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Denise Kreb <[log in to unmask]>
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Denise Kreb <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 14 Dec 2003 13:33:44 -0500
text/plain (51 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

We recently went to Disney World.  I had read many posts and followed all
the directions:  I called and made reservations at all the restaurants and
told them I had a child who required a gluten free diet.  They all assured
me that we would be fine.

The first morning a chef came out to greet us for breakfast and made
wonderful gluten free pancakes.  It was a wonderful experience.

That night, we ate at Cinderella's Royal Table in the Magic Kingdom.  The
chef came out right away and was wonderful, taking our orders.  He said he
had some special rolls heating up for us.  My son loved the rolls and ate
almost three of them!  The chef came out mid-way through our meal to check
on everything.  I told him the rolls were wonderful and asked him how they
make them.  He told m
e that they recently quit making them there and now
buy them from a company.  He went to get me the package so I could buy them
myself.  When he brought out the label from the DeLand Bakery in Florida, I
almost died.  We have never tried them before, but based on the posts on
this list, I would never have let my son try them.  He is a very sensitive
celiac.  I didn't say anything to him and decided to just wait and see what
would happen and hope for the best.

He seemed to be doing well, until exactly two hours afterwards--which is
typical for him.  He suddenly began violently vomiting.  He vomited eight
times and then started diarrhea.  We were at MGM during the Fantasmik show
during all this.  He didn't eat anything else all day which could possibly
have contained gluten and this is consistent with his reaction time and
type of reaction, so we are convinced it was the rolls.

We were very nervous the rest of
the trip and I hadn't brought much food
along.  He didn't trust them anyway at this point.  The chef the next
morning in the Animal Kingdom at the character breakfast was wonderful and
brought us separate food from the buffet even though the buffet had some
items which were gluten free.

The chef at Epcot was also amazing.

We did have one other chef which was somewhat problematic.  At breakfast at
Boatwright's Dining Hall at Port Orleans Riverside, the chef came out to
talk to us.  He seemed put out to have to make gluten free pancakes.  He
said he was really busy and it would take awhile.  We said we would wait.
He came out about ten minutes later and asked if we really needed him to
use a separate pan or if he could use the grill where he was making all the
other pancakes.  He said it would really save him a lot of time to use the
same grill.  We told him that we absolutely needed a separate pan.  He used

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