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Adrienne Smith <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 2 Jul 2004 08:20:26 -0500
text/plain (160 lines)
On Fri, 2 Jul 2004 05:47:24 -0500, Kristina Carlton
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>>Re:  Parasite:  Get Extra Strength version of Wild Oil of Oregano from
>>North American Herb Company.
>I will check it out but from what I read about blastocystis hominis this
>alone will not get rid of it. The reason I was concerned about the acidity
>is that supposedly the parasites are not in your GI tract until the PH is
>6.5 in the morning??
>>Re:  Acid/Alkaline/Blood PH:  I think you're worrying about too many
>>things. If you read 100 books on these theories -- you'll come up with 100
>>different theories.  Some say raw fruits and veggies are alkaline, while
>>meat is acidifying (this notion is popular amongst vegetarians); however,
>>Kristal's book on Metabolic Typing refutes this and claims that different
>>metabolic types react differently to the same food.  For example, a lemon
>>will acidify certain types, but alkalanize others.  In any event, your
>>biggest issues in my view are the parasite and pms.
>According to The Metabolic Typing Diet by Wolcott I am a protein type. I
>also had an 'acid meal' the night before I tested and read that if healthy,
>your PH SHOULD be low. And after an alkaline meal (just veggies) the night
>before, it should be high.
>>Re: PMS -- Emotional upsets:  You don't say if you are eating grains still
>I have not eaten grains on a regular basis in probably 2 years in a very
>long time. My occasional (every 3 weeks or so) splurge is one low carb
>tortialla and it does have wheat. Incidentally I typically give in when I
>>If you are eating large amounts of dried fruit or fruit and even veggie
>juices -- stop
>No fruit at all, not even fresh. Every time I try to add fresh fruit I
>more sugary things after I eat them or more fruit. It's easy for me to go
>overboard so I rarely have them in the house. I occasionally have 8 oz of
>juice which I make with celery, kale, parsley, and some other greens. I
>don't eat much read meat either, just don't care for it and only eat it
>occasionally. So my protein sources are chicken, turkey, different fish,
>ostrich, and buffalo. Along with that I eat avocados almost every day,
>veggies, salads, coconut oil, and just started back on flax seed oil.
>>If you have sore breasts -- eat one can of sardines packed in olive
>>oil or water per day.
>I love sardines in oil and eat then occasionally - not every day though. I
>can give it a tray.
>>.  Add seaweed to your diet a few times per week -- toasted dulse or
>>kelp -- iodine deficiency can cause sore, lumpy boobs.  Also for sore
>>boobs -- STOP DAIRY.  Just try this -- some women are extra sensitive to
>>dairy and it's arguably not paleo anyway.
>I have been completely off dairy for almost 3 years now as I am allergic to
>it - all of it, not just lactose intolerant. I am also allergic to eggs -
>>Coffee and cocoa also purportedly create breast tenderness in some women
>but this >is highly individual and if you're strict paleo(ish), you
>aren't drinking
>>coffee or eating cocoa.
>>Anxiety:  Drink green tea, especially matcha.
>Haven't tried Matcha but I drink 3 to 4 cups of green tea per day. Is that
>too much.
>>Exercise at least 30 minutes per day -- preferably more.  Don't kill
>>yourself at the gym -- but I believe something more strenuous than brisk
>>walking is in order given our generally sedentary lifestyle.
>I lift weights, walk/jog, ride the bike, and do pilates and/or power yoga.
>work out 6 days a week. It's very difficult during PMS but I make myself
>>Get your thyroid function checked.  Low thyroid is extremely common in
>>women and frequently goes undiagnosed.  Even a slightly sluggish thyroid
>>will create hellish PMS symptoms.
>I am on Armour Thyroid.
>I will try what you suggested and I appreciate your feedback. The tender
>breasts are not my biggest concern, those are easier to live with. I would
>say the hardest thing is the lower back ache for 12 - 14 days without any
>relief. I don't take pain meds anymore so I just deal with it but it makes
>for a long day and rough nights.
>Next are the fatigue and the increase in size in my body. My stomach just
>sticks out and it is so uncomfortable. Combined with the lower back ache it
>just make my entire mid section, all the way around, feel pretty miserable.
>And the water retention is extreme as well. I gain about an inch in my
>thighs, my waist expands by 7 inches. I just don't think that PMS should be
>that extreme or last as long as mine does. Of course any doctor I consult
>wants to feed me hormones which I refuse to take. I want to take care of it
>I have 2 friends who have had hysterectomies and only have one ovary left
>and they have NO PMS what so ever. Now, I know everybody is different, but
>it shows that it's possible. What's frustrating is that they eat lots of
>grains, dairy, ice cream etc. they hardly exercise, they drink coffee, and
>don't do much for their health, yet they feel great.

If you are already on Armour, perhaps you need your meds adjusted.  You
should be having your blood levels monitored regularly.  I don't know where
you live but if it's in an area where there's a change of seasons, many
hypos need more meds in the fall and especially winter, then taper back
down during hot summer months.  Meds generally go up with age too as all
hormone production (thyroid included) diminishes with age.  How old are
you?  This could be a clue regarding your hormonal status.

It seems you have traced all your problems beginning with the removal of
one ovary and your uterus.

I forgot to ask if you are currently overweight? What is your
height/weight?  This too could be a clue to hormonal status.  If you are
truly exercising the way you say and following what sounds like basically a
protein/fat/veggie regime, you shouldn't be overweight. I would reiterate
to stop driving yourself nuts with the ph testing etc.  Wolcott's book is
good -- Kristal's I think is better because he uses a blood test, but the
two are very similar.  However, you say you have been following the
metabolic typing in conjunction with paleo for 18 months with no
improvement -- therefore, I would start looking for answers elsewhere
beyond diet.  All this worring about ph etc is going create stress which
will create a rise in cortisol which is guaranteed to give you a buddah
belly.  Please, stop it.  You've been on what sounds like a pristine diet
for 18 months -- look elsewhere for solutions.

Try the Oil of Oregano and stop reading so much.  It's simple enough to use
and a bottle will last a long time -- you literally only use 1-3 drops per
dose of the extra strength.

I am going to post your issues at a site run by a female endorcronolist.    It costs to register, so if you don't want to, I will
just post for you and see what kind of feedback I get.  She is into lowcarb
especially for women and does not push hystorectomies or needless hormone
replacement.  Anyway -- she may have a clue as to what's going on with
you.  Please post your age, height/weight and any other details about your
surgery you feel are relevant and when you were diagnosed with the
parasites -- this will help me post your situation accurately on her

One last thing I forgot to mention that could help make you feel better in
general (helps me a lot premenstrually) is dry skin brushing -- do it with
a firm bristled brush and shower afterwards.  Brush upwards toward the

Above all, try not to worry (I know, easier said than done.)  You'll get to
the bottom of this and find solutions that work for you -- I really believe