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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 10 Feb 2004 10:10:23 -0700
text/plain (95 lines)
echurch has been shifting to a different spiritual sort of
application, if you haven't already noticed, to some degree, and
this is mostly due to the changes in my own life.  It isn't that I
have tried to change anything, you understand, but I am going to
respond in ways that are different than how I used to in the
past.  The reason for this has to do with my calling as an
intercessor.  Frankly, intercessors are weird people.  They think
differently, they pray differently, and they always sense things
spiritually which they have no control over.  As an intercessor, I
learned many years ago that most of what the Holy Spirit shows me
isn't for anyone to hear but me.  So about 95 percent of what I
hear from the Lord, I rarely share with others.  In fact, I never
share it unless the Lord specifically tells me to speak to that
person.  As I pointed out, this the Lord rarely does.  Strange as
it may seem, I also sense these things through email messages.
That surprised me, too, at first.  I mean, how can you get a sense
for anything through a written email message?  I don't know the
answer to that question but it happens to me all the time.  I am
not a psychic.  That is a false counterfeit the Enemy uses to
sidetrack people.  A true intercessor, called of God, isn't
spiritually smarter than anybody else in the body of Christ but
they are generally, although not always, spiritually sensitive.
There are various types of intercessors but the type I am called
to be is directly related to the Body of Christ.  Some
intercessors are spiritual warriors.  This means they pray for
other governments and countries and peoples which causes things to
change according to God's plans.  As I said, in my case, the Lord
revealed to me many years ago that my calling was to be an
intercessor directly related to the healing of the Body of Christ.
I was a Baptist when He showed me this and I had no idea what He
was talking about and told Him so.  Over time, He has revealed the
nature of this calling upon my life.  In the last two years, the
Lord has been stripping off and out those things that have
hindered me from His sensitivity which He sees and feels in
others.  I am learning, for example, how to take the burdens I
feel and sense in others and release them so they don't become a
spiritual hindrance to me and my relationship with God.  Frankly,
I have a very long ways to go but even where I am now, affords me
to look into things and see things that normally cannot be seen by
others simply because it is not their calling.  Echurch is a place
for support.  Perhaps some have not felt as if they have gotten
the support they need and for that I apologize and take that
responsibility upon myself.  I cannot help everybody but Jesus can
and He will for those who come to Him.  I also go after people
when I feel led to do so.  This, in and of itself, makes some
people feel uncomfortable and I understand this.  I also realize
that I often come off as a know it all but nothing could be
further from the truth.  I am here, though, to help and to pray.
My greatest desire in life was to be filled with the Holy Spirit,
although I never thought that would be possible, and to learn what
it means to pray to get your prayers answered.  I talked about
these two desires in my autobiography.  To my amazement, the Lord
has answered both of these prayers.  I am still learning a lot
about prayer but one night, as I lay on my back in bed, meditating
on God and His holiness and greatness, I heard the Lord say,
"There will come a time in your life that I will answer every
prayer you bring to me."  Seriously, I laughed out loud when the
Lord said this to me.  Me?  I will get my prayers answered and
every one of them?  Even as I write this, I find it hard to
believe but something happened inside of me the moment I heard the
voice of the Lord and I cannot help but believe the truth.  I
don't feel I have arrived at that point as of yet but I know I
will.  I also have no idea exactly what the Lord meant by what He
told me.  I have a feeling it means something far greater than
what I think it means.  Regardless, I am telling everybody this on
echurch because the gradual shift of emphasis has already started.
Sometimes people will leave the list for various reason just like
they join for various reasons.  My job is to try and minister to
the woundedness in a person's life when I see it.  Some people are
happy being miserable, believe it or not, and they don't want
ministry.  Those will probably not want to stay on echurch.  They
are most certainly welcome to stay, of course, and no body is
going to try and make them feel differently.  If you, however, do
not have a burden for the needs of others, you, too, will be
uncomfortable here because echurch is a place where people can
come for ministry.  Many of you don't know this but I spent a lot
of hours on the telephone ministering to people.  Many of them are
on this mailing list and some are not.  My whole life has changed
and what I am now is not what I used to be.  I felt it needful for
those on the list now to know these things so when you see these
things happening on the list, you'll understand.  Finally, let me
say that I am not perfect.  I make mistakes, too.  Sometimes
people misunderstand what I share and I take responsibility for
that because I should do a better job of making the truth known.
Keep in mind, however, that sometimes God's truth can be very
painful.  I am just the messenger, however, so consider that if I
say something that rubs you wrong.  Anyhow, I have rambled on way
too long but somehow I felt now was the time to share these things
on echurch.


I Flew Kites With Jesus