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Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Feb 2004 11:01:18 -0600
text/plain (107 lines)

No matter what happends to EChurch, I'm always going to be here. God is
blessing everyone on this list.

I truly love each and every one of you on this list a whole bunch.

Love and Blessings,
Pat Ferguson

At 10:10 AM 2/10/04 -0700, you wrote:
>echurch has been shifting to a different spiritual sort of
>application, if you haven't already noticed, to some degree, and
>this is mostly due to the changes in my own life.  It isn't that I
>have tried to change anything, you understand, but I am going to
>respond in ways that are different than how I used to in the
>past.  The reason for this has to do with my calling as an
>intercessor.  Frankly, intercessors are weird people.  They think
>differently, they pray differently, and they always sense things
>spiritually which they have no control over.  As an intercessor, I
>learned many years ago that most of what the Holy Spirit shows me
>isn't for anyone to hear but me.  So about 95 percent of what I
>hear from the Lord, I rarely share with others.  In fact, I never
>share it unless the Lord specifically tells me to speak to that
>person.  As I pointed out, this the Lord rarely does.  Strange as
>it may seem, I also sense these things through email messages.
>That surprised me, too, at first.  I mean, how can you get a sense
>for anything through a written email message?  I don't know the
>answer to that question but it happens to me all the time.  I am
>not a psychic.  That is a false counterfeit the Enemy uses to
>sidetrack people.  A true intercessor, called of God, isn't
>spiritually smarter than anybody else in the body of Christ but
>they are generally, although not always, spiritually sensitive.
>There are various types of intercessors but the type I am called
>to be is directly related to the Body of Christ.  Some
>intercessors are spiritual warriors.  This means they pray for
>other governments and countries and peoples which causes things to
>change according to God's plans.  As I said, in my case, the Lord
>revealed to me many years ago that my calling was to be an
>intercessor directly related to the healing of the Body of Christ.
>I was a Baptist when He showed me this and I had no idea what He
>was talking about and told Him so.  Over time, He has revealed the
>nature of this calling upon my life.  In the last two years, the
>Lord has been stripping off and out those things that have
>hindered me from His sensitivity which He sees and feels in
>others.  I am learning, for example, how to take the burdens I
>feel and sense in others and release them so they don't become a
>spiritual hindrance to me and my relationship with God.  Frankly,
>I have a very long ways to go but even where I am now, affords me
>to look into things and see things that normally cannot be seen by
>others simply because it is not their calling.  Echurch is a place
>for support.  Perhaps some have not felt as if they have gotten
>the support they need and for that I apologize and take that
>responsibility upon myself.  I cannot help everybody but Jesus can
>and He will for those who come to Him.  I also go after people
>when I feel led to do so.  This, in and of itself, makes some
>people feel uncomfortable and I understand this.  I also realize
>that I often come off as a know it all but nothing could be
>further from the truth.  I am here, though, to help and to pray.
>My greatest desire in life was to be filled with the Holy Spirit,
>although I never thought that would be possible, and to learn what
>it means to pray to get your prayers answered.  I talked about
>these two desires in my autobiography.  To my amazement, the Lord
>has answered both of these prayers.  I am still learning a lot
>about prayer but one night, as I lay on my back in bed, meditating
>on God and His holiness and greatness, I heard the Lord say,
>"There will come a time in your life that I will answer every
>prayer you bring to me."  Seriously, I laughed out loud when the
>Lord said this to me.  Me?  I will get my prayers answered and
>every one of them?  Even as I write this, I find it hard to
>believe but something happened inside of me the moment I heard the
>voice of the Lord and I cannot help but believe the truth.  I
>don't feel I have arrived at that point as of yet but I know I
>will.  I also have no idea exactly what the Lord meant by what He
>told me.  I have a feeling it means something far greater than
>what I think it means.  Regardless, I am telling everybody this on
>echurch because the gradual shift of emphasis has already started.
>Sometimes people will leave the list for various reason just like
>they join for various reasons.  My job is to try and minister to
>the woundedness in a person's life when I see it.  Some people are
>happy being miserable, believe it or not, and they don't want
>ministry.  Those will probably not want to stay on echurch.  They
>are most certainly welcome to stay, of course, and no body is
>going to try and make them feel differently.  If you, however, do
>not have a burden for the needs of others, you, too, will be
>uncomfortable here because echurch is a place where people can
>come for ministry.  Many of you don't know this but I spent a lot
>of hours on the telephone ministering to people.  Many of them are
>on this mailing list and some are not.  My whole life has changed
>and what I am now is not what I used to be.  I felt it needful for
>those on the list now to know these things so when you see these
>things happening on the list, you'll understand.  Finally, let me
>say that I am not perfect.  I make mistakes, too.  Sometimes
>people misunderstand what I share and I take responsibility for
>that because I should do a better job of making the truth known.
>Keep in mind, however, that sometimes God's truth can be very
>painful.  I am just the messenger, however, so consider that if I
>say something that rubs you wrong.  Anyhow, I have rambled on way
>too long but somehow I felt now was the time to share these things
>on echurch.
>I Flew Kites With Jesus