seen.  But,  G-F
isn't a 100% cure, 100% of the time.  :-(

Because my depression is quite mild, I usually just grit my teeth and
live through it, telling myself that it's only temporary.  If I am able
to so do, I seek out the services of a kinesiologist, and request a
'balance', which sometimes helps.  (If you look up kinesiology on the
Internet you can get a much better account of it than I could give you.)
Accupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine also sound like good remedies.
The best advice that I could offer is:  take good care of yourself.  It
is very easy, when you are depressed, to fail to do this.  Make a point
of drinking plenty of water, eating right, getting excercise
(preferrably in sunlight), and keeping in contact with your friends.


I have had the same problem. And while under a doctor's care, it
continued. My doctor was prescribing nutritional supplements, and they
helped somewhat. On this listserv, I read about the book, The Brain
Chemistry Plan. I bought it, followed the suggestions, and amazingly,
the depression lifted. It turns out I needed to up my B vitamin
intake.=20 I still get down, and when I do, I take more B's. Also, there
is a vitamin called Ola Loa that is GF and is a powder. I feel like I
absorb it better.


Here are thoughts on depression.  The statistics say that at some time
of our lives 7 out of 10 people will experience depression.  That is of
the general population-it may have nothing to do or very little to do
with celiac disease. =20


My depression is not severe , I become more anti -social . It mainly
occurs now only if I accidentally ingest gluten, When it does occurs I
heard niacin helps (i haven't had to try ityet ) The only thing i do is
walk far and fast.,everyday while the gluten is still in me. My sister
(also a celaic) takes an anti depressent, She has been able to reduce
the dosage since going gluten free. I hope that helps I know it is llike
trying to fight an invisible monster


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