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Magenta Raine <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tue, 22 Nov 2005 18:59:48 -0800
text/plain (181 lines)
I learned to do this in college, ken, I think it's called the Jacobean

Guess what!   My dad's sending me & a helper to Maui for my big 50th
birthday! I'm really jazzed!


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"What is real but compassion, as we move from birth to death?"
~~Greg Brown~~

> [Original Message]
> From: ken barber <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: 11/22/2005 1:53:44 PM
> Subject: Re: My water-retention problem
> i see a dystonia specialist and this is something that
> people with dystonia can do is to foll a body part to
> relax. i do this on a regular basis that is to fool
> one part to relax at least temporarily. you can't stay
> tense in one place to relax another one all the time,
> but, i do give the worse place a break for a short
> time.
> --- Jonathan Rand <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > My feet r very tender, I think because of abnormal
> > stresses put on them.  It
> > used 2 be much worse.  When symptoms of chemical
> > sensitivity first started
> > creaping up on me, I didn’t no what was happening.
> > My movements became more
> > normal at first.  Then I became very sleepy all the
> > time.  Sometimes my
> > movements became A LOT worse!  Neck spasms were
> > choaking off blood 2 my
> > brain, (or something like that).  Anyway, my feet
> > were getting soar from
> > walking “wrong” I guess.  4 a few years, I wore
> > extra large shoes, & I wore
> > them on the wrong foot, (left on right, etc.), to
> > stop my feet from rubbing
> > on the shoes.  Getting my toenails cut was like open
> > heart surgery!
> >
> > But after I learned how 2 control the chemical
> > sensitivity, my mobility
> > problems seemed 2 “stabolize,” & walking became much
> > easier.  I still don’t
> > / can’t walk without shoes because my toes curl up
> > under my feet, & they wud
> > drag along the ground, (and that HURTS), but since
> > my doctors weren’t really
> > helping, I felt I was forced 2 try stuff on my own,
> > & maybe I was somewhat
> > successful.
> >
> > I still hate getting my toenails cut but it’s a
> > thousand times easier now…
> >
> > I don’t know if other people can do this…  Maybe I’m
> > weird.  But at 1 point
> > I found that I was able 2 relax my feet wile
> > walking, if I tensed up
> > “something else.”  Like my legs, (or another part of
> > my body).  Then my toes
> > didn’t curl up, & my feet didn’t turn in as much.
> >
> > But I have ATHETOSIS as well as spasticity.  In som
> > cases I get to CHOOSE
> > between the 2.
> >
> > It’s a little complicated.  But r u able 2 relax a
> > part of your body 2 take
> > the pressure off it?  In order 2 do this, you hav2
> > pay a price!  Another
> > part of u will have to tense up.
> >
> > It looks like som people with ONLY spasticity, won’t
> > b able 2 do this.  But
> > I’m wondering if it can be learnt.
> >
> > I suspect there r many movement “schemes” people can
> > adopt?  I only no wats
> > happening 2 me….  (& wat it LOOKS like I’m seeing in
> > others).  I cud be very
> > off on this but I wanted 2 try 2 help, anyway.  :)
> >
> >                   Jonathan
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >From: Rayna <[log in to unmask]>
> > >Reply-To: "St. John's University Cerebral Palsy
> > List"
> > ><[log in to unmask]>
> > >To: [log in to unmask]
> > >Subject: My water-retention problem
> > >Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 13:47:52 +0800
> > >
> > >Had my appointment with my GP on Thursday morning.
> > She took one look at
> > >my feet, prodded them a bit with her fingers, and
> > got an expression of
> > >`oh, this really isn't good', on her face.  A bit
> > unnerving, as my feet
> > >weren't nearly as swollen as they have been in the
> > evenings.
> > >
> > >She tested my BP - fine, took three vials of blood
> > - sticking needles
> > >into me is such a distressing situation for both of
> > us (I have a
> > >tendency to swear like a sailor in those
> > situations, really cannot bear
> > >invasive medical treatments, have had a few too
> > many), that she figured
> > >she may as well test for as much as possible while
> > she was there.  Went
> > >over other possible reasons for the water
> > retention, agreed that lack of
> > >excercise hasn't helped, but will get better now
> > the weather is good,
> > >she doesn't think that my salt intake is a cause or
> > a problem -
> > >something about living in a warm climate, didn't
> > pay much attention.
> > >
> > >So she gave me a script for diuretics, and wants to
> > see me in a week.
> > >The diuretics do seem to be working - my feet are
> > less swollen than they
> > >were in the evenings, but still too swollen, wish
> > they would work faster.
> > >
> > >It seems that I have weird little toes, they both
> > turn under my  feet -
> > >always have, and I thought that  was normal,
> > apparently not - and in the
> > >last few weeks that has meant that I've essentially
> > been walking on my
> > >toenails.  That explains the excruciating pain when
> > I walk.  May have to
> > >go to a podiatrist - the thought makes me
> > physically ill.  I cannot bear
> > >people fiddling with my feet - or even touching
> > them.  I've spoken to a
> > >few others with CP in the last couple of years who
> > also have this
> > >difficulty.  Does anyone else have problems with
> > this, or have any ideas
> > >as to the cause - physical or psychological?
> > >
> > >Rayna
> > >
> > >--
> > >
> > >Email: [log in to unmask]
> > >http://www.livejournal.com/users/bookgirlwa/
> > >
> > >Yahoo Messenger: bookgirlwa
> > >IM: bookgirlwa
> > >ICQ: 205888629
> >
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