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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 Sep 2004 14:20:12 -0600
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The Secret Of The Locked Box

By Phil Scovell

Note.  I have been given permission to repeat this testimony by
the lady who experienced it.

     I was praying with a lady concerning fear which she
described as pain.  As we prayed, we were attempting to follow the
pain to where it might lead.  Behind such painful woundedness will
always be a lie, a misunderstanding, or confusion of some sort
which needs to be removed or healed.

     We discovered a great deal of demonic activity in our journey
back to the original source of the pain.  These were all demons
who had no reason, or right, or license, to be there.  Nor could
they speak verbally to me due to this lack of authority and level
of deception in which they functioned.  They were only there to
assist in blocking the path to the truth.  Each were subsequently
removed and sent to Jesus.  Many, once they had been exposed by
pointing out they had no right to be there, began leaving on their
own.  It is not wise to allow them to leave on their own, in my
opinion, because they might decide they can return.  So I follow
up by sending them to Jesus regardless of their apparent

     After about six or seven of these demonic blockages, I prayed
for all similar demons with the same assignment to be gathered
together in one place because I was getting tired of dealing with
them individually since they were all unable to give a valid
reason for their right to remain.  Binding them together, I sent
them to Jesus and the demonic resistance vanished.

Instead of immediately arriving in a memory, as I expected, she
reported seeing a locked box sitting on a table.  We prayed about
this box but were given no clues.  One of my assumption was that
this box was for later after a healing had occurred.  We prayed
and continued following the pain back to its original source.

     Instead of a memory, an experience I have seen before
occurred.  A panorama of memories flashed by so rapidly, she was
unable to focus on any individual memory.  I knew what this meant,
as stated before, based on prior experience.  However, I still
asked the Lord to allow the lady to focus on one of the memories
in case it might give us a clue to the source of her pain.  No
such thing happened.  I asked the Lord the reveal to the lady the
nature of all the memories collectively.  She said, "There is
sadness in every single memory but none of them will stop long
enough to see the nature of the memory.  I asked the Lord what He
wanted her to know about these memories collectively.  I do this
because I have seen the Lord heal dozens of broken and hurting
memories collectively and I thought this might be the case in this
situation.  It was not.  Instead, she reported the Lord said,
"Take Back."  I prayed for clarification and she reported that she
felt the Lord was saying He would take all the painful and sad
events back.

     As I prayed again, the lady was immediately taken back to the
locked box.  She reported it was locked with a golden lock and
later she reported the lock was in the shape of a golden cross.
When she said it could not be opened, she then said, "But I think
I can open it."  I encouraged her to do so and she opened the box.
She first reported that the scent of the contents of the box was
aromatic and like the scent of a fresh spring day and not musty as
one might have expected.  Otherwise, she said she saw nothing in
the box.

     Quickly, however, she noticed a piece of paper in the box.
She identified it was not just paper but it was parchment.
Furthermore, she reported the box itself was very ornate in
construction and design.

     As I sat and listened to this lady talk about the box, she
lifted the parchment out and said, "There's writing on the
paper."  I could hardly contain myself but I fought down the urge
to rush the healing process.

     This lady, by the way, is totally blind.  She has been blind
since birth.  Yes, she has learned print so she can write checks
as needed but Braille is her main form of communication when it
comes to reading.  Yet, the writing on the parchment was not, as
she reported to me, in Braille.  She thought this odd because she
expected it to be exactly that.

     Finally I couldn't stand it any longer and I said, "What does
it say on the paper?"

     She spoke slowly and distinctly with short pauses between
each word as though she were in great awe.  "I.  Love.  You."

     I asked her if she understood this sequence of events and she
said she did not but that she already knew the Lord loved her.  I
explained that the Lord had shown her a number of similar memories
that He was going to heal but before that, He was reestablishing
His relationship with her by telling her that He, the Creator of
the universe, loved her above all else.  I furthermore suggested
that she could now take this parchment out of the box any time she
wished and shake it in the face of any lying spirit that came to
bother her and show them in writing, not by just words alone, but
by the written Word of God, that she was loved by God and that she
could literally tell them that message trumps anything and
everything.  Furthermore, I felt strongly in my spirit, and told
her so, that she was                          the only one who
could have opened the box in the first place since the message was
specifically addressed to her.  This was not a guess on my part
but a strong spiritual impression I received during the prayer
session which I mentioned afterward.  She saw it and received it.

     Later I explained to this lady what happened to me as we
prayed concerning the message in the locked ornate box.  I believe
what she heard from the Lord had as great, if not greater, impact
upon me as it did her.

I will continue this in the near future as to why her
experience had such an impact upon me personally.  For now,
I just wanted to share her testimony.


I Flew Kites With Jesus