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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Sun, 22 Aug 2004 16:06:18 +0200
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
>Included is fluoridation (and maybe chorination) of water supply, which is
>used to make the "masses" apathetic. A good example is the use of
>fluoridation in the Soviet Gulag system.
>How about fluoridated tooth paste? Neat trick by the powers-that-be, eh?
I remember in the late 60s or early 70s the Dutch government announced they
were going to fluoridise the drinkingwater. In a last desperate attempt to
stop this some people here in my hometown build a small raft and took it to
the pond near the townhall. It made all the news etc but nobody listened.
The water in Holland is usually of a good quality BUT there is chlorine and
fluoride in it. Every time I'm in Sweden I seem to calm down after a few days
and when I get back I get more edgy. Ofcourse there are more factors but I
believe the drinkingwater is due to contribute as well.

Btw did anyone read about the traces of Prozac in the UKdrinkingwater?
Apparently over a third!!! of the people take Prozac and through the urine it
shows up in the water. Holland has it's fair share of anti-depressants as well
and I wonder how much "a trace" is and what it's effects are.
I am one of the 10% of people that react paradoxal to such "medication" and
instead of getting calm and tranquil I get hyper and suicidal.
Scary thought but maybe it really is just that trace in the water that makes
me feel less well than I could. I know last may I got a painkiller for my
arthritis and even when I told the dr how I react to certain types of
medication, he still prescribed something that went really really bad.
I remember being in a lot of pain and taking this new drug on a
tuesdayafternoon. It went bad! Within 5 minutes I was a high as a kite but not
in a nice way. It took me until fridayevening before I could say I was myself
again. That was a very unpleasant and disturbing experience. My son took away
the carkeys because I couldn't be trusted ;-)
So when I think about drinkingwater I can safely say that even a trace of a
dose of anything will give me a reaction. Maybe not a big one but enough to
feel it. Especially now when I eat completely Paleo without cheats I tend to
feel the effects of foods quickly.
Does anyone have experience with this too?


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