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vinny samarco <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 5 May 2004 11:45:39 -0700
text/plain (60 lines)
Hi Kathy,
I just want to say that I support what you and Greg are doing, because you
believe you have heard from the Lord. and, no matter what any of us may
think, he is ultimately the one you are responsible too, no matter what any
of us might think.
god bless,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Helen" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 6:24 AM
Subject: Re: Fund raising - "hard-hearted"

> Dear Kathy,
> Perhaps my opinion on fundraising sounded hard hearted, but I didn't mean
> it that way.
> You and Greg have a great responsibility on your shoulders, one that I
> wouldn't want on mine.  And so as you are led of the Lord in that
> responsibility, you must be obedient to that leading.  If fundraising is
> what He desires of you in order to keep the budget of the church balanced,
> then be obedient, and don't allow the opinions of others to sway you away
> from it.  As far as most of your folks being on limited incomes, I
> understand that well, because so am I.
> Perhaps my comment about church members being tight-fisted came from early
> personal experiences.  When my girls were in their teens (and you know
> expenses can arise under those circumstances), we were giving at least
> twenty five percent of our net income to what we believed to be the work
> the Lord.  I am not boasting, nor do I regret giving that much.  It was a
> joy to give........we did it cheerfully.
> So my seeming hard hearted comment yesterday may have been from a buried
> subconscience feeling that if others were giving enough, some would not be
> burdened with most of it.
> Thanks for listening to the explanation of my comment, which has just come
> forth as I have been typing this.  [Smile]  As I said above, I wouldn't
> want the responsibility you and Greg carry, and I pray that you will raise
> the funds for your church in whatever way the Lord directs.  None of the
> rest of us have a right to judge that decision, no matter what our own
> backgrounds are, or how we view the scriptures.
> In His Love,
> Helen
> Earlier, Kathy Du Bois wrote:
> >Helen,
> >I feel the same way, but Our congregation is pretty old and most of them
> >are on a fixed income so I guess that I'm wondering if I'm being too hard
> >hearted.
> >Kathy