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St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 12:24:30 +0000
text/plain (222 lines)
Aren't you her legal guardian?  I know she's 18 and all, but if you are her
main means of support - i.e., can claim her as a dependent on your income tax
form - then you might have some parental rights.  But I'm not an attorney so
obviously I don't know much about family law.

You do have issues here, all right.  You need to get her to a doctor ASAP and
get her treated but as Susan said, it's very difficult to get anorexics and
bulimics to realise they need help.

A little personal background here - way back in the 1980s I was so stressed
out, I practically stopped eating.  I lost over 20 pounds and was gettng
close to being underweight when my dad looked at  me one day and said I was
too thin. (this coming from a man who was always trying to lose weight
himself!)  But I resisted going to a counsellor until the day I picked up the
phone and took a call from an irate customer who reduced me to tears in
seconds.  All of a sudden, I thought, is this worth dying for? And I went to
the local public mental health clinic as I'd no medical insurance and went
through two years of counselling.  Now, I wasn't truely anorexic because I
did eat but my counsellor told me later I could have easily beome one.

So there you go - my near-anorexic experience.   There are far better ways to
lose weight and deal with stress, believe me!


On Thursday 07 April 2005 11:34 am, Trisha Cummings wrote:
> Hi Kat,
>   Well, for starters - this minefield and Alex is 18 now. She has an
> apointment next week with a otolaryngologist down in Newports were she goes
> to college. Step one. I have to wait till she back here - she will be back
> - the end of May. Then I take her to our primary care doctor and have a
> physical, and get a referral for a gastroentrogolist. We then rule out any
> real medical problems, get an offical diganosis from a professional, and
> move to recommended care from there. I have to work with her here, its no
> like with Amber where I am actually the parent. If she knew what I thought
> and planned - she would refuse to do it. And at 18 - she can. And I won't
> even get into the emotional issues here. I will continue to do what's right
> for her - for as long as she allows it.
>                                        Trisha
> -----Original Message-----
> From: St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of [log in to unmask]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 1:41 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Parental help needed
> I confess I'm wondering why you're waiting until the summer to get this
> checked out=2E  If it's bulima, her esophaugus could be damaged, and the
> longer you wait for treatment the worse off she will be=2E  If it's peptic=
> ulcers or something like that,  the untreated ulcer could perferate the
> stomach lining and she could be in danger of peronitis, a very dangerous
> condition=2E  So don't wait to get her to a doctor=2E
> Kat=20
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> From: Trisha Cummings TrishaC@SMDI=2ECOM
> Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 10:44:46 -0400
> Subject: Re: Parental help needed
> Hi Again Kat,
>      I think you may have hit the nail on the head - eating disorders are =
> a
> direct result of emotional problems=2E I am going to research bulimia -
> Thank!!! been thinking about since I got your e-mail=2E
>                              Trisha
> -----Original Message-----
> From: St=2E John's University Cerebral Palsy List
> ksalkin@triad=2Err=2E= com
> Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 8:52 AM
> Subject: Re: Parental help needed
> Alex may be bingeing and purging=3D2E  Remember that eating disorders are
> reactions to stress and Alex may be having problems handling uni=3D2E  If =
> th=3D
> e
> teacher went to the lengths of contacting you regarding Alex's problems,
> she must be very concerned as I don't think uni teachers or professors
> normally contact parents for things like that - uni students are normally
> regarded as adults who are responsible for their own behavior and
> health=3D= 2E=3D
>  =3D20
> As I said, Bobby probably will have better advice to give you but I'm thin=
> =3D
> k
> you were right at least in investigating the matter, although I think you
> might have talked to Alex before talking to the teacher=3D2E  But then, Al=
> ex=3D
> might have told you she wasn't having any problems when she really is=3D2E=
>   =3D
> I
> feel it's a judgement call every parents has to make in a situation like
> this=3D2E
> Sorry I'm not being much help=3D2E=3D20
> Kat
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> From: Trisha Cummings TrishaC@SMDI=3D2ECOM
> Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 07:52:16 -0400
> Subject: Re: Parental help needed
> Hi Kat,
>   This wasn't angle I had thought of - she is very much over weigh and has=
> =3D
> gained at least 20 pounds being away school=3D2E I will take her to a
> gastroentrologist this summer - and I do see that she has counseling=3D2E =
> As=3D
> Amber said she makes herself throw becasue it makes her stomach quit
> hurting when she is upset=3D2E Was I wrong to talk to the teacher tho - An=
> d
> thanks for giving me something else to consider and check out=3D2E All pos=
> si=3D
> ble
> things need to be brought into play to help her=3D2E=3D20
>                                   Trisha
> -----Original Message-----
> From: St=3D2E John's University Cerebral Palsy List
> [mailto:C-PALSY@MAELSTROM=3D2ESTJOHNS=3D2EEDU]On Behalf Of Kathy
> Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 8:16 AM
> Subject: Re: Parental help needed
> Trisha, this may be a serious health problem - if Alex makes herself throw=
> =3D
> up
> she may be bulimic and that requires medical attention=3D2E  It's an eatin=
> g
> disorder and bulimics usually deny they're sick until they are seriously i=
> =3D
> ll
> or if they get counselling=3D2E  Bobby can give you better advice than I, =
> bu=3D
> t I
> seriously think you need to get her to a doctor ASAP=3D2E
> Kat
> On Wednesday 06 April 2005 11:33 am, Trisha Cummings wrote:
> > Greetings All,
> >
> >    Could use some parental advice here=3D2E My custodial child has emoti=
> on=3D
> al
> > problems - and it gives her bad stomach pains - she then makes herself
> > throw up=3D2E She is away at college and her voice teacher wants her to =
> se=3D
> e a
> > doctor for acid reflux=3D2E I e-mailed the teacher that this is not prob=
> le=3D
> m,
> > and what the real problem is=3D2E My daughter Amber says I was wrong to =
> do=3D
> > this=3D2E She also the one who thought someone should tell the
> > teacher=3D=
> 2E =3D
> I
> guess
> > it wasn't suppose to be me=3D2E I appreciate the teacher wanting to help=
>  A=3D
> lex
> > but I don't want Alex treated for the wrong thing=3D2E So, was I correct=
>  o=3D
> r
> did
> > I screw up as always=3D2E
> >
> >                                                                   Trisha=
> =3D
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> mail2web - Check your email from the web at
> http://mail2web=3D2Ecom/ =3D2E
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> mail2web - Check your email from the web at
> http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E