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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Richard Archer <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 14 Aug 2004 12:37:33 +1000
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Thanks for all the replies.

I will continue with having my amalgams replaced even though I really
can't afford the $2500 or so I've been quoted.

A question to William... if you're willing to share, could you please
describe your pre-detox symptoms and the improvements you experienced?

I'll reply to all the other queries here.

Re: Chelation
Andy Cutler's mercury plan is what I'm basing my treatment on. I don't
have the time or inclination to stuff around with natural remedies
which are rumored to work. I want a fix and I want it now!
The treatment involves DMSA, ALA and supplements. Another link:

Re: other causes of "brain fog"
I've read about several other causes of brain fog, but the other
symptoms of these ailments don't match what I have as precisely as
the symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning:
MS - I don't have any physical symptoms (yet ;)
fibromyalgia - I don't have chronic pain
lupus - I don't have the physical symptoms
ankylosing spondylitis - I don't have the physical symptoms
chronic fatigue - I don't feel tired or lethargic beyond what can be
  expected with a new baby who doesn't sleep properly in the house
lack of sleep - new babies are not conducive to a good night's sleep
  which has certainly exacerbated my problems, but my symptoms were
  in full swing before Ted arrived on the scene. I sleep well given
  the chance and make a point of getting enough sleep to awaken
  feeling refreshed at least once or twice a week.
depression - I've spoken in depth to several people who themselves
  suffer from depression or who had a partner who did and also two
  professionals working in the field. They all initially say "yep,
  you're depressed" but on further examination of symptoms they
  change their minds. For example, I don't have insomnia, I don't have
  any trouble getting up in the morning, I start out the day with a
  positive outlook (but give up at the smallest hurdle).
"high carb diet" - people new to the Paleo or low-carb WOE often say
  their "brain fog" cleared up. I've been fairly strictly paleo for
  5 years now, and I've tried low-carb with no improvement in my
  mental acuity (although I don't stay low-carb because I lose too
  much weight and my partner makes me eat carbs to fatten me back up).
allergies - I have performed extensive testing via elimination diet and
  removed several foods from my diet. I now believe myself to be
  largely allergy-free. Certainly I don't have congestion, rashes or
  asthma-like symptoms any more.
hypoglycaemia - see high carb diet
drugs and toxins - alcohol and caffeine are known to cause mental
  imbalances. I have eliminated them from my lifestyle as a test and
  not noticed any improvement. In fact I find caffeine almost essential
  if I am to lead anything resembling a normal life. I am well past the
  age of using  recreational drugs and only ever did so in small amounts
  and I don't believe this is the cause of my problems. I have recently
  moved out of the City in an attempt to remove myself from environmental
  toxins with no noticeable improvement yet.
hypothyroidism - blood tests are clear
stress/anxiety - I'm generally not a big stresser and try to lead a
  relaxed life. I don't have any trouble sleeping which is generally
  the main symptom of stress.
physical inactivity - yes, I'm generally a fairly idle person but I'm
  making an effort to get more exercise. It's hard though to force
  yourself to exercise when that's the last thing you feel like doing.
  Events in my life at present are forcing me to do at least 2 days
  hard physical work per week and I've not seen any improvement after
  a month or two of such exertion.
nutrient/mineral deficiency - I eat well and take a range of supplements.
  I shouldn't have any major problems in this area, and blood tests
  confirm all minerals (and everything else) in the normal range. Copper
  imbalance is most commonly associated with brain fog and I've treated
  that with a quality mineral supplement and also a zinc supplement.

Depression is the most likely other syndrome I'm suffering. But depression
is (IMHO) merely a symptom of an underlying ailment. In my case I suspect
mercury in the brain is causing some depression-like symptoms. And even the
chemical chelation is a less harmful treatment than anti-depressants!
So I'll try the mercury de-tox first before giving in to my MD who's just
about breaking his leash trying to prescribe some little yellow pills.

If anyone's interested in the exact symptoms I do have, the list from
Andy Culter's book (with the exception of insomnia, rotting gums and
rotting toenails) fits me to a T:

Re: blood tests
Mercury is pretty insidious. After exposure it circulates in the blood for
a few days then gets stored in organs at which point a blood test will show
only trace amounts of mercury. It slowly migrates from organs into the
brain and spine at which time it's pretty much permanently locked away there
and never shows up on tests again. The only way to fine out if it's there is
to take a biopsy (very dangerous procedure) or to initiate detox and measure
the increase in mercury via urine and stool samples.

Again, thanks for all the responses. If anyone has any other ideas of what
I could be suffering, I'm all ears. I think I've considered all the
possible ailments and already tried treating the ones with simple cures.
Mercury is the next-easiest to treat which is why I'm heading in this

I REALLY want to be past this illness though, so I'm willing to try anything!
(Within reason!)
