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Lacustral <[log in to unmask]>
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Lacustral <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 18 Dec 2004 20:25:03 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (48 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Can all of this really be *caused* by gluten???

In the spring of 2003 I was sick a great deal - I was finding out about my
food intolerances, and I would spend days being sick after trying foods.
that summer my inhalant allergies were worse than usual, but not awful.
That fall, i got sick from the fall grass pollen for the first time.  That
fall, I was sick a lot.  I was getting allergy shots and they would make
me sick for up to 6 days.

That winter, I got sick after taking some antibiotics, I reacted to the
corn starch in them, I was also eating some oil with roast flavor in it
that may've had gluten, had all sorts of abdominal and back pain, I got
some useless CAT scans that showed nothing
and cost me $2500.  Jan, feb and Mar. 2004 I was sick.  April I felt OK.
In May i got sick from my inhalant allergies, and despite nasal steroids,
all sorts of medications, I stayed sick with allergies until late October
2004 - with a few days of relief here and there.  Recently, in Nov. and
Dec., I've been sick, first with bladder infections, then with corn starch

It has been hell.  I haven't been consistently well since the summer of
2002 - fall 2002 I was coming down sick a lot, before
when I first starting finding out that, yes, i did have food intolerances.

Is it possible that not eating all those foods, which I seem to have been
severely intolerant to, changed my immune system - like my body stopped
having to compensate, cover up for all these immune reactions - and
stopping covering up this way might have made my inhalant allergies
explode?  And stopping covering up the intolerances means I have these
awful reactions to less than a milligram of corn/gluten?

I have some generalized immune system problem - could gluten do all that
to my immune system? -  caused 24 inhalant allergies, perhaps been part
of the cause of my messed up carbohydrate metabolism?  Am i really just
still in recovery from gluten intolerance?

People have told me their allergies got better after a while on a gluten
free diet - but they got worse first.  Maybe, I'm just still in the
getting-worse phase.



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