So you are just eating different spices that you hadn't eaten before and have made no other changes? You don't use the olive oil inbetween meals like he does?
My diet has been bland for about a year or more due to food intolerances. I finally gave up on trying to make things interesting. I also eat a lot of variety due to rotating my food every four days - more most weeks - but I can't say that I have lost weight.
Theola Walden Baker <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Anybody else out there trying Seth Roberts' diet discoveries? I've lost 3
lbs this week doing nothing more than breaking some flavor/calorie Pavlovian
connections that he believes exists. He really might be on to something
with this claim. I haven't had any new foods or a greater variety to eat.
The only thing I've done is change spices/seasonings on food. I'm amazed.
I'm leaving on a week's trip tomorrow. It's going to be a challenge to eat
paleo, for sure, but I'm going to do my best while trying to eat "new".
I'll report when I get back whether I lose any additional weight.