Dedy, do you get your around the joint or across the torso?
My friend gets them across the torso from under one breast to the other and he is overweight. He recently had to have a number of fatty cells surgically removed, since they were right on the stomach area and were bothering him way too much.
I will ask the doctor to do the AD - 36 test to see what it shows.
Rundle <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I think Maddalena is referring to lipomas.. I have them too... would love to know why they happen... they have nothing to do with a person's weight... skinny people develop them too.
A similar phenomenon occurs with calcium being deposited around the body [not in the bones] to people with gluten allergy.
Maddalena wrote - >First, does anyone know why someone is prone to get fatty cells under the skin? They can be as small as a hazelnut or as big as a lemon. >Also, is there anything that can be done to prevent them from forming?>
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