Dear EChurch,
Is this post from Pat the last one? I haven't received any since this
one. I just checked at the website, and don't seem to have been unsubbed
or mail options changed. Is everyone just quiet? Smile
Earlier, Pat Ferguson wrote:
>That was wonderful! I'm praising God for you not having fear while in the
>dentist chair having the root canal.
>I will some day share with you all my fearful experiences in the dentist
>chair, and I had a very similar experience, except it was a bit different.
>I really know what fear is like also, and especially during or before
>surgeries, and other medical things happening.
>I believe that God is healing me from different fears, also.
>Yesterday, June 24th, the year to date of the horrible Tornado, I was quite
>anxious, but God showed me peace last night, as I prayed with friends.
>That event is over now, and we need no more anniversaries of the tornado.
>There are many more blessings from that event, than I could ever emagin.
>I'm Praising God for my loving Vernon, and for everything we have and for
>all our loving ones.
>Isn't it wonderful to just give our anxiety to God and let him deal with
>it! I never thought I could do that, but Phil, it's because of you that I
>can do that, you helpped me more than you will ever know. I'm praising God
>every day that I don't have anxiety and fear.
>Love and Blessings,
>Pat Ferguson