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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Aug 2005 07:00:27 -0700
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Ebou Jallow <[log in to unmask]>
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The Point: Given the Supreme Court’s verdict, would you say it was a fatal legal-cum-political miscalculation to register NADD and not otherwise?
Darboe: This is purely based on human feeling. Every organization is man made and man is prone to make mistakes. Frankly speaking, it was not within our contemplation that NADD’s registration would produce the effects it has produced.

"Human feeling" or sound judgment.  NADD is not only existing in total error and constant denial but shortsighted and ridiculously incompetent.  What Mr. Darboe fails to say is that his own party is no more the very minute UDP merged with NADD. The electoral laws forces Mr. Darboe to stay "commited" to NADD, and not some new found love for some ideal.  As a result he is entangled with NADD whether he likes it or not.  Obviously there is a serious tension between Mr. Darboe and the rest of the NADD executive, and he is trying to maintain a strategic edge amongst his future competitors. Who is Mr. Darboe kidding... :)

Ebou Jallow

abdoukarim sanneh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Mr Mbai, thanks for the forward. I think OJ Jallow's BBC interview is more realistic. The leadership of opposition parties should know that the historical realitic of the present political metamorphosis  is, be fully committed to NADD or say good bye to politics.

panderry mbai <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


                     By Ebrima G. Sankareh, USA

Atlanta, Georgia—Twice Presidential contender and leader of the opposition United Democratic Party (UDP), lawyer Ousainou Darboe has expressed unequivocally, total support for the National Alliance for Democracy & Development in The Gambia (NADD). Addressing a crowd of anxious Gambians on Friday at Ndow’s Photo Studios in downtown Atlanta, an urbane lawyer Darboe assured Gambians that there was no turning back from NADD. “It took 15 months to draft the protocols for the adoption of NADD following the hard work and bargaining of all parties and we all deserve commendation for the creation of this alliance” he said. Mr. Darboe’s much awaited clarification came in the wake of intense controve! ! rsy that NADD was in tatters. Until his reassuring statement, there was a combustible combination of rumor, misinformation and speculation of a chasm among the opposition parties which did not anchor well with Gambians who want to see an end to the dictatorship in the mini-West African state.

            Responding to a question from the crowd, lawyer Darboe said while all opposition officials were qualified to run for the presidency, whoever is chosen, must be a saleable candidate. Pressed on what that means, he said, the chosen candidate must be a household name. He invoked Halifa Sallah and Omar Jallow to punctuate his point of what really constitutes a household name. Asked if he will support any candidate, Darboe said “I will support and campaign vigorously for any candidate chosen by NADD much more than I would do for myself”. However, he was quick to point out that whoever is chosen, if the process remains fraudulent and unfair, even the most popu! ! lar candidate will not win”.

On the genesis of NADD, lawyer Darboe explains that “the need for NADD arose following the abolition of the second round of voting when it dawned on us that a united front was the best option”. He urged Gambians to rally behind NADD for the restoration of the rule of law, human rights and basic freedoms that have all dissipated since the July 22nd 1994 coup. “We were the most peaceful, accommodating and tolerant people until that fateful day when our freedoms as a people were seized by the military” he charged. Lawyer Ousainou Darboe also appealed to Diasporans to financially support Save the Gambia Democracy Project (STGDP), the Atlanta headquartered association of Gambians that sponsored NADD’s recent US tour. Argued Darboe, “unlike President Jammeh who uses money to corrupt the electorate, NADD uses its funds ! ! to reach out to the remotest hamlet in the countryside”. He lambasted Jammeh for his flamboyant styles and told the crowd that during his last trip here “President Jammeh
 paid $6000 (US) during a dental visit and gave out $20,000 (US) tip to the staff much to the amazement of the dentist himself”.

Mr. Kebba Foon of STGDP chaired the meeting, which lasted until the we hours of Saturday morning. Mr. Kebba Jallow former Chairman of the Kanifing Municipality gave a rousing welcome to lawyer Darboe describing him as a selfless and patriotic Gambian who has a reputation of a human rights lawyer from the historic treason trials of 1981 to the present. Mr. Jallow told Gambians to support any one chosen to unseat the APRC come 2006. The Atlanta meeting, a sequel to the New York one may now help abate the tension and controversy thus far, fuelled further, by local news reports and silence among the major actors in the whole political melodrama.

In tandem with journalistic ethics the above report was read to lawyer Darboe. He described it as a true reflection of what he said in Atlanta and proceeded to grant this reporter an exclusive interview. Below we reproduce the telephone interview with lawyer Darboe from his brother’s home in Washington, DC.

The Point: Mr. Darboe what else do you want to add to the above report?

Darboe: I am grateful to Hassan Musa Camara for his diligence and commitment to our movement for peaceful democratic change. It was Mr. Camara’s efforts that led to the GPP/UDP/PPP/ alliance in the 2001 elections. I see NADD as an extension of Mr. Camara’s laudable efforts in this endeavour. He is doing an outstanding job in The Gambia.

The Point: Why here now after the NADD delegation returned- I thought you were sent an air ticket together with Waa, Halifa, Amat and OJ?

Darboe: I am here at my own expense, on a private family visit.

The Point: What do you hope to fix and or achieve in one five-year term as President?

Darboe: I hope to have laid a solid foundation for a democratic culture of transparency, rule of law and good governance. Simultaneously, a tangible economic Programme would be in place for the nation’s economic take off which will permeate

the social sector.

            The Point: As a lawyer who is in full time politics, what would you want to be remembered for most, your legacy?

            Darboe: Strengthening of the independence of the judiciary & rule of law. As you know, the judiciary is my main constituency so really I would want to leave behind as my legacy a completely independent judiciary; not just theoretically but practically. Also, a culture of tolerance and consultation among government, civil society and society in general.

            The Point: Your colleague, OJ categorically told the BBC that it tantamount to political suicide for any party to leave NADD- do you feel the same?

            Darboe: The UDP entered NADD with no inducement or coercion and is at liberty to leave NADD and we have never contemplated leaving NADD.I therefore think the statement was uncalled for, it was ill considered.

            The Point: Given the Supreme Court’s verdict, would you say it was a fatal legal-cum-political miscalculation to register NADD and not otherwise?

            Darboe: This is purely based on human feeling. Every organization is man made and man is prone to make mistakes. Frankly speaking, it was not within our contemplation that NADD’s registration would produce the effects it has produced.

            The Point: What worries you most about The Gambia?

            Darboe: The security situation is most worrisome. Recently, 8-12 bodies were discovered in the outskirts of the village of Brufut. How they came by their death remains at best a mystery. The situation is not what we want. For the past ten years such deaths have become common. Recently, your colleague Deyda Hydara was killed in gruesome circumstances and to date, no one has been charged with his death. Crimes such as Deyda’s death have attracted international attention, which is not good for the country’s image. So the security situation is really worrying to me.

The Point: The idea of a running mate was sold to the NADD delegation here. Has this been discussed yet and how do you see the idea of a running mate?

Darboe: Frankly, whatever I say here is my personal opinion. We have not yet discussed the issue and it will be premature for me to give a verdict.

The point: Finally, your relation with all NADD parties?

Darboe: Warm, just fine.

The Point: Thank you very much for the patience and respect shown, I wish you good luck and have a good night.

Darboe: Thank you so much for your work.

               What remains to be seen now is the selection of a NADD leader for the 2006 elections.

                               THE END.

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