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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 11 Jan 2004 11:05:33 -0700
text/plain (65 lines)

That is correct.  We just pray and God removes, not the pastes, He removes
anger, fear, guilt, unforgiveness, shame, panic, anxiety, sorrow, and
anything else you want to name.  I did not say it happens in one prayer
session.  Sometimes it can but most of the time it takes a few prayer
sessions.  I have had 10 prayers sessions over the last 18 months totaling
about 20 hours of agreement in prayer with my prayer partner.  We are not
looking for every memory with embedded pain because, as you said, we would
be praying for ever in some cases.  We pray and look for the original event
when it all began.  Once that one is healed, you will discover that most
memories with woundedness are linked.  I have been healed in dozens of
places in one prayer session without ever once going to all the related
memories because the subsequent memory events were based upon the original
and therefore linked and therefore they were all healed instantly together.
For example, I was praying with a lady one day who had been sexually abused
multiple times as a child.  In less than three hours, we prayed about three
specific different events.  One of the men who molested her also raped her
but that memory had been suppressed to the point of no memory relating to it
until the Lord took her to that memory.  Then He allowed the memory to
reform so she could see what He sees and she was miraculously healed.  The
Lord also removed the pain and the guilt and the hatred buried deep in this
repressed memory to the point that she lost all ability to hate and despise
him and she even came out of the prayer session feeling sorry for him
because she understood now how wounded and twisted he must have been to
commit such an act against a little girl.  I know a man who molested his
sister when he was a teenager and she was about 10 years old.  This event
hindered and tortured this man all his life.  He was a preacher, too.  When
the Lord took him to this memory in a prayer session, he showed him that he
had been lied to and that this event was a plan to trap him emotionally for
the rest of his life.  In short, the Lord showed him how it had all worked
by implanting lies about the event itself.  Each lie was removed, truth was
spoken by the Lord, and he was totally set free.  I have prayed with people
who have multiple personalities and seen the Lord heal wounded and painful
areas that the alternates were protecting time and time again.  Of course,
if the person is satisfied with hating those that harmed them, that emotion
cannot be removed by anyone.  If they can be shown by the Lord, however,
that the hatred is a plant by the evil one, they are often very quickly
interested in allowing the Lord to remove it for them.  Yes, all we do is
pray and talk.  Jesus does it all.  I'm just there to help guide us into the
areas where the agreement in prayer, according to Matthew 18:19, does the
most good.  The reason we have prayed about hurting areas of our lives and
not gotten any results from God is because the lies that are implanted in
those events have not been removed.  Once they are removed by God and He
speaks His truth about each one, they are gone and they never come back.
That's right.  I said they never come back.  Only God can do that.
Therapists cannot do that.  If they could, they would be millionaires from
all the people standing in line to see them.  You can return to that same
memory, no matter how terrible it was, as often as you like and there will
be no pain, no woundedness, and no hatred.  I didn't say it was simple and I
didn't say you pray one time and it is over.  Generally these implanted lies
in these events have been around for years and strong holds have been built
around them to protect ourselves from the pain.  In that case, it takes some
time in prayer to get all of it out so it can be seen for what it is worth.
Demons love trying to hide things but Jesus is the light and darkness hates
the light.  Therapists cannot remove strong holds but Jesus can, and does,
quite easily because strong holds are built upon lies.  He replaces the lies
with His spoken truth, which is the Word of God, and nothing can stand
against the Word of God.  Do you have to believe this up front for it to
work?  NO.  You need not believe anything.  You don't even have to be a
Christian and yet Jesus still heals just like He did in the Gospels when He
was upon earth.
