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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 18 Apr 2004 00:41:11 -0600
text/plain (102 lines)
I haven't been posting as much on echurch of late because I have
been spending my spare time, that is, when not watching
grandchildren, either praying with people on pre scheduled prayer
sessions, or working on a Christian novel.  I frankly, in spite of
all the other writing I have done, never consider too seriously a
novel.  Oh, I have written one but it was a western and I have
never tried to get it published.  I have started a couple of other
Christian novels but never got very far before giving up on the
idea.  I began one about life during the millennium and another
about the Christians during the tribulation.  I wrote a few
chapters and haven't gotten back to either of those for a very
long time.  I have also written many introductory chapters to
other novels, mostly westerns, which I likewise have quickly lost
interest in completely.  Since the changes the Lord has brought to
my own life in the last two years, an idea germinated which I
began day dreaming about many months ago.  I happened to mention
my basic idea of a Christian story to Carol one day in an email
and she insisted I begin writing it.  Well, shoot.  I still
didn't take it seriously but I wrote the first chapter, emailed it
to Carol and Mike to proof read it, and suddenly I was being
pushed and encouraged to write more and more by them both.  The
ministry of intercessory prayer I am in now full time became a
part of this story.  The story itself is about a Satanic group
which plots against churches to destroy some of them and to extort
millions of dollars from other ministries.  In the middle of all
of this, people get saved and healed and set free while others die
and go to prison.  It is not a book for the light hearted.  I will
be criticized for certain aspects of the book if it is ever seen
by the public, too.  I decided, if I was going to write the book,
it would be real and truthful.  Otherwise, why bother.  After
writing some chapters and having Mike and Carol proof reading
them, I have made major changes at times, to only imply, the
violence and sin in which people become involved.  It is all
there, however, for others to read when the time comes.  Publish
it?  I will be surprised it is ever published by a Christian
publisher.  Self publishing is an option, if you have the money,
and I already have in mind a publisher that is a Christian bare
bones publisher.  Again, you pay for everything but they do all
the printing and binding.  You do all the marketing.  I am not
even remotely interested in marketing any product and making money
off the Body of Christ.  I'm not against those who do but I won't
do it.  Selling a book is fine and there's nothing wrong with it
but few authors ever see much money from their published works.  I
have no interest in making money off Christians.  I do want people
to read something that can change a life.  This book will stir
people in ways they never dreamed.  Some will hate it.  Some will
think it is the best read they have ever experienced.  Some people
will cry as they read it and some will grieve because of the
impact of the truth imbedded in the story itself.  Some will
criticize it, and me, but others will experience freedom from
bondage and those are who I care about.  What happens if no
publishing company is interested in the book?  I could care less.
I have a website where it can be displayed for free to anybody who
wants to read it.  I won't be trying to publish the book, by the
way, unless the Lord leads me to do so otherwise.  I guarantee
you, however, that I will not be seeking any Christian publishing
house to market my book.  I also already have another source who
may show interest in the book due to the nature of their own
ministry.  If they are interested in seeing it published, that
alone will encourage me to do so.  Otherwise, as I said, it will
be on the website for free to all.  I am nearing the end of the
book, to my amazement, and I am passed the 180,000 word mark
already.  It will easily pass 200,000 words by the time I finish.
My oldest sister, by the way, is a published author of Christian
educational materials and she is currently self publishing new
Christian school materials shortly to be released.  She is,
therefore, an excellent proof reader and knows the business.
Unfortunately, my sister would be quite well to do by now but a
Christian publisher, who was a personal friend of the family,
literally stole my sister's copyrights.  He stole the copies of
her books when he was fired from a big Christian publishing house,
whose name most would know if I mentioned it, and that big
publishing house took him to court.  He lost and was ordered by
the judge to pay my sister a minimum of 30,000 dollars.  She had
already lost over 150,000 dollars in royalties but this guy didn't
have five cents to his name.  He never even paid the 30,000
dollars to my sister either.  How did I get off on to all that?
Anyhow, my point is this.  Once the first draft of the book is
complete, I won't display it publicly on my website but it will
be available privately to those who want to read it.  I won't
display it publicly until I learn if anybody is interested in it.
If they aren't, I'll put it on my website and then pray about self
publishing.  To do self publishing right, however, you need about
30,000 dollars just to get the publishing part done right and
copies of the book made.  Then you spend a long time trying to get
interviews on radio stations and doing personal appearances.  I
have absolutely no interest in any of that.  Maybe during the
Millennium when there is more time for such things but not now.
What I want to do now is what the Lord called me to do and that's
to pray with people who need to be set free from woundedness.  So,
please pray about all this, if you think about it, and when the
book's first draft is finished, I'll let you all know.  I have a
private passworded upload and download folder on my website where
you'll be able to get the book or I will be able, of course, to
email it as an attachment.


I Flew Kites With Jesus