Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 30 Dec 2004 09:25:54 -0700
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Lynnet Bannion <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
text/plain (41 lines)
Ingrid Bauer/Jean-Claude Catry wrote:

> seriously ! guess what need of them they are trying to fulfill by eating
> what they know is harmfull to them . ask them if your guesses are true
> for
> them , when you will touch the true need you will know , give them the
> empathy they need ( listening to their needs and feelings around it ) .
> most often when somebody do something he knows very harmfull for
> themself ,
> it is probably because they have an inner moralising voice that tell them
> they SHOULD" eat better or not drink alcohol... and they interpret  other
> comments ( even when they come from a genuine concern for their well
> being )
> as a SHOULD . by reaction to that and to satisfy this all important
> need of
> theirs , need for AUTONOMY , they rebel against the inner punitive self.
> if they feel heard about their need for autonomy they will stop rebelling
> and will be more likelly open to satisfy their need for health.
> let me know if and how it help  and,  what am i saying is fulfilling your
> need for understanding.!

Thank you, Jean-Claude.  This has a lot of wisdom to it, and even helps me
understand why I've eaten a load of things I should not have in the last
six months.  My mother passed away six months ago, and it was up to
me to clear out her house, dispose of her things properly, do the financial
stuff, etc. etc. etc., also dealing with the loss.  After losing 25 pounds
on a paleo/Faigin eating plan during the first half of this year, I gained
all that back and more eating all kinds of non-paleo foods that I know
are bad for me.  Now I'm trying to get my life back, get back to eating
quality foods, start exercising and yoga again.

I've gotten so much good advice and inspiration from this list.  Thanks to
all the wonderful, wise, kind, pesky, opinionated, well-informed people
who make up this group and share their experiences and knowledge.

Happy New Year to all!
