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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 9 Oct 2003 12:36:49 -0400
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Well, Ken, she could always become a 'fruitarian,' or go on one of those raw foods diets (yes there are such things).


-----Original Message-----
From: ken barber <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Oct 9, 2003 12:16 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: was brother now Polictics

you know that you and i split when we go into the
gods, so i am going just agree to disagree with you.
but, gods or G-d notwithstanding, if killing any of
the creaturs is wrong what are you going to do with
plants. u eat them. they are killed.
--- Trisha Cummings <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi Ken,
>           Well, I believe when we have the wisdom to
> create life from nothing =
> then we can take it - until we then we should have
> respect for the Gods =
> beings - no doubt they fulfill their purpose as it
> is willed - so to =
> kill the Gods creatures is to diss the Gods. Each of
> us is a ripple in =
> the pond of life - and the ultimate end of ripple is
> not apparent to us =
> but does have form and function in the over all
> design. To kill is to =
> kill. I am not facing Gods one day - looking into
> Their sorrow filled =
> faces and trying to answer why I thought killing one
> of their creatures =
> was an OK thing. Only to hear them say but I ended
> the birth of their =
> child how would have cured cancer, AIDS, insanity -
> whatever. When I am =
> wise like the Gods then can make an informed
> decision on killing being =
> an okay thing. Remember my beliefs are based on
> non-Christian based =
> ideas - there is no Devil, to make me do - I and I
> alone chose my =
> actions and am accountable for them and responsible
> for their ripples, =
> therefore I do a lot of what if's before choosing a
> path. I tend to walk =
> away from anything I think would be harmful. Of
> course, I am human so I =
> do make mistakes, have bad days, and attack my from
> points of insecurity =
> - as we all do.=20
>         I think we can agree - we see this
> differently. Life experiences, =
> belief systems, and upbringing have us all bringing
> slightly different =
> ideas to the table - the trick is sample and think
> about what's brought =
> to share, I understand exactly what you saying, and
> I know that for real =
> life my ideas are not partical - at this point in
> time.=20
>         I think we should drop all the criminals on
> an island and let them deal =
> with each other - that's a death sentence in
> reality.
>          Trisha
> > well, trish if someone is going to kill me, and i
> kill
> > him instead, i don't really think that if his
> family
> > came after me that i'd be any worse off than had i
> let
> > him kill me, i'd just be dead a little later. you
> are
> > anti death penalty too. i think the government is
> > ordained to carry out executions amung other
> things.
> >=20
> > --- Trisha Cummings <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > > HI Ken,
> > >
> > >   Hope you had good weekend.
> > >
> > >   Yes, I am saying killing is killing - and no
> > > matter what justification =3D
> > > you use, it is wrong. I certainly understand
> killing
> > > in self-denfense or =3D
> > > in protection of ones child - I still will not
> say
> > > it is right, and if =3D
> > > it is then so is euthansia and abortion, etc.
> And
> > > this where we differ - =3D
> > > you are saying some killing is okay - and I am
> > > saying its never - okay. =3D
> > > I don't obey the 10 commandments - I follow the
> "An
> > > It Harm None" - Law. =3D
> > > This takes killing out of the good/bad category.
> It
> > > places it the must =3D
> > > think about the whole - cause and effect thing.
> If I
> > > kill someone - even =3D
> > > justifiable, I can cause a great deal of harm -
> > > perhaps - that now dead =3D
> > > persons family - is an eye for eye type - and
> they
> > > come back and kill me =3D
> > > - or one of mine - and here we go on the "war"
> type
> > > wagon - so where =3D
> > > does the justifable killing end. In most of the
> hot
> > > spots in the world =3D
> > > these people have been eradicating each other
> for
> > > centuries, and will =3D
> > > continue to. That's what justifing killing does.
> > > Killing is counter =3D
> > > productive to the species survival needs. You
> will
> > > notice - most animals =3D
> > > do not wage war on each other. There are no
> tiger
> > > armies taking on other =3D
> > > tiger armies. We can stand to learn a bit from
> the
> > > "beasties". The 2 top =3D
> > > predators on the planet - are us and the sharks
> and
> > > they are loosing to =3D
> > > us. It is time to learn to tame the
> > > predator/fight/flight instincts =3D
> > > before we eradicate all life here - we no longer
> > > surcome to massive =3D
> > > disease epidemitics - so its time to put the
> grey
> > > matter to work. This =3D
> > > planet is the Garden of Eden - and we can put it
> > > back there.
> > >
> > >                                  Trisha
> > >
> > >
> > > > you were not saying anything about sacrificing
> > > your
> > > > self, you were saying "killing is killing"
> after
> > > kat
> > > > basically ask if you'd kill to protect "amy"
> > > (amber).
> > > > in addittion to being willing to kill if i had
> a
> > > > weapon, i too would sacrifice myself. but that
> > > wasn't
> > > > what i percieved you to be saying.
> > > >   i might not have any more chance of winning
> the
> > > > fight than you. i guess both our bodies are
> pretty
> > > > well worn out. i once was stronger, but, the
> years
> > > > have taken their toll.
> > > > --- Trisha Cummings <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > > > > Ken,
> > > > >
> > > > >    You have better chance against a man than
> I
> > > do -
> > > > > my object would be =3D3D
> > > > > to give them time to get away. I am all of
> 4'10"
> > > > > tall and 50 years old, =3D3D
> > > > > not to mention - kinda disabled around the
> > > corners.
> > > > > And to tell you =3D3D
> > > > > turth - all this is hypothetical - what
> would
> > > really
> > > > > happened - would =3D3D
> > > > > only be known - if this happened. And I
> could
> > > > > actually skip that - =3D3D
> > > > > thanks........  What we discussing is
> everyone
> > > > > assuming they will know =3D3D
> > > > > how they will act. Sometimes we just don't
> act
> > > that
> > > > > way in an emergency.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Trisha
> > > > >
> > > > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > > > From: ken barber
> [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> > > > > > Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 2:31 PM
> > > > > > To:   [log in to unmask]
> > > > > > Subject:      Re: was brother now
> Polictics
> > > > > >=3D3D20
> > > > > > call it spitting hair or whatever you
> like,
> > > you'd
> > > > > like
> > > > > > it to be just that simple, but, it is not.
=== message truncated ===

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