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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 25 Nov 2004 09:28:30 EST
text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (108 lines)
"Help Save Medicaid with Personal Stories"

A message/invitation from  Families USA
[[log in to unmask]]:

Do you know a senior, a  child, a person with a disability,
or a working family in your state that  has Medicaid
coverage? If so, we would love to hear from you and them!
Please contact Alexandra Zavala, Communications Outreach
Coordinator, at  1-800-593-5041 ext. 3614
or at [log in to unmask]

We are  embarking on a campaign to protect the Medicaid
program from federal cuts.  To communicate our message
clearly and in a way that resonates with a  broader
audience--including the news media, state legislators,
Senators,  and the general public--we need to humanize this
debate. And the best way to  do that is by enlisting the
help of those who depend on Medicaid.

Seniors, children, people with disabilities, and working
families in  your state can speak on behalf of the thousands
of Medicaid beneficiaries  across the country who are so
vulnerable to program cutbacks. Their voices  can and should
be heard in Washington, DC by Senators who can put a stop
to any attempt to cut Medicaid funds.

We are looking for people who  believe that Medicaid is
a vital health care lifeline. We are looking for  people who
can agree to speak to reporters in person and have their
pictures taken to better illustrate our message. We are
looking for  those who can help spread the word that the
federal government wants to cut  their one and only source
of health coverage and that this is not only  unfair, it is
morally wrong. We are looking for those who can talk about
their fears of becoming uninsured and having to choose
between paying  for rent and food and paying for health
insurance. We are looking for  hardworking Americans who
play by the rules and depend on Medicaid for their  health
care. We are looking for children, who do not choose to
become  sick, and seniors, who cannot be blamed for living a
long life. We are  looking for the faces of Americans across
the country.

If you can  help, or if you know others who can connect us
with people on Medicaid in  your state, please contact us.
You can reach us through Alexandra Zavala,  Communications
Outreach Coordinator, at 1-800-593-5041 ext. 3614
or at  [log in to unmask]

Help us save the safety net for 51 million  Americans.


# #  #


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With hundreds of inbound emails and thousands of outbound
emails  daily, JFA can not respond to every message.

We thank you for your  understanding and continued
outstanding advocacy!

JUSTICE FOR ALL  -- A Service of the
American Association of People with  Disabilities

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Michael  Jeffries
ICQ# 53522767 AIM, MSN, and Yahoo! ID  MJeff25916