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Fri, 13 Aug 2004 03:02:22 -0400
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My original question:

can anyone recommend a Celiac knowledgable doc in NYC, NJ or PA
that also deals holistically with fibromyalgia and/or environmental illness?
preferrably someone who uses minimal drugs and non-invasive treatments?

almost unanimously, people recommended dr. Peter Green, who heads the
Columbia Celiac Center.
unfortunately he's booked till dec 15th. his office is recommending
suzanne lewis - an associate.


Dr. Peter Green at the Columbia Celiac Center is the most knowledgable
doc in the ny area. I'm not sure about holistically but if you don't
need meds he won't prescribe them. He is caring and listens.
His address is 161 Fort Washington Ave., N.Y.  212-305-5741.
Good Luck,

- when i responded that Green is booked until dec. 15th - "does she know
Suzanne Lewis?" - she replied:

I have not heard of her. I had difficulty getting an appointment with
him as well.  If you are willing to go there at 8:00 a.m. you might get
something before Dec. That's how I got in to see him in May when
originally was given an appointment in July.  Call again and see if they
can fit you in very early a.m. or late p.m. If not you could see Susan
Lewis who works at the center and is probably knowledgable.


don't go to Peter Green  unless you have deliac -related cancer -- he
cares much more about research than non- malignant celiac patients--
though he's an expert you will wait weeks to hear from hime about test


Dr. Green is tough to get an appointment with, especially the first one
because of his popularity. If you live on the east coast and want to be
under the care of the Celiac Disease Center, perhaps you could start
with Dr. Lewis then switch to Dr. Green for a follow up down the
road. They probably discuss cases and if Dr. Green took her on, my guess
is she has to be a good doctor. I can't imagine him hiring someone
unless they are good. Good luck in your search.

You may also want to consider attending the patient education day in the
fall. It not one on one with a doctor but you may get the opportunity to
get you questions answered by a panels of experts. It is excellent plus
they have GF vendors and provide a delicious GF lunch.

Dr. Peter Green from the Celiac Disease Center in NY is wonderful. He's my
doctor, considered to be an expert on CD and very well respected. I live in
NJ and travel to NY to see him. He is close to the George Washington Bridge.
Not 100% sure about his use of holistic methods but he is very open minded.
I don't think you will be disappointed with his care.

Here is the link to the Celiac Disease Center's Web site so you can get a
feel for what they do:


Their nutritionist is wonderful too, Anne Roland Lee.

They also do a patient education day in the fall and bring in all the
leading experts on CD and complications. I went last year and was very
impressed with the information shared from several world renowned doctors.
Most took the time to answer questions from the audience too.


I have a major problem with all of the holistic physicians I have seen
and would not recommend any of them.  The physicians/problems are as

Paragraph removed by the Listowner's

Allan Warshowsky MD(an ob/gyn) Told me to go on an elimination diet to
identify problem foods.  As it turned out, among the many foods that set
off my arthritis were whole wheat, barley and rye.  He never considered
celiac disease.  I was off those foods for one year before I suspected
and was tested for CD, which I'm sure lowered the antibodies--which were
still elevated.  I told Dr. Warshowsky when I was diagnosed with CD.
Two years later a colleague revealed to me that she was seeing him for
help with IBS.  He put her on the elimination diet also and she reacted
to wheat, barley and rye--made her GI symptoms worse.  But did he
suspect CD and test her for it?  Absolutely not.  He learned absolutely
nothing from his experience with me.  (In contrast, my
internist--standard medicine--began actively looking for celiacs in his
practice, tested all IBS patients, etc. after his experience with me.)

Jeffrey Morrison MD  A very nice young fellow.  A possibility.  However,
he recommended I take medium chain triglycerides since they are readily
absorbed by people who are malabsorbing fats.  This is a common
recommendation by holistic practitioners for people who are malabsorbing
fats.  I took the MCT's for a month and went steadily downhill with
multiple symptoms including profound fatigue, burning feet.....(etc)....
However, my point is that Dr. Morrison advised me to take something
which severely damaged my health and did not listen when I tried to tell

Ronald Hoffman MD is the most well-known alternative doctor in NYC who
specializes in environmental medicine.  I would never even consider
seeing him.  He has a radio talk show and is very knowledgeable.
However, on his radio show, he recommends products by brand name.  If
you listen carefully, some of these recommendations are clearly paid
advertisements, but they are blended into the information he gives about
treating various problems holistically and not clearly separated and
labeled as advertisements.  I consider this to be morally bankrupt
behavior.  Additionally, a friend of mine was treated by Dr. Hoffman for
environmental problems.  He chelated her causing seizures.  She ended up
developing various other problems including chronic pain which I
believe  were a direct result of the chelation pulling too much sulfur
out of her body which was not adequately replaced by the supplements he
recommended.  She then went to over 50 doctors to help her with the new
problems, and it was standard practitioners who finally figured out how
to help her.  She is recovering.

The only holistic person I saw and whom I recommend wholeheartedly is a
nutritionist, MaryBeth Augustine, at the Beth Israel Center for Health
and Healing (Complementary/Alternative medicine).  She is knowledgeable
about CD and, in fact, has picked up CD in people coming to her for
other problems.  Phone # for the center: 646-935-2220.  She is familiar
with both standard and alternative aspects of the treatment of CD.

I would recommend seeing a standard medicine GI
doctor experienced with CD as well as an alternative physician rather
than trying to get everything covered with one doctor. I did
subsequently see a traditional GI doctor very experienced in CD who
clearly know more about CD than any of these alternative doctors and who
was very helpful.  I would suggest either going to the Celiac Center at
Columbia Medical Center (Dr. Green has a four-month waiting list but
there is a new doctor at the center, Dr. Suzanne Lewis, and my guess is
you could get in to see her much more quickly.) or contacting the NYC
chapter of the Celiac Sprue Association to see which GI doctors they

My objection to holistic doctors and CD is that they use treatments not
fully evaluated for possible harm and do not adequately focused on not
harming patients.

Steve, Dr. Ken Pearlman is a GI but I've also used him for almost
anything that ales me. He has become a friend of mine so feel free to
mention my name. I see him once a year since I now live in Florida.  His
phone # is 1-212-726-7444.


Dr Peter Green @ Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in NYC is considered an
authority in the field.

His department sends a newsletter to anyone interested in celiac disease-
the email address is [log in to unmask]

Dr. Green also runs conferences to both health professionals and lay people
during the year.


*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the CELIAC List*