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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 20 Jul 2004 15:08:26 -0600
text/plain (58 lines)
Sandy and I would appreciate your prayers concerning a very difficult
situation that has arisen just today.  Our former son in law, Chris, who was
married to our daughter, Gretchen, pulled a fast one on us concerning our 8
year old grandson.  We have full and unlimited custody of little Everett.
He was named after my youngest son so my son is big Everett and our grandson
is little Everett.  Anyhow, Sandy was gone for awhile today because one of
our basset hounds has an ear infection and needed to be taken to the vet.
While she was gone, the phone rang.  It was Chris.  He informed me that he
would be picking up Taylor, his son whom we baby sit during the day, and
little Everett, next week so they could be fitted for their tuxedos for the
wedding.  This was the first time I had heard little Everett was even going
to the wedding, let alone, being in the wedding.  When Sandy came home, I
discussed it with her and then decided I better find out more from Chris.  I
called him at work and asked if their wedding was going to be in a Mormon
church facility and by a Mormon minister.  He said, yes.  It wouldn't be, he
said, in the Mormon temple itself because Chris is not a Mormon.  Not yet,
anyhow, but it would be in one of the Mormon chapels and a Mormon Bishop
would be performing the ceremony.  This young lady's father is a Mormon
bishop.  I told Chris that this disturbed me a great deal because I had not
heard anything about this until today and that I have a big problem with my
grandson being involved.  Chris proceeded to tell me the same arguments I
have heard from all Mormons when discussing Mormon doctrine.  Of course,
what Chris didn't know, is all the hours of study I have put in to Mormon
doctrine and all the articles and booklets I have on secret Mormon
ceremonies and the like.  He insisted the only difference between what I
believe and they believe is Joseph Smith.  I was then forced to tell him of
some of the things Mormons believe of which he was unaware.  There was no
argument, no yelling, or anything of the kind.  He wasn't too happy,
however, when he said, Well, I suppose this means he won't even be allowed
to come to the wedding.  I said, yes, that's what it meant.  I did, by the
way, call the home where Gretchen lives and talked to her about this twice
so she was aware of what was going on behind her back.  Please pray for all
of us including Taylor, four years old, and little Everett.  Little Everett
will find it hard to understand because Chris had made him an usher and I am
sure he was looking forward to it.  I'm going to have to try and explain it
to little Everett now and that won't be easy.  Additionally, there is little
doubt in my mind that Chris will attempt to get back at us somehow by, for
example, keeping Taylor from us, or any other numbers of things.  Of course,
the people who are only hurt when such things occur are the two brothers;
Everett and Taylor.  Chris told the boys one weekend a couple of weeks ago
that they were now going to have two moms.  Of course, that was his way of
saying he was going to marry Tiffany.  Both boys were very upset by this.
Little Everett probably was upset more than Taylor because of the confusion
it brought.  Here is something I will not, and cannot, forget.  Many months
ago, before Gretchen went into the church rehab home, we had one of our
Friday night prayer meetings.  Little Everett happen to be here and stayed
with us as we all prayed.  At the end, when it seemed nobody else had
anything to pray, little Everett spoke up and said, Father, please bring my
dad and mom back together again so they can be married again.  Every time I
pray for my daughter and my former son in law, I remind my Heavenly Father
of the prayer of a little 8 year old boy crying out for his mom and step dad
to be together.  So your prayers would be appreciated.  This situation is no
laughing matter, if you know anything about Mormonism at all.  I personally
know former Mormons who were born again and left the Mormon church and were
constantly harassed by the social services by anonymous callers reporting
them for child abuse and kept having the government trying to take their