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Thu, 14 Oct 2004 13:27:50 -0700
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My question concerned my sister's peripheral vision being off and her saying the vision in one eye is like wearing dirty sunglasses. Here are the responses I received. Thank you so much. She's going to a neurologist armed with information that is helpful.

1. Consider migraine aura symptoms. These included visual disturbances such as feeling like I had sunglasses for the lower field of vision, sparks of light scattered around field of vision, blind spot in center field of vision, part of page appears faded, and more. I rarely get any of this anymore, but they will creep back if I am tired, dehydrated, overstressed. Doctors and even neurologists seem woefully ignorant of migraine aura symptoms - I recommend reading every book at the library and searching online - you will learn more about the symptoms and the depressingly long list of potential triggers (going too long without eating, salty snacks, sweet snacks, chocolate, aged cheese, red wine,turkey ...). I believe that we are hyper-sensitive to all of this while our guts are out of whack, but, fortunately, it does get better.

2. For me rest, a round of steroids, more rest, reduced stress and my vision improved. An MRI might reveal brain lesions. Neurologist might suggest MS but hopefully with an article in a neurologist journal suggesting "gluten neuropathy" that should be explored.

 3. My Mom has an eye problem that decreases the accuity of her vision. I can't remember the name of the disease but it is caused by leaky vessels at the back of the eye. It is supposed to be a rare condition and usually occurs in diabetics. Now my Mom is not a diabetic and is probably a celiac (in denial!) I would go to an eye doctor with aMD and not just an optometrist. I just had an eye exam and asked my optomitirist about it and he checked for it. They have to dialate your eyes to check.

4. I have developed nitrite sensitivity from abusing sensitivity toothpaste with potassium nitrate.  Unfortunately, bacteria in your mouth & stomach (when the ph is consistently over 4) converts nitrates in vegetables, especially roots, stems & leaves, into nitrites in the body.  I've noticed that when I get a dose of nitrates, one of the symptoms is blurred vision, it also affect other mucous membranes--GI tract, sinus, & bladder.  Because nitrates are recycled in body fluids, like saliva, it take about 2 months of nitrate restriction to make a difference.  Taking a timed release Vitamin C, an antioxidant, helps prevent the conversion of nitrates to nitrates, and it is essential to avoid the obvious nitrites in cured meats as well.    The association between nitric oxide & glaucoma is being investigated by researchers.

5. Tell her to have her thyroid checked. Oftentimes vision problems are the symptom that tells me it is time to adjust my thyroid dosages. I have the same thing, optic neuroitis was diagnosed at one point. Other times, they said don't know what it is. I have still had the symptoms even after going GF, so I do not know if it is CD related or other co-occuring issue (possible early MS keeps being mentioned for me).I would be interested to hear if she does get a final a diagnosis.

 6. I am celiac and have experienced really bad head aches.  My eye doctor found swollen optic nerves when he when he dilated my eyes and immediately (within 15 minutes) sent me to a neurologist.  The neurologist performed motor skills tests and they were normal so then he sent me for a MRI.  Everything come back ok.  He was looking for some pretty scary stuff:  MS or a Brain Tumor.  Since then, I have read every list about such things and it appears that if we eat gluten it can effect our brains and our eyes/optical nerves.  I remember having goofed up on my diet and think that it showed up at my vision appointment.  I am glad my eye doctor is thorough and caught it though.  This gives me confidence in his skills.

* Visit the Celiac Web Page at www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/index.html *