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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 7 Aug 2004 01:01:24 -0600
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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I just finished writing this today and thought it might be interesting to
some of us.  It likely isn't really finished yet and I may add some to it or
change it in some ways but these are the basic ideas I wanted to get across.
Forgive me if you think I only talk about demons but in your heart you know
two things about me.  First, I talk about Jesus a whole heap more than I do
about demons.  Secondly, you also know that the ministry the Lord has called
me to automatically brings me into areas of people's lives where demons are
causing them problems due to lies they are believing.  I did not ask for
this ministry nor was I called to it.  The Lord never even asked my opinion
about His will for my life either.  The Lord told me three years ago I would
be doing this and He has confirmed it over and over again to me in so many
ways, I would be a fool to say no to Him.  No, I don't always find demons
spooking around in people's lives.  Yes, I often do, simply because of what
God has called me to do.  Watch carefully now  how this demon was handled by
the Holy Spirit in this story.  By the way, this story is true and happened
a little less than three weeks ago.


By Phil Scovell

     Praying with a man one day, he said that he had something
come up recently and he could not find the source of his
feelings.  He even had trouble identifying the nature of the
associated emotions.  The feeling occurred when his wife, who had
been handling their checkbook for years, felt the Lord was telling
her to turn the checkbook over to him.  When she said this, he
told me that he instantly had a feeling of discomfort.

     When I began asking him questions, he thought the feelings
were related to when they had first married.  He had purchased a
computer program to handle their checking account but due to the
newness of the software, he had made some wrong entries and thus
caused them some minor financial problems.  Soon thereafter, he
had been happy to turn it over to his wife.  I guessed there was
more to this part of the story but I knew it was likely irrelevant
to what was really bothering him.  I suggested we just start
praying with the feeling he had described, as vague as it seemed,
and let the Lord direct us as we prayed.

     His slight feeling of personal concern and emotional
discomfort, the moment we began to pray, took him back to a grade
school event.  A boy had made fun of him one day by saying his
clothes weren't as good as the rest of the students.  That feeling
struck deep with this man and we prayed for the Lord's truth to be
revealed.  He reported that the Lord told him that he had been
with him and as this man looked into the memory again, he saw
himself dressed in bright clothing that was far beyond anything
anyone else was wearing.  Knowing this wasn't the only place the
Lord wanted to take him, we continued praying together.

     The Lord took him next to a memory of when he was in high
school.  He had been on the football team but only played one or
two games and even then, it was in minor positions.  Joining the
basketball team in another Christian high school, the coach
always complimented him on his playing during practice but then
never allowed him to play during an actual game.  Again the sharp
pain was felt.

     Asking the Lord to expand the memory and to allow him to see
the memory the way, He, the Lord, saw it, the man then reported
that he saw a panorama of memories flashing by so rapidly, he
couldn't do anything other than briefly recognize them as old
memories.  He reported that none of the pictures stopped which
would allow him to focus on any given memory.  This gave me
another clue and I realize this was not the origin of this man's
feelings.  I asked the Lord to reveal the true lie, or lies, in
these memories collectively.

     The man said, "This, I know, sounds really weird, but I feel
as if I hate myself."  This admission, I then knew, would lead us
to another memory event in which the true lie would reside.

     Praying again, I ask the Lord to take this man to the origin,
the real source, of his feelings of rejection, self hatred, not
being quite good enough, and being less valuable than others.

     A moment passed and then he said, "This is even stranger.  I
am back in a house I lived in when I was about 6 or 7 years of
age.  I was in the basement and I had taken several TV trays and
put them together and lined them up in a row.  I pretended I was a
businessman with people working for me and the TV trays were
little tables and desks.  As I played, I took a piece of paper and
just wrote a capital T for the first letter of my name.  As I
looked at it, I thought to myself how well I had done in writing
the letter.  Suddenly," he said to me, "But then what I saw on the
paper turned distorted and the letter T just no longer looked
right to me."

     "How do you feel?" I asked.

     "I just feel bad; like something is wrong with me."

     At this point, it was obvious there was a demonic presence in
the room where he had been playing.  I prayed and asked the Lord
to show this man where the demon was in the memory.  He instantly
reported that he saw a demonic like figure seated in a chair, not
far away from where he was playing, watching everything he was

     I prayed again and asked the Lord to show this man the lies
the demon had implanted in the thoughts of the little boy.  The
man began to speak what he felt.  He felt inferior, not good
enough, he'd never amount to anything in his life, and many other
related feelings.  I asked the man if he knew now where these
thoughts had come from and he said he clearly saw how the demon
had implanted these lies into his life.

     At this moment, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "Do not
send the demon away yourself.  Ask the man to send it away."

     I asked this man if the demon was still in the memory.  He
said, "Yes, but he is no longer seated in the chair but standing."
I laughed to myself because I knew the demon was getting ready to
leave on his own now that he had no reason for staying.  I told
him to send him away.  The man prayed, told the demon to go to the
place where the True Lord Jesus Christ wanted him to go.

     "Is he gone?" I asked when he had finished praying.

     "Yes," he replied, "he's completely gone."

     The Lord told me not to leave this memory but to ask Him to
speak further truth to this man.  I prayed and asked the Lord if
He had anything else He wished to tell or show or give to this

     After a moment of silence, the man said, "The Lord told me
that He had deliberately brought me to this place for me to learn
and that He wants to heal me in many more places."  I then explain
to the man what the Lord had told me and that this memory was
shown to him so he could learn that he could use the authority
over demons that God had given to him through his Holy Word."

     Returning to the original feelings, he reported he no longer
felt as he did and that everything felt clear to him.

     I share this simple story of healing because it was my oldest
son with whom I prayed.  He is 27 years old at this writing.

I Flew Kites With Jesus